
  • 网络gni;gross national income;GDP;GNP;GNl
  1. 国民总收入低于1250美元国家的科研院所能够免费进入,国民总收入在1250&3500美元的国家需要支付1000美元才能进入。

    Institutions in countries where the GNI is less than US $ 1250 receive free access , while those in countries with a GNI of US $ 1250 – 3500 pay US $ 1000 .

  2. 进入HINARI获取计划是依据国民总收入来评定的。

    Eligibility for HINARI access is based on gross national income ( GNI ) .

  3. 2008年,经合组织成员国的平均援助支出占国民总收入的0.3%,这一比例远远低于联合国(UN)设定的0.7%的目标。

    OECD member countries gave on average 0.3 per cent of their national income in aid in 2008 , well below the 0.7 per cent target set by the United Nations .

  4. 在赞比亚,创办一个企业需消耗掉人均国民总收入(GNI)的6%,而在乍得,这一数字为19%;

    It takes six percent of GNI per capita to start a business in Zambia and19 percent to start one in Chad .

  5. 截至2012年,中国的人均国民总收入(GNI)只有巴西的一半。当然,几十年前,中国人均GNI排名还要落后得多。

    As of 2012 , China 's per capita GNI was about half of Brazil 's. Still , a generation ago , China lagged much further behind .

  6. 以市价计算的国民总收入

    Aggregate national income at market prices

  7. 关于我国国民总收入分配的几个问题

    Some Issues about National Income Distribution

  8. 第四,税收和政府支出在日本国民总收入中的占比较低。

    Fourth , the share of taxation and government spending in total Japanese income was low .

  9. 每个美国公民的年产出(即人均国民总收入)是47140美元。

    The annual output attributable to each US citizen – gross national income per capita – is $ 47,140 .

  10. 2018年中国人均国民总收入超过9700美元,高于中等收入国家平均水平。

    Gross national income per person reached over 9700 U.S. dollars in 2018 , higher than the average level in middle-income countries .

  11. 金融体系会影响经济中资本的形成和配置效率,而资本又是重要的生产要素之一,所以金融发展会通过影响资本流向对国民总收入的分配与再分配产生重要的影响。

    Financial system has an influence on the formation and allocative efficiency of capital in economy , while capital is one of essential productive factors .

  12. 近年来,我国国民总收入初次分配增速最高者是企业,政府的增速次之,而居民收入增长较慢。

    In recent years , the highest growth rate in the initial distribution of gross national income is enterprises ' , followed by the Government 's , the residents'relatively slower .

  13. 如果结果低于按照孟加拉国人均国民总收入(单位为美元,470美元)计算的最高值,那么就认为是具有成本效益的。

    Results were deemed cost-effective if they fell below a ceiling ratio based on the per capita gross national income of Bangladesh ( United States dollars , US $ 470 ) .

  14. 从国民总收入入手,分析消费总水平,探讨信息费用占总支出的合适比例,再从人们对信息的需求构成,分析各类信息业务的总量。

    According to the general national income , it analyses the general level of consumption , and probes into the proper proportion of information cost in total expense . In accordance with the composition of the public needs for information , it analyses the total amount of various information services .

  15. 利用二次移动平均模型,引入均方拟合误差最小的原理确定出时段数N,对国民经济总收入、人口数量等项目进行了预测。

    The total income of national economy and the amount of population are predicted with second-degree moving model and with the principle of least mean square fit error determining designated value N.

  16. 然而过去的国民收入分布显示,占人口90%的底层拥有国民总收入的65%;占人口10%的顶层拥有总收入的35%;而最顶端的1%拥有总收入的9%。

    And the distribution was the bottom 90 % had 65 % of the income ; the top 10 % had 35 % of the income ; the top 1 % had about 9 % of the income .