
  1. 开发了一个基于Project平台的工程项目施工成本集成控制系统,并将其用于实际工程中。

    Developing a system of cost integrated control and apply it in a practical project .

  2. PDCA循环原理对项目施工成本控制的启迪

    The Relationship Between Circulating Principle and Controlling over Cost of Building Projects

  3. 淮北市北外环市政工程的项目施工成本控制

    Construction cost control of north circumferential municipal works in Huaibei city

  4. 浅谈项目施工成本预测的内外因素

    Discussion on internal and external factors of prediction for project construction cost

  5. 送变电项目施工成本的全过程控制研究

    Project Cost Control of the Entire Process for Transmission and Distribution Enterprises

  6. 临河风景住宅工程项目施工成本控制研究

    Study on Construction Cost Control of LINHE-FENGJING Building Engineering Project

  7. 工程项目施工成本影响因素分析

    Analysis of the Effect Factor on the Construction Cost of Engineering Item

  8. 利用计算机技术控制项目施工成本

    Application the Computer Technology for the Construction Project Cost

  9. 铁路工程项目施工成本管理

    Cost management in construction of railway engineering projects

  10. 宁波市机场路~北外环立交市政工程项目施工成本控制研究

    The Construction Cost Control of Ningbo Airport Road ~ North Outer Ring Interchange Project

  11. 项目施工成本偏差的控制

    Control of Cost Deviation in Project Construction

  12. 但由于建筑产品的特殊性,项目施工成本控制存在诸多困难。

    But there are many difficulties in controlling the cost due to the specialities of its products .

  13. 项目施工成本控制

    Cost control of project construction

  14. 论管理对项目施工成本的影响

    Managing Effects on Constructing Cost

  15. 不同的施工技术方案有不同的施工成本,在质量、进度目标一致的条件下,项目施工成本最小的施工技术方案为该项目的最优方案。

    Under same quality and schedule targets , the optimized scheme is the construction scheme with lowest construction cost .

  16. 其次,从成本控制的理论研究入手,阐述项目施工成本控制相关的基本概念,本文应用的主要理论和方法。

    Secondly , the author introduces the basic definitions of project construction cost control , as well as the theory and method .

  17. 从节支和增收角度提出了控制工程项目施工成本的途径和措施。

    This paper brings up the way and measures of project cost control in construction from the view of saving payout and increasing income .

  18. 油气勘探项目施工成本管理是石油地质勘探企业管理中最重要的基础管理之一。

    The construction cost of the oil and gas exploration project is one of the most important foundations in the management of the petroleum geological enterprises .

  19. 施工成本的预测是成本管理体系中的关键,是工程项目施工成本计划编制的基础。对施工企业从参与施工招投标,乃至工程结算及施工总结都有着极其重要的意义。

    The prediction of the construction cost is the key issue in the cost management system and basis for composition of the cost planning of the engineering projects .

  20. 项目施工成本的高低将直接影响到施工企业的经营状况和经济效益,从而影响到施工企业的生存、发展以及在工程市场上的竞争能力。

    The project construction cost will directly influence the management state and economic benefits of the construction enterprises , thus influence their existence , developing and competitive power on the project market .

  21. 水利工程项目施工成本控制是增加项目施工利润的重要途径,项目施工成本越低,盈利越高。

    The cost control of the hydraulic engineering project construction is an important way to increase the profits of project construction , the lower the project construction costs are , the higher the the profits are .

  22. 本文提出建筑施工企业建立工程项目施工成本管理体系,以保证工程项目施工成本全过程、全方位受控的成本管理思想。

    This paper points out that the construction enterprises should establish the cost management system of project construction in order to put in practice the cost management antilogy of ensuring controlled in the whole process and orientation .

  23. 工程项目施工成本中的工料机单价,要以实施性施工组织设计和实际施工数量为基础,遵循实事求是的原则,按照一定的程序,采用科学的方法来合理确定。

    The unit price in the construction cost of engineering projects should be founded on the operative construction organization design and actual construction bill of quantities and be determined based on facts , in light of certain procedures and by using scientific method .

  24. 为了使建筑施工企业在激烈的市场竞争中生存和发展,并且真正提高企业的经济效益,从做好责任成本管理等方面进行了探讨,提出了降低项目施工成本的有效途径。

    In order to survive develop architectural constructive enterprise in fiercely competitive market and to increase really economic effects of enterprise , it discusses to do well in management of responsible cost and puts forward effective ways to reduce cost of constructive item .

  25. 本文以装饰工程项目施工成本核算为基础,论述装饰施工企业如何建立程序文件和成本管理手册,从而实现装饰工程项目施工全过程及全员的成本控制。

    This article puts forward the idea on how to set up the program files and cost management brochure based on the construction cost accounting on decoration engineering , thus to realize the cost control on decoration engineering process and its staff involved in this project .

  26. 本文以施工成本为研究对象,运用系统分析法、风险分析法、不确定性分析法、比较分析法等研究方法,基于不确定理论对建筑工程项目施工成本管理进行了研究。

    In this paper , construction cost was regarded as the research object . Construction cost management was studied by several research methods , such as system analysis method , risk analysis method , uncertainty analysis method , and comparative analysis method , based on uncertainty theory .

  27. 本文提出的装饰项目施工成本管理的方法具有实际操作性,在具体操作中需灵活运用,在实践中不断地总结和提高成本控制的方式和方法,以保证装饰项目施工成本管理目标的实现。

    The decoration engineering construction cost management is practical and it needs to be adopted in a flexible way . And it needs to be summarized now and then , and to increase the cost control method in practice to realize the target for decoration engineering construction cost management .

  28. 结合淮北市北外环C1段市政工程的案例,从施工准备阶段、施工阶段和竣工验收阶段对如何进行项目施工的成本控制进行了探讨,以使企业取得良好的社会效益和经济效益。

    Combined with north circumferential municipal works in Huaibei city , from three stages : preparation stage , construction stage and acceptance stage measures for construction cost control are discussed in order to acquire good social and economic benefits for enterprises .

  29. 西延铁路扩改信号工程项目施工阶段成本管理研究

    The Construction Phase Cost Management Study about Xiyan Railway Signal Reconstruction Project

  30. 浅谈机电安装项目部施工成本的控制

    On the Construction Cost Control of Electrical and Mechanical installation Projects Department