
shǐ jì
  • Historical Records, by Sima Qian
史记 [shǐ jì]
  • [Shi Ji(Historical Records)] 中国第一部纪传体通史。西汉司马迁著,原名《太史公书》。约于汉武帝太初元年至征和二年间(公元前104-前91)撰成。司马迁利用史官典籍,博采《左传》、《国语》、《世本》、《战国策》、《楚汉春秋》及诸子百家等书与实地采访写成。记述黄帝时代至汉武帝天汉年间3000多年的历史。后其书有缺,《武帝纪》、《三王世家》、《龟策列传》、《日者列传》等篇均为褚少孙所补。体裁分传记为本纪、世家、列传,以八书记制度沿革,立十表以通史事的脉络,为后世纪传体史书所沿用。书中《河渠书》、《平准书》、《货殖列传》反映了社会经济生活;《匈奴列传》、《西南夷列传》则记述了少数民族的活动,这些都是本书的优点。《史记》不仅仅是史学著作,由于描写历史人物生动形象,在文学史上也有很高的地位。被誉为史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚

  1. 《史记》与陶渊明的政治理想

    " The Historical Records " and Tao Yuanming 's Political Ideal

  2. 这个故事载自司马迁写的《史记》中。

    This story appears in the Historical Records Written by Sima Qian .

  3. 月满则亏。(《史记》)

    When the moon reaches the full , it begins to wane .

  4. 天下攘攘,皆为利往。(《史记》)

    All this hustle-bustle in the world is for money .

  5. 这条成语见于《史记》。

    This proverb appears in records of the historian .

  6. 力拔山兮气盖世。(《史记》)

    My strength plucked up the hills ; my might shadowed the world .

  7. 天下熙熙。(《史记》)

    The land is happy and content .

  8. 往者秦为无道,残贼天下。(《史记》)

    In former times the Qin emperor ruled with utter disregard for principles , plundering and enslaving the empire .

  9. 原宪不厌糟糠,匿于穷巷。(《史记》)

    Yuan xian ( one of confucius'disciples ) could not get even enough chaff and husks to satisfy his hunger , and lived hidden away in a wretched lane .

  10. 试论《史记》传记文学的真实性

    On The Truthfulness of Biographical Literature in Records of Historical Events

  11. 史记还拥有两家网上外汇交易网站。

    Sagi also owns two websites for online foreign currency transactions .

  12. 《史记》所记载的自杀行为和自杀事件引人注目。

    The suicides in Records of Historians have drawn wide attention .

  13. 论《史记》中引用修辞的艺术价值

    On the Artistic Value of Quotation Rhetoric in Shi Ji

  14. 《汉书》与《史记》相比较在编纂体例上的创新

    The Innovations in Compilation Style of Han Shu Compared with Shi Ji

  15. 21世纪《史记》研究什么

    What Does Records of Historian Study in the 21st Century

  16. 《史记》是中国第一部纪传体通史。

    Shi Ji is a first general history of China by chronology .

  17. 建国以来《史记》人物研究综述

    Summary of Figures Studies of Records of History since 1949

  18. 《史记》记传体文学在中国文学史上有着重要的地位。

    Its biographical literature occupies an important position in Chinese literature history .

  19. 《史记》叙事和汉武传说系统卫太子冤狱昭雪与西汉武、昭、宣时期政治

    Narration in Historical Records and the Legendary System of Emperor Wu Di

  20. 《史记》中道家思想占主导

    The Leading Role of Taoist Thought in Records of Historian

  21. 论《史记》中的秦东民俗及其审美意义

    Folk Customs of East Qin in Historical Records and Its Aesthetic Value

  22. 从中华文明看《史记》的价值

    View the Significance of The Historical Records through Chinese Civilization

  23. 《史记》中的处所词语作状语

    The Locative Word as Adverbials in Records of the History

  24. 论《史记》生命主题的表现形式

    On the Forms of Expressing the Life Theme in Records of History

  25. 论《史记》描写传主轶事的意义

    The Significance of Anecdote Descriptions of the Hero in Records of Historians

  26. 《史记》动词作状语考察

    A Study of Verbs as Adverbial in Historical Records

  27. 《史记》在中国悲剧文学史上的地位和影响

    Position and Influence of " Records of Historian " in Chinese Tragedy Literature

  28. 其次对《史记》取材的研究史做了简单的回顾。

    Secondly retrospect " Records of Historian " of materials-drawing in study history .

  29. 试探《史记》动词的叙事艺术

    A View on the Narrative Art of Verbs in Records of the Historian

  30. 《史记》世俗之乐研究

    On the Study of the Mundane Music in the Records of the Historian