
yī fēn qián
  • red cent
  1. 我一分钱也不会为那辆车付!

    I would not give a red cent for that car .

  2. 这份家业里的每一分钱

    Every red cent of this family 's net worth was earned

  3. 我的前妻不断地榨取我的每一分钱。

    My ex-wife is bleeding me for every penny I have .

  4. 我们出公差所用的每一分钱都得报清楚。

    We have to account for every penny we spend on business trips .

  5. 我必须掂量着花每一分钱。

    I have to watch every penny .

  6. 我可以坦白地说,我们最差的顾问挣不到一分钱。

    I make it no secret that our worst consultants earn nothing

  7. 一分钱一分货。

    Price differences are used as a proxy for differences in quality .

  8. 可惜伯科威茨从来没得到过一分钱。

    Unhappily for Berkowitz , he never got a penny .

  9. 我身上一分钱也没有。

    I didn 't have any money on me

  10. 这一分钱也不用花。

    It doesn 't cost a bean .

  11. 他说他宁可永远坐在那里,也不会付给他们一分钱。

    He says he 'll sit there until hell freezes over before he 'll pay them one cent .

  12. 他在确保有钱付账之前不会花一分钱。

    Nothing will be spent until he has made sure the money is there to pay for it .

  13. 毋庸置疑,既然约翰爵士的薪水是与业绩挂钩的,他的每一分钱都是理所应得的。

    It can no doubt be fairly argued that Sir John , whose pay is linked to performance , is entitled to every penny

  14. “她享有的个人所得免税额是3,000英镑。”——“是的,但是她一分钱都不挣。”

    ' She is entitled to her personal allowance which is three thousand pounds of income . ' — ' Yes , but she doesn 't earn any money . '

  15. 他一分钱也没捞着。

    He didn 't make a single penny .

  16. 尽管遭了水灾,他们却没有向国家伸手要一分钱。

    Although hit by the flood , they did not ask for a single copper from the state .

  17. 安德森先生说:"我不敢相信那家伙一分钱也没拿。"

    Mr . Anderson said :" I couldn 't believe that the guy never took a penny ."

  18. 富兰克林还有很多其他的名言,比如"省一分钱就是赚一分钱"

    Franklin is also remembered for other proverbs like , " A penny saved is a penny earned . "

  19. 史密斯女士同意了。"但是如果你失败了,你一分钱也得不到,"女士说。

    Ms.Smith agreed . " But you can 't get a penny if you fail , " said the lady .

  20. 那个女孩要学会如何把每一分钱都当作两分钱来花,这样她才能活下去。

    That girl needed to learn how to spend every penny as if it were two so that she could survive .

  21. 然而,这周你不能花一分钱——不能购物,不能去看电影,不能出去吃饭。

    However , in this week , you cannot spend any money ----- no shopping , no movies , no eating out .

  22. 但露西·卡文迪什把她存款中的每一分钱都拿来改头换面。

    But Lucy Cavendish spent every penny of her savings1 on her new look .

  23. 证据就是,在几个月使用Excel模型的试验期内,菲利普没有取出一分钱。

    The proof of the concept was that during the months-long trial using the Excel mock-up , Philip didn 't withdraw a penny .

  24. JoshLevs,你能够真正的了解每一分钱的去向吗?

    Josh Levs , can you actually break down every single cent for us ?

  25. ROMANS:他们需要我们税收的没一分钱,因为这是关于工作的问题。

    ROMANS : They need every single penny of our tax money because this is a job story .

  26. 2.Groupon真的需要将融到的每一分钱用于自身运营。

    Groupon really needs every dollar it can raise to fund its own operations .

  27. 不过,和这两部电影不同,华纳兄弟的新片不会让HBOMax的订阅用户额外再花一分钱。

    Unlike those two movies , however , the Warner Bros. ' theatrical slate won 't cost HBO Max subscribers anything extra .

  28. 尽管设计师在房间其它地方耗资惊人,这幅来自史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格(stevenspielberg)的油画却没有花费一分钱。

    For all the money lavished elsewhere by his designer , this a painting from Steven Spielberg cost nothing .

  29. 与别的为了榨干用户每一分钱的服务不同的是,我们只提供我们的核心服务:PS修改。

    Instead of a huge and confusing array of xiangmu designed to milk every last cent out of customers , we offer one core service : PS editing .

  30. 哦,penny-pinching就是精打细算,一分钱掰成两半花的意思。

    LL : Penny-pinching is being very careful not to waste money .