
  1. 应用服务提供商(ApplicationServiceprovider,ASP)是伴随着信息技术的飞速发展和互联网的日益普及而出现的一种新的企业运营模式。

    Application Service Provider occurs along with the development of technology and the popularization of the Internet .

  2. 中国铁路运输企业运营模式研究

    Study on the Operation Mode of Railway Transportation Enterprise in China

  3. 许多仍在采用家族企业运营模式。

    And many are still run as family businesses .

  4. 基于网格的联盟企业运营模式

    Alliance Corporation Operation Mode Based on Grid

  5. 物流企业运营模式研究

    Research of operation model of Logistics Enterprises

  6. 国内IT企业运营模式探讨

    On Chinese IT Enterprise Operation

  7. 西部航空工业企业运营模式的演变分析

    Study on the Evolution of the Business Model of Aviation Industry Enterprises in the Western Regions of China

  8. 本文写作的目的,通过考察以往产业融合理论,并将其应用于现实企业运营模式研究,为信息时代背景下企业战略发展提供新的思路。

    The Purpose Of the article is trying to provide several enterprise strategy ways by studying the formerly industry convergence behavior .

  9. 在现代企业运营模式中,呼叫中心成为企业获得客户信赖的关键。

    In the management of modern enterprises , call center has become a key thing to acquire the confidence of the customers .

  10. 信息技术革命给世界带来了巨大的变革,传统的企业运营模式在信息技术的影响下也发生了巨大的改变。

    Information technology revolution has brought the world great changes , the traditional operation mode of business have also taken place big change .

  11. 在现代企业运营模式中,如何提高客户的满意程度,并获得客户的信赖是现代企业在商潮中取得胜利的关键。

    In the management of modern enterprises , it has become a key thing to win the victory that how to enhance the satisfaction of the customers and acquire the confidence of the customers .

  12. 随着保险业全球化发展与国际化竞争的日益加剧,以及现代信息技术的飞速发展,世界各国保险企业运营模式变革和管理创新如火如荼。

    Innovation on the operation and management of insurance enterprises in the word is growing vigorously due to the globalization and international competition of insurance service , along with the rapid development of modern information technology .

  13. 高技术虚拟企业柔性运营模式的构建方法

    Methods for establishing a flexible operation pattern of high-tech virtual enterprise

  14. 中国企业年金运营模式的优化选择

    The Mode Selection of Operating Enterprises Pension in China

  15. 高技术产业主导范式扩散下企业运营管理模式研究

    Research of Enterprises Constructing Operation Management Pattern under the High-tech Industries Dominate Paradigm Proliferation

  16. 组织网络化&对我国国有大型企业运营组织模式的新思考

    Network-based Organization for Chinese Large State-owned Enterprises

  17. 本文就第三方物流企业的运营模式展开研究,希望能给物流企业提供一个参考。

    This article launches the research on the third party physical distribution enterprise 's operation pattern , hoped that can give the physical distribution enterprise to provide a reference .

  18. 摘要我国企业年金运营模式复杂,年金市场涉及金融机构类型众多,风险监管尤为重要。

    The supervision on risks is especially important for the annuity market in China due to the annuity 's complex working models and the variety of the involved financial institutions .

  19. 国内外电信市场竞争的加剧和电信业务的发展,要求国内电信企业的运营模式,逐步向以客户为中心、以数据为基础的国际先进模式转变,客户分群成为这种科学经营模式的前提和基础。

    Owing to intense competence in international telecommunication market and the development of the market itself , traditional domestic business model has gradually become the one based on customers and data .

  20. 近年来,随着房地产行业的飞速发展,房地产企业的运营模式开始发生变化,流程优化在这样的环境下孕育而生。

    With the rapid development of the real estate industry in recent years , the mode of real estate management has begun to change , and process optimization is generated in this environment .

  21. 从资源消耗以及保护环境角度进行了理论分析,要解决资源与环境的约束必须通过企业的运营模式改变才能实现。

    It has carried on the theoretical analysis from the angle of resources consumption and the protection environment . It must be changed the way of operation then the resources and the environment restraint must be able to realize .

  22. Internet和电子商务改变了企业管理的运营模式和世界经济的商业运作模式,推动了全球性经济和产业结构的大调整。

    Internet and electric business changed the practical models of the business management and the world economics , promoted the big adjustment of the global economy and enterprice construction .

  23. 该公司克隆eBay和Groupon等美国企业的数字化运营模式,然后在新兴经济体推出。

    The business clones digital operating models from America like eBay and Groupon and launches them in emerging economies .

  24. 企业人力资本运营模式构建探究

    Study on the mode of human capital running in Enterprises

  25. 出口型灯具企业新型商务运营模式的研究

    The Research on New Commerce Operation Model of Export Lamp Manufacturing Enterprise

  26. 数字图书馆;企业化运营;模式。

    Digital library ; Run on commercial basis ; Mode .

  27. 现代企业虚拟化运营模式创新研究

    Innovative Researching of Virtual Management Mode of Modern Enterprises

  28. 企业孵化器运营模式及安徽省孵化器现状与发展对策

    Operational Mode of Business Incubator and Actuality & Development Countermeasure Study in Anhui Province

  29. 中国石油企业资本运营国际化模式及其风险研究

    Research on Capital Operation Internationalization 's Risk and Mode of the Chinese Petroleum Enterprise

  30. 企业孵化器运营模式的构建

    Design of the operation mode of enterprise incubator