
  • 网络Control System Design;design of control system;PLC;control design
  1. 基于PLC的沼气发电智能控制系统设计

    Based on PLC the Intelligent Control System Design of Biogas Generation

  2. 基于ARM的新型远程脑服务机器人控制系统设计

    Control system design of new remote-brained service robot based on ARM

  3. 基于DSP的平台稳定回路控制系统设计

    Control System Design Based on DSP for Platform Stabilization Loop

  4. 基于PID控制器的鲁棒自动飞行控制系统设计

    Design of Robust Flight Control System Based on PID Controller

  5. 焊接摆动器PLC控制系统设计

    Design of the PLC control system in welding oscillator

  6. 燃料煤运输线的PLC控制系统设计

    PLC control system design of fuel coal transportation network

  7. 神经网络PID控制系统设计与实现

    Neural Network PID Control System : Design and Implementation

  8. 基于DSP的电力机车牵引试验台控制系统设计

    Design of Control System for Traction Test Rig of Electric Locomotive Based on DSP

  9. 使用西门子PLCsimulation软件包进行软件测试,测试正常后,进行PLC软硬件联合调试,调试结果表明,软件设计满足控制系统设计要求,PLC软件设计正确。

    The results of the debugging with PLC simulation software package show that the software of this system can satisfy the requirements of the designing .

  10. 然后,总结出基于MAS控制系统设计的一般方法。

    Second , the common design method of multi-agent control system has been concluded .

  11. GaN系半导体材料生长的MOCVD控制系统设计与实现

    Design of MOCVD control system on GaN growth

  12. AMT自动换档智能控制系统设计与研究

    AMT Automatic Shift Intelligent Control System Design and Investigation

  13. SFC图在模拟生产加工控制系统设计中的应用

    The Application of SFC Diagram in Imitating Production Process Control System

  14. 分析了一种半桥双向电流源高频链逆变主电路的拓扑结构和工作原理,详细介绍了基于DSP的控制系统设计。

    Introduced topology and principle of the half-bridge bi-directional current mode high-frequency link ( HFL ) inverter , designed its control system based on DSP in detail .

  15. 基于内阻测试的PEM燃料电池湿度控制系统设计

    Design of a Humidity Control System of PEM Fuel Cell Based on Impedance Monitoring

  16. 5R机械手液压及控制系统设计

    Design of hydraulic and controling system of five rotary joins manipulator

  17. 基于PROFIBUS/PROFINET的ATSE智能双电源控制系统设计

    Design of ATSE Intelligent Double Power Control System Based on PROFIBUS / PROFINET

  18. 高速自动校直切断机控制系统设计

    Control System Design For High - Speed Automatic Leveler - Cutter

  19. 加碘盐立式包装机控制系统设计与实现

    Design about control system of iodized salt packager and its implementation

  20. 铝电解计算机控制系统设计

    The design of a computer control system for a luminous electrolysis

  21. 电炉最小方差自适应控制系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Temperature Adaptive Control System for Electric Fumace

  22. 升力式再入飞行器的神经网络自适应逆控制系统设计

    Neural Network and Adaptive Inversion for Lifting Re-entry Flight Control Design

  23. 纳米级光学平台控制系统设计

    A Design of the Control System for the Nanometer Optical Flat

  24. 微型超纯水控制系统设计

    Design of Control System on Micro Super - pure Water Equipment

  25. 微波加热反应釜的微机控制系统设计

    The Design of Microcomputer Based Control System for Microwave Heating Reaction Still

  26. 带观测器的鲁棒控制系统设计方法

    A Method for Designing Robustness of Control Systems with Observers

  27. 小浪底水库闸门控制系统设计

    The Design of Reservoir Gate Control System of Xiaolangdi Project

  28. 小型变电站微机保护与控制系统设计

    A Designation of Microprocessor-protected and Controlled System on Small Substation

  29. 其于双模糊控制器的间歇式控制系统设计

    Design of Process Control System Basesed on Double Fuzzy Controller

  30. 圆锥破碎机的模糊仿人控制系统设计

    A Design of Fuzzy Simulation Human Intelligent Control System on Gyratory Breaker