
  • 网络side tank;WING TANK;sidetank
  1. 散装货船顶边舱大修方案探讨

    Discussion about Capital Repair Plan for Topside Hold of Bulk Cargo Ship

  2. 基于直接计算的散货船底边舱结构的优化设计

    Optimum Design for Hopper of Bulk Carrier Structures Based on Direct Strength Calculation

  3. 货油舱区域有连续的双层底和边舱保护。

    The cargo oil tanker area has continuous double bottoms and side cabins to protect .

  4. 关闭所有上层甲板、船头、边舱和生活区四周的门窗。

    Close all openings on the upper deck , forecastle , side ports , and around the living quarters .

  5. 在被动式减摇水舱的几何尺度确定之后,它的减摇效果主要取决于垂直位置的布置、边舱液位高度和阻尼系数等参数的选取。

    The stabilizer effect of passive anti-rolling tank mostly depends on how to choose arrangement of vertical position , water level and damping factor .

  6. 文中指出,采用新的波浪设计载荷和腐蚀增量模型,热点应力法可以有效评估边舱折角点的疲劳强度,保证结构在寿命期内的安全。

    This paper indicates that the hot stress method could be effective and safe for ship to adopt new wave load model and erosion model .

  7. 利用我校研制的船舶减摇水舱试验台架进行了水舱不同垂直位置布置、不同边舱液位高度及不同的阻尼板开度的强迫振荡试验。

    The oscillation tests were made , including different arrangement of vertical position , different water levels and different damping factors by the test platform .

  8. 试验结果表明,垂直位置布置和阻尼系数的变化对被动式减摇水舱的减摇性能影响较大,而边舱液位高度的变化对减摇效果的影响不大。

    The test results show that the arrangement of the vertical position and the damping factor has a great effect on the stabilizer performance of the passive anti-rolling tank , and the change of the water level has little effect on it .

  9. 本船采用的优化方法是把货舱区顶边舱的斜舱壁改为直舱壁,这样做的结果使得货舱容积增大,装卸货物方便,但甲板大开口同时也增大。

    Optimization method used in the ship is to change the ramp bulkhead into straight one in the topside tank in cargo area . It makes the cargo volume increases , the loading and unloading convenient , but it also increases the large deck-openings .

  10. 结果表明,双壳结构可以大幅度降低舷侧结构、顶边舱和底边舱处的剪应力,并且通过运用优化技术,双壳结构重量可减至与常规的十分接近单壳结构。

    The result indicates that the weight of a double hull bulk carrier can be reduced to a reasonable amount in comparison with existing single hull types , and the shear stresses of the side shell , top , and hopper tank are decreased significantly by using a double-hull structure .

  11. 对带有顶边水舱的散装货船的舷侧结构模型,在四种不同工况下进行了强度试验。

    The structural model test of a bulk carrier with topside tanks is carried out under four different loading conditions .