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zì liàng
  • estimate one's own ability or strength
自量 [zì liàng]
  • [estimate ones own ability or strength] 自己审度估量;自知之明

  • 这人太不自量

自量[zì liàng]
  1. 蚍蜉撼大树,可笑不自量。

    A tiny insect , trying to shake a mighty tree , is ludicrously ignorant of its own weakness .

  2. 琼斯并不是那么一个不自量,没头没脑的浪荡哥儿。

    Jones was not so vain and senseless a coxcomb as to expect .

  3. 约翰太高傲了,应该让他知道自量。

    John is too cocky and should be brought to his level .

  4. 限制量词重叠的语义因素主要来自量词语义本身的数量特征:非定量性和离散性。

    As for meaning , it is mainly decided by their embodied features of quantity , namely feature of unfixed quantity and discreteness .

  5. 物理和资讯理论汇流自量子力学中心准则:自然根本是离散而不连续的。

    The confluence of physics and information theory flows from the central maxim of quantum mechanics : at bottom , nature is discrete .

  6. 然而,自量子力学诞生至今一个多世纪以来,人们发现这一理论的一些基础仍然存在一些未能满意解决的问题。

    However , more than a century since quantum mechanics was founded , there are still unresolved issues which are about the basis of the theory .

  7. 一项最新研究显示,自量子基金于1973年成立以来,80岁高龄的索罗斯已为他的客户赚进了320亿美元,平均每年获利超过9亿美元。

    According to new research , the 80-year-old Mr Soros has produced $ 32bn for his customers since setting up in 1973 , an average of over $ 900m a year .