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jǔ cuò
  • measures;move;act;behave
举措 [jǔ cuò]
  • [act] 举动;行为

  • 向见其子容服甚光,举措有适。--《后汉书.王霸妻传》

  • 举措失当

举措[jǔ cuò]
  1. 这些举措旨在恢复公众对经济的信心。

    The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy .

  2. 相关部门正在讨论旨在解决毒品问题的新举措。

    Related departments are discussing new measures aimed at tackling the drug problem .

  3. 这个党正提出低税收,以此作为其主要的诱人举措。

    The party is offering low taxation as its main enticement .

  4. 从长远来看这项举措的结果就是要多纳税。

    This measure inevitably means higher taxes in the long run .

  5. 普遍认为,这一举措是试图安抚批评政权的人。

    The move was widely seen as an attempt to appease critics of the regime .

  6. 这一举措显然意在加强总统作为国家元首的地位。

    The move is clearly intended to strengthen the President 's position as head of state .

  7. 在头版上披露谋杀犯的身份,这是一个大胆的举措。

    It was a bold stroke to reveal the identity of the murderer on the first page .

  8. 里迪克的第一项举措就是成立质量研讨小组。

    Riddick 's first move was to form a quality circle .

  9. 总统说这一举措对犯罪分子过于宽容,力度太小。

    The president says the measure is soft and weak on criminals

  10. 将利率降低一个点是明智的举措。

    The one point cut in interest rates was a wise move

  11. 一些分析家认为,他的这一政治举措很高明。

    Some analysts believe he has made a canny political manoeuvre .

  12. 这一举措会对该组织造成不可弥补的损害。

    The move would cause irreparable harm to the organization .

  13. 针对公众对该疾病的不断蔓延日益担忧,从而出台了这一举措。

    The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease

  14. 重大而成功的举措需要既大胆又善于控制局势的经理来实施。

    Big , successful moves need bold , masterful managers .

  15. 他说这一举措会让该政党在全世界名誉扫地。

    He said such methods would discredit the party worldwide .

  16. 他们认识到这一严厉举措是战胜通货膨胀的唯一希望。

    They recognise that tough action offers the only hope of beating inflation

  17. 政府已经采取了其他一些省钱的举措。

    The Government has introduced a number of other money-saving moves

  18. 将会有重大举措鼓励各电视频道维持高标准。

    There will be a major incentive among TV channels to keep standards up

  19. 政府说这些举措纯粹是出于防御目的。

    The government said the moves were purely defensive .

  20. 国会里好像有很多人支持这一举措。

    There seems to be a lot of support in Congress for this move

  21. 投资者和外汇交易商被德意志联邦银行的这一举措打了个措手不及。

    Investors and currency dealers were caught completely unawares by the Bundesbank 's action

  22. 从政治角度来说,你认为这些举措有效吗?

    Politically speaking , do you think that these moves have been effective ?

  23. 这次会议只是控制损失的一项举措。

    The meeting was merely an exercise in damage limitation

  24. 采取这项举措是为了打击犯罪。

    The move is a means to fight crime

  25. 对于备受争议的公共医疗卫生服务体系的改革整顿举措,昨天医生们投出了压倒多数的不信任票。

    Doctors yesterday delivered an overwhelming vote of no confidence in controversial health service shake-ups .

  26. 这项举措只是表面文章,长期来看对于改善情况不会有任何帮助。

    It is a cosmetic measure which will do nothing to help the situation long term

  27. 她欣然接受了这一举措,但是说总体上改变还不彻底。

    She welcomed this move but said that overall the changes didn 't go far enough

  28. 他把目前政府提倡平等权利的举措称为“彻头彻尾的伪善”。

    He called it ' rank hypocrisy ' that the government was now promoting equal rights .

  29. 财政大臣就能把他的减息举措当作一场小胜来夸耀了。

    The Chancellor will be able to parade his cut in interest rates as a small victory

  30. 该举措是有效的公关手段。

    The move was good public relations