
  1. 儿童的审美心理活动和视知觉决定了儿童绘画的发展。

    Children 's esthetic psychological activity , their visual senses and perceptions decide their development in painting .

  2. 只有深入揭示审美心理活动的规律,才能深刻地理解审美活动的奥秘。

    Only when the regularities of mental activities are known deeply , can people understand more about the profound mystery of esthetic activities .

  3. 情感在艺术家从事创作、灵感的激发、审美心理活动、作品内容及艺术生命等方面都具有积极而重要的作用。

    Emotion plays a positive and important role in artists ' creation , inspiration , aesthetic behavior , contents of works and artistic career .

  4. 文章接着对电脑游戏造型特征进行分类分析,并对电脑游戏造型对消费者的审美心理活动和视知觉的影响进行研究。

    Then , the paper classifies and analyzes the characteristics of computer games ' form and examines its effect on the consumers ' aesthetic psychological actions and perception of products .

  5. 文艺心理学的研究对象应该是文学艺术创作和接受中的心理活动现象和规律,而不仅仅是审美心理活动,也不仅仅是艺术心理活动。

    The study object of literary psychology should be mind phenomena and rules which occured in literary produce and receive , but not only the taste and the art mind activity .

  6. 从现象入手,深入到存在体验的层面,思考现代媒介对受众审美心理、审美活动和审美取向的影响,思考现代媒介如何改变了人的生存体验的基本方式。

    From the phenomenon to the being experience , I think about the influence of modern medium to accepters ' aesthetic mentality , aesthetic activity and tropism . And I think about modern medium how to change the human basic being experience mode .

  7. 审美是一个心理活动过程,审美时的主体心态,是审美关系得以成立的关键。

    Aesthetics is a process of mental activity .

  8. 在这个系统中,审美注意是一切心理活动的初步阶段。

    In this system , aesthetic attention is the primal state of all the mental activities .

  9. 商业广告设计中的审美意识培植及其审美心理活动解析

    Analysis of Aesthetic Sense and Mental Activity in Commercial Advertising Design

  10. 消费审美心理是消费者的实用心理、价格心理与审美心理相互作用下形成的特殊审美心理活动。

    Consuming aesthetic psychology is a special aesthetic psychological behavior which is formed by interaction of consumers ' practical , priced and aesthetic psychologies .