
sī fǎ shí jiàn
  • judicial practice
  1. 强制管辖权是WTO争端解决机制的一个重要特点,它有助于国际贸易争端的迅速解决,也是国际司法实践的重大突破。

    As an important characteristics of dispute settlement system of WTO , compulsory jurisdiction is helpful to quickly solve disputes in the international trade and is a breakthrough in international judicial practice .

  2. 文章回顾分析了西方主要国家输血后感染HIV事件的因果,及其由此而建立完善的血液安全管理制度及无过错赔偿方案的司法实践。

    This article reviews the causes and effects of HIV infection due to blood transfusion in the western countries . It also covers the perfect system of administration over blood security and judicial practice of non - fault and compensation program .

  3. 但经济审判庭的撤销和传统诉讼制度的不足,使经济法可诉性在司法实践上陷入了盲区。

    However , start a suit in economic law sometimes is difficult in practice due to the withdrawing of economic court and flaw of traditional litigation system .

  4. 但是由于我国《海商法》第42条关于托运人定义规定的缺陷,致使在我国进出口贸易实践以及司法实践中,对FOB合同项下卖方的权利存在许多的和争议。

    However , In our " Maritime Law " the 42nd item , the definition of shippers has some defects , which results in the confuse and dispute on sellers ' rights in FOB contract .

  5. 对于其中某些案件,在理论界和司法实践中已经逐渐形成比较统一的认识,但是对于利用ATM机失灵存假币取真币行为的定性与处罚,学界和司法实务中仍旧存在比较激烈的争论。

    For some cases , unanimous understanding has gradually been formed in theory and judicial practice , but depositing counterfeit money but taking real one behavior through malfunctioned ATM machine , the community of criminal law and the judicial departments still have some fierce debate on accurate charges and punishment .

  6. 司法实践中挪用公款犯罪若干问题探讨

    Research on Crime of Misappropriation of Public Funds in Judicial Practice

  7. 但是在我国当前的司法实践中,行政公益诉讼仍然存在着诸多困境。

    But in justice practice , there are still many difficulties .

  8. 该章又具体从两大法系相关制度与司法实践的共性,差异与特色加以比较研究。

    This chapter compared from the two different related legal systems .

  9. 且在司法实践中亦存在诸多问题。

    And in judicial practice , there are also many problems .

  10. 第二,在民事司法实践中逐步完善司法推定制度。

    Second , we should depend on the civil presumption in jurisdiction .

  11. 刑事推定及其在司法实践中的运用

    On the Applications in the Judicial Practice of Criminal Inference

  12. 罪刑法定原则与司法实践

    Principle of legally prescribed punishment for crimes and judicial practice

  13. 污点证人制度在许多国家和地区都被很成功地运用,在司法实践中起到了重要作用。

    Stained-witness system has been used in many countries and areas successfully .

  14. 第二节主要研究立法和司法实践中的相关做法。

    The second section mainly studies relevant practices in legislation and jurisdictions .

  15. 审单标准问题需要在司法实践中解决。

    The standard of documents examination needs feasibility in practice .

  16. 我国司法实践中破产财产的认定及相关问题的思考

    Of Our Country Judicial Practice Bankrupt Property Assert and Relevant Thinking of Problem

  17. 牵连犯在司法实践中的认定及处罚

    Crimination and punishment on implicated crime in judicial practice

  18. 论诉讼时限在司法实践中的价值

    On Values of Lawsuit Time Limit in Judicial Practice

  19. 此种立法状况对司法实践及理论研究造成不利影响。

    This legislation situation has an adverse on judicial practice and theory research .

  20. 第一部分为从司法实践看诉讼诈骗的认定。

    Part one is about the identification of litigation fraud from judicial practice .

  21. 通过论述,区分相似概念,指导司法实践。

    Through the discussion , distinguish the similar concept , guide the judicial practice .

  22. 在我国目前的司法实践中强制措施存在一些问题:拘传基本不用;

    There are many problems concerning compulsory measures in the legislation and judicial practice .

  23. 通过理论解决司法实践中关于实行过限的认定、处理。

    Judicial practice through theory to solve practiced limit on the identification , treatment .

  24. 立法的缺失直接导致了司法实践中法律适用的难题。

    The lack of legislation directly leads to legal application problems in judicial practice .

  25. 这一状况已为刑事司法实践中冤案频发的事实所屡屡证明。

    This situation has been confirmed frequently by the injustice cases in criminal practice .

  26. 应该说,这一观点与国内外的立法与司法实践是基本相符的。

    It should basically be the same as the foreign and domestic legislation and justice .

  27. 证人拒证是困扰司法实践的一大难题。

    Testifier refusing bearing witness is one of the important puzzles to perplex judicial practice .

  28. 首先,分析我国在本罪司法实践中存在的主体问题。

    Firstly , the paper analyzes the subject problems of the crime in legal practices .

  29. 此一观念正在各国空难司法实践中得到适用。

    Nowadays this kind of notion is being applied in judicial practices of many countries .

  30. 医疗事故的民事赔偿责任就其义务主体部分来说是替代责任,如何解决医疗事故民事赔偿是司法实践中的重要问题。

    How to resolve civil compensation for medical malpractice is a key problem in judicial practice .