
  • 网络Use Port
  1. 通过这些测试的结果,我们得出的结论是,使用端口加密会使CPU利用率增加5-10%。

    The results of these tests led us to the conclusion that using port encryption increased CPU utilization by5-10 % .

  2. SSH隧道使用端口转发

    SSH tunnels using port forwarding

  3. 要针对“tam”服务器实例配置LDAP客户端,可以使用端口号作为唯一参数。

    To configure the LDAP client against the'tam'server instance , use the port number as a unique parameter .

  4. 使用端口元素内的位置来设置accessPoint。

    Use the location within the port element to set the accessPoint .

  5. 提供一种片上数据缓冲存储结构和多时钟域信号同步机制实现网络处理器与MAC设备的数据交换,使用端口就绪轮询和主动请求机制实现对不同速率MAC端口的兼容。

    An on-chip data buffer storage structure and a synchronizing mechanism in multi-clock domains is used for exchanging data between network processor and MAC device . Port ready polling and active request mechanism is used for different rates of MAC devices .

  6. 此方法允许healthcheck浏览每种类型,并使用端口列表检查每个需要的端口。

    This approach allows healthcheck to spin through each type and use the port list to check each wanted port .

  7. 要注意的是,某些组织不赞成使用端口扫描工具,如nmap:在使用工具之前请获取组织的批准。

    Be aware that some organizations frown on the use of port scanning tools such as nmap : make sure that your organization approves before using it .

  8. 例如,使用端口类型名和操作名参数来调用createCall()也是可能的。

    For example , it is possible to invoke createCall () with port type name and operation name parameters .

  9. 类似地,其他模块都将使用端口号偏移量10来进行启动。

    Similarly , other modules will start with an offset of10 .

  10. 然后在每个气体使用端口安装另外的调节装置和压力表。

    Another regulator with gauge set shall be installed at every point of use .

  11. 因此使用端口可以轻松地将构件从一个集合转移到另一个集合中去。

    Using ports a component can therefore be easily moved from one assembly to another .

  12. 欢迎使用端口配置向导。

    Welcome to the port configuration wizard .

  13. 如果您希望基础服务提供程序为您分配可用端口,请使用端口号0。

    Use a port number of zero if you want the underlying service provider to assign a free port for you .

  14. 使用端口限速技术,保证了整个网络的畅通,实现了校园内部网络业务的不间断。

    Using the technology of speed restricted of the port to ensure the flow of the entire network , so as to achieve the service that the campus internal network is uninterrupted .

  15. 对于最新的一些没法使用端口识别的应用,分析它的有效载荷中包含的特征信息,通过基于有效载荷的方法来识别这些流量。

    For some of the latest applications which can not be classified by port-based method , analyze its payload which included the characteristics , by using information-based payload approach to identify these flows .

  16. 确保在Port区域中选择您需要使用的端口。

    Make sure to select the port you want to use in the Port section .

  17. 由于它是一个Web应用程序,所以要使用TCP/IP端口来在窗口中显示页面。

    As a Web application , it uses a TCP / IP port to display the pages in the window .

  18. 如果不使用缺省端口配置,可能需要输入提供者端点OK。

    You may need to enter a Provider endpoint OK .

  19. StoresWebModule使用这些端口并获得对已发布的存储的外部访问权。

    These ports are used by the Stores Web Module and give external access to your published stores .

  20. 查看应用程序和Web服务器需要使用的端口,并启用和监控它们。

    Look at the ports your Web server and applications need to function , and enable ( and monitor ) those ports .

  21. 最后,我们需要更改设置Express所使用的端口的代码。

    Finally , we need to change the line of code that is setting the port Express is using .

  22. 您可以通过使用指定端口访问指定IP地址上的HTTP服务器来进行测试。

    You can test it by accessing the HTTP Server on the provided IP address using the specified port .

  23. 由于使用动态端口和嵌入式IP地址(这会影响防火墙执行网络地址转换),所以通常防火墙对其不友好。

    Generally firewall hostile because of dynamic ports and embedded IP addresses ( which can interfere with firewalls that perform Network Address Translation ) .

  24. 如果您正在连接到IBMCloud中的一个DB2实例,请检查该实例正在使用的端口。

    If you are connecting to a DB2 instance in the IBM Cloud , check on the port that instance is using .

  25. 本节介绍如何使用WSDL端口类型接口和Java™实现开发样例服务组件。

    This section describes how to develop the sample service component with the WSDL port type interface and Java ™ implementation .

  26. WebSphereApplicationServer定义了许多服务器使用的端口,并且在一个运行的单独主机系统中每个端口都必须是唯一的。

    WebSphere Application Server defines a number of ports which servers use , and each must be unique across all the running servers on a single host computer system .

  27. 因此,防火墙需要开放两个端口:80和443(除非您正在使用的端口不是您的Web服务器的缺省端口)。

    As a result , the firewall will require two ports opened : 80 and443 ( unless you 're using different ports other than the defaults for your Web servers ) .

  28. bind普遍遭遇的问题是试图绑定一个已经在使用的端口。

    The problem commonly encountered with bind is attempting to bind a port that 's already in use .

  29. 既然我已经选择了要使用的端口,我就要查找我将提供给Axis的服务名称和端口名称。

    Now that I 've chosen the port to use , I find the service name and port name which I will supply to Axis .

  30. 要找到您的服务器使用的端口号,请转到管理控制台,并单击Servers=>ApplicationServers

    To find out which port number your server uses , go to the administrative console and click on the Servers = > Application Servers