
  • 网络artistic fiction
  1. 小议艺术虚构与人物真实

    PERSONAGE A Few Words on Artistic Fiction and the Reality of Character

  2. 《灵山》是一部朝圣小说,主人公自己走上朝圣之地,也是一次沿着区分艺术虚构和生活、幻想和记忆的投摄面的旅行。

    Soul Mountain is a novel of a pilgrimage made by the protagonist to himself and a journey along the reflective surface that divides fiction from life , imagination from memory .

  3. 艺术虚构存在于艺术活动的整个过程当中。

    Artistic invention lies in the whole process of artistic activities .

  4. 通过对三毛求异文体的分析则可使我们理解其异国形象、其艺术虚构的本文获得特殊感染效果的深层原因。

    The analysis of SanMao , s particular style can reach an deep understand of her foreign images and their sensational effects .

  5. 对于历史事件的描述,作家本着历史要求真实可靠、文学需要艺术虚构的原则,用纪实与虚构并行不悖的审美艺术形式尝试了对纪实创作手法的体验。

    As to the description of historical events , the writer follows the principle of reliable history and artistic fabrication literature to try the documentary writing .

  6. 本文试图探讨历史剧在对待历史真实与艺术虚构上如何把握的问题。

    This text is about the issue that how Chronicle Play treats the relation of the reality of the history and the makeup of the art .

  7. 《桃花扇》在追求历史真实的同时,注意艺术虚构,虚实结合,戏剧与历史达到了完美统一。

    By paying more attention to both historical truth and arts fiction , Kong Shangren integrated historical truth with arts fiction perfectly in " Peach Blossom Fan " .

  8. 这种真实是以生活为基础的,但又是经过艺术虚构的,它摒弃了一切多余的生活细节,是对生活体验的诗化。

    This kind of truth must not only be based on real life , but also be looked upon as the artistic fabrication and the poetic expression of life experience .

  9. 而在自娱娱人说、宋江形象、人物性格塑造、艺术虚构等方面则承袭叶昼的一些说法。

    But he adopts the opinions of Ye Zhou in the following aspects : the theory of " self-entertaining and entertaining others ", the image of Song Jiang , the characterization and the artistic fabrication .

  10. 但武陵桃源无论从物质条件来看,还是从精神追求来看,都不是常人所能企及的,即便是《桃花源记并诗》的艺术虚构里也是如此。

    But the common people cannot catch it not only from material condition , but also from the spiritual pursuance , and even so as in the artistic fabrication of Peach Blossom Source Notes and Poetry .

  11. 宋元以前小说的叙事手法逐渐走向自觉,开始注意到真实性与艺术虚构的关系,注意到情节猎奇及其内在逻辑,使小说的叙事结构日趋成熟。

    Narration tactics of the novel moved towards beginning to notice the relation that the authenticity and art were made up consciously gradually Song before , notice plot hunting for novelty and inherent logic , make narration art o f the novel becoming riper .

  12. 他创作历史剧的动机是“古为今用”,借古喻今、讽今,本着“失事求似”的原则对历史进行合理的艺术虚构,表现出崇高的悲剧美。

    He grasped the essence of history and , in accordance with the laws of art and the development of plot , incorporated his own hopes and ideals in what he wrote . Boldly he experimented , aiming to achieve " resemblance through omission of certain facts . "

  13. 网络正在把艺术的虚构性推向极至。

    In conclusion , network is promoting the fiction to the utmost .

  14. 影视史学一出现,历史的真实性与艺术的虚构性之间的关系便引起了人们深深的思索。

    As soon as historiophoty appears , it leads people to think deeply of the relation between the truth of history and the fiction of art .

  15. 但当时对一些重大理论问题,如生活的真实与艺术的虚构、写实与理想、再现与表现、有限与无限等等类型,都未论及,留下遗憾。

    It is a pity that some important academic problems were not treated of at that time , such as reality of the living and the figment of the art , realistic and ideal , reappear and express , limited and infinite , etc.

  16. 历史文学叙述行为有其自在特征,主要表现在历史文学对历史真实、文学真实、艺术假定、虚构限度等的特别强调。

    The historical literature has its own charateristics in the ways of its narration , which especially of fabrication , and so on .

  17. 但是当代艺术表现的虚构性也反映出很多问题,比如当代艺术图像泡沫、当代艺术作品精神贫乏、创新性的质疑、制造当代艺术作品价值标准的混乱等等。

    However , the performance of contemporary art of fiction also reflects the many problems , such as contemporary art images bubble , the spirit of the contemporary works of art poor , the challenge of innovative , contemporary works of art created confusion of values , and so on .

  18. 艺术和审美通过虚构的审美形式实现对现实的否定和超越。

    By means of imaginary aesthetic forms , art and aesthetics deny and surpass the reality .

  19. 本论文所运用的寓言,是一种文学表达方式、一种艺术手法,运用虚构、反讽和隐喻等手段,来表现内在的本质。

    In this thesis , " fable " is a literary expression , an art technique and a rhetoric instrument composed of fiction , irony and metaphor etc. , serving to display the inner nature . 2 .

  20. 在艺术创作理论上,歌德和席勒最终走到了一起,认为艺术应该从特殊中显出一般。在对于艺术虚构的问题上,歌德和席勒都认识到了虚构或者想象力在艺术创造中的重要作用。

    In art theory , Goethe and Schiller came together finally , that " art should be in the show from the special general . " In the art of fiction is concerned , Goethe and Schiller , or recognize the fictional imagination in the important role of artistic creation .

  21. 艺术美是艺术家主体在感应外物,汲取丰厚文化素养的基础上加工、创造出来的,在艺术美的产生、形成和接受的全过程中,艺术虚构始终处于中心环节的重要地位。

    Art beauty is produced by artists whom react to objects and absorb abundant culture attainments . Artistic imagination is in the key link in the process of art beauty 's producing , forming and being accepted .