
  • 网络Resources;Learning Resource
  1. 拥有幼儿教育背景的阿斯瓦尔在家中有很多现成的学习资源,但是她从未给卡什设定特别的学习方向。

    With a background in child education , Athwal has learning resources readily available around her family 's home , but never pushed Kashe in any particular direction .

  2. Web学习资源的视觉传达设计研究

    Research on the Visual Communication Design of Web Learning Resources

  3. 报名参加囯家数学俱乐部的学校或教师会收到一整套活动方案和学习资源,但没有专门的教师培训,也没有相应的比赛。

    Schools or teachers who sign up for the National Math Club receive a kit full of activities and resources , but there 's no special teacher training and no competition attached .

  4. 基于语义Web的网络学习资源库本体实现

    Implementation of Ontology in E-learning Resource Repository Based on Semantic Web

  5. 基于Web的教学学习资源设计

    Design of learning resource in Web-based instruction

  6. 基于Internet学习资源的分析与评价

    Analysis and evaluation to Internet learning resources

  7. 该系统分为两个模块,学习资源采集模块和Web应用模块。

    The system is divided into two modules , learning resource collection module and Web application module .

  8. 在web教学系统中,教学策略主要体现在学习资源(学习资源不仅仅包括声音、文本、视频等单独的媒体素材,在web上出现的练习,问答等也应看作学习资源)的选择和组织上。

    In web-based instructional system , instructional strategy is embodied mainly in the choosing and organizing of learning resources .

  9. 二是对现有的Web学习资源进行转换以适应移动终端设备能够正常浏览。

    It is to existing Web learning resources for conversion to adapt to the mobile terminal equipment can browse .

  10. 研究了影响Internet学习资源建设的关键环&Internet学习资源的知识表征。

    Analyses the key factors of Internet learning resources , namely , the knowledge representation of the Internet learning resources .

  11. 一是组织人力建设移动学习资源,但是对于同样内容的Web资源来说是种浪费。

    A human is the organization construction of learning resources , but for mobile Web resources of the same material is a kind of waste .

  12. 文章给出了一个基于XML的以学习资源共享为核心的教案制作工具的设计。

    This paper presents the design of an authoring tool for teaching presentation based on XML focusing on learning resource reuse .

  13. 学习资源的构建与管理是E-Learning的关键。

    The construction and management of learning resource is the key of E-Learning .

  14. Web网络学习资源相对较为丰富,可以转移至移动终端平台上来。(2)对移动学习的相关教育基础理论进行研究。

    Web network learning resources are relatively rich , can be transferred to the mobile terminal platform up . ( 2 ) For mobile learning education foundation related studies the theory .

  15. Flex框架中的任何”小“组件都是绝佳的学习资源。

    Any of the " smaller " components in the Flex framework are great learning resources .

  16. 利用XML良好的语义性来描述结构化的学习资源是为了容易地实现远程教育信息的标准化和智能教学导航。

    The aim to describe structural learning source using better semantic character of XML is to implement the standardization of long-distance education information and intelligent learning navigation easily .

  17. 随着我国计算机的普及使用和Internet网络建设的迅速发展,开发建设基于Internet的多媒体学习资源和专题学习网站具有重大意义。

    With the popularity of computers and the fast development of internet construction , it is of great importance to build multimedia studying resources based on internet and the net station for special item studies .

  18. Internet上的学习资源日益丰富,但是目前的e-Learning应用还存在一些不足,例如动态Web环境下的个性化学习和资源共享等。

    The learning resources on Internet are growing richer and richer , but the current e-Learning application still remains some limitation , such as personalized study and knowledge sharing in the dynamic web environment .

  19. 为解决目前e-Learning系统中存在的学习资源不能重用、不同系统之间互操作性差等问题,提出了面向Web服务的e-Learning系统框架。

    The purpose of this paper is to propose Web service-oriented framework for e-Learning system to solve the problem of reusability of learning objects and interoperability among heterogenous e-Learning systems .

  20. 近年来,E-learning的研究和应用领域飞速发展,为用户提供了前所未有的丰富的学习资源和灵活的学习方式。

    E-learning has achieved great success both in research and applications in recent years , and provided users with unprecedented abundance of learning materials and great flexible learning ways .

  21. 该模型将个性化信息服务理念及个性化推荐、个性化检索等技术引入社区E-Learning服务,准实时获取用户个性化学习资源访问特征,并根据用户的个性特征对学习资源进行过滤。

    The idea of personalized information service , personalized recommendation and personalized retrieval are introduced in community E-Learning , which captures users ' personalized accessing characteristics of teaching resources real-timely .

  22. 利用系统算法推荐与用户之间推荐相结合的方式,将学习资源、学习活动、学习策略三者整合起来,向学习者推荐完整的E-Learning学习方案。

    And then using the combined method of system recommendation and users recommendation , recommend to learners a complete study plan , including learning resources , learning activities and learning strategies .

  23. 作为E-learning一大分支的网络课程,所面临的挑战便在于学习资源的可重用性与标准化,以及开发效率等问题。

    As a major branch of E-learning , the network course faces the challenge of such problems which are the standardization and reusability of learning resources , and the efficiency of its development and so on .

  24. 其后,对OGSA架构提供的资源共享机制进行了分析,并进而对基于OGSA架构的网络学习资源共享方案进行了高层与技术上的分析;

    After analysing the resources ' sharing ability afforded by OGSA , the author present a high level technical analyses on online learning architecture and flow related to resources sharing .

  25. 基于WC-C-R学习资源推荐的研究

    Research of recommendation of learning resource based on WC-C-R model

  26. 例如,在其中一章中,“在线教师:朋友还是敌人?”,Greg介绍了很多在线学习资源,提到了这些资源的作用,列出缺点和不够好的地方。

    For example , in one chapter ," Online Tutorials : Friend or Foe ," Greg covers a number of online learning resources , noting their strengths and mapping out drawbacks and skewering weak areas .

  27. 本文所指的CMS是基于Web构建的能支持和管理教学过程、提供共享学习资源和各种学习工具的网络学习环境,为网络教学的实施提供交流与学习管理服务。

    CMS in this article refers to Web-based learning environment that is built to support and manage the process of teaching , to share a variety of learning resources and learning tools . , and providing exchanges and learning management services for the implementation of the network teaching .

  28. 为此,利用JAVA与XML相结合的技术,实现了对CSCL系统中由协同图形设计(CSGD)所产生的图形学习资源的存储与管理,以保证协同学习系统的实用性、真实性和连续性。

    The thesis utilized the combining of JAVA and XML to realize the storing and management of graphics learning resources with the computer supported graphics design ( CSGD ) in CSCL system , ensuring the practicality , reality , continuity of CSCL .

  29. 文章简要介绍了欧美m-learning研究的现状,提出了适合西部m-learning发展的教育形式,研究了m-learning学习资源的开发问题。

    This paper introduces the research of m-learning in Europe and North America and then raises the proper instruction mode of m-learning in the Western . Development of learning resource is further discussed in this paper .

  30. Moodle是一款免费的网络课程管理系统,具有强大的课程管理功能,可以实现对学习资源、学习活动及学习评价的灵活设计和管理。

    Moodle is a free CMS , with strong curriculum management capabilities , it can achieve flexible design and management for learning resources , activities and evaluation . As the Moodle CMS has various of advantages , it becomes the first choice of CMS in IT .