
  1. 在滁州时,自号醉翁。

    When in Chuzhou , since the number tippler .

  2. 秋瑾自号鉴湖女侠,她是个充满爱心的人。

    Qiu Jin , the heroine of Jianhu Lake , is a lady of great love .

  3. 其假神以自号,实质上反映的是现代化过程中农民阶级面临现代转型的政治、经济、文化等社会问题,并以传统方式对这些社会问题作出反应。

    The essence reflects the peasants ′ reaction to political , economic and cultural change in the course of modernization .

  4. 李清照(1084~1155),自号易安居士,济南章丘(今属山东)人。

    Li Qingzhao ( 1084 ~ 1155 ) , self-titled Yi'an Jushi , was a native of Zhangqiu , Jinan ( in the present-day Shandong Province ) .

  5. 现代化是近代中国的绝对主题,自号问题中人的梁漱溟之问题意识正是由此而来。

    Modernization is the absolute theme in the modern history of China . Liang proclaimed himself the person liking to ponder problems , he always thought the problem on Chinese modernization .

  6. 5岁时随父迁居绵州彰明(今四川江油)青莲乡,因自号青莲居士。

    His ancestral home was located at Chengji , Longxi ( present-day Tianshui , Gansu Province ) , but when he was five , he moved with his father to Qinglian town , in Changming , Mianzhou ( now Jiangyou , Sichuan Province ) .

  7. 严复(1854~1921),字几道,晚年自号老人,别署天演宗哲学家,福州南台人,曾经作为中国第一批留学生留学英国。

    Yan Fu ( 1854 ~ 1921 ) , styled Jidao , self-assumed name Yuye in his late years , alias philosopher of Tianyan sect , was a native of Houguan ( present Fuzhou ) in Fujian Province . He was among the first to study in England .

  8. 中国红十字会总会联络部部长王小华表示,自14号开始接收社会捐赠以来,中国红十字会每天都接到大量咨询电话。

    Wang Xiaohua , a liaison director of the RCSC , said the RCSC had received a lot of phone calls offering donations since Jan.14 when it started receiving donations from the general public .

  9. 广州地铁建设自1号线1999年6月28日正式通车到2010年以来,已拥有由8条线组成,总长度超过200公里的轨道交通线路网。

    Since the construction of Guangzhou Metro Line No. 1 June 28 , 1999 officially opened since 2010 , has been owned by 8 lines , with a total length of more than 200 kilometers of rail line network .

  10. 如果针对单一的公共主干代码,简单的时间戳或是自增长版本号也就够了。

    If you are using a single public branch a simple timestamp or auto-incrementing version number would be sufficient .

  11. 自六月一号起本公司的营业将由本人自止主持,地址稳定,特此函告。

    I have the pleasure to announce that the business of the firm will , from June1st , be carried on by myself at the same address .

  12. 自去年瓦良格号在干船坞露面以来,中国许多军事迷纷纷带着望远镜和昂贵的相机,前来大连朝圣。

    Since the ship emerged from dry dock last year , many Chinese military enthusiasts have made the pilgrimage to Dalian , equipped with telescopes and expensive cameras .

  13. 猎鹰重型火箭是自“土星5号”(SaturnV)将宇航员送上月球以来发射的推力最强大的火箭。

    The Falcon Heavy is the most powerful rocket to be launched since the Saturn V programme took astronauts to the Moon .

  14. AmySeiffert自11月15号以来每天都穿着这件灰色连衣裙。

    Amy Seiffert has been wearing this simple gray dress every day since November15th .

  15. 工人们自12月6号就开始从松花江里搬运冰块。

    Workers began hauling chunks of ice out of the Songhua River on Dec.6 .

  16. 自2月8号,5名囚犯在警察监管的可疑环境里死去。

    The said that since Feb.8 , five inmates died under suspicious circumstances while in police custody .

  17. 自探测设备好奇号在遥远的火星着陆至今已有12个月的时间。

    It has been 12 months since the exploration device called Curiosity landed on the distant planet .

  18. 他没有透露自8月5号建立婚姻离婚保险网站之后一共接到的保单数。

    He won 't reveal how many policies he 's sold since the August 5 launch of WedLockDivorceInsurance.com .

  19. 该公司的老员工称,对数字13的忌讳始自1987年1713号航班在丹佛的坠机事件。

    Veterans from the airline say the triskaidekaphobia followed the crash of Flight 1713 in Denver in 1987 .

  20. 这是两人自11月4号总统选举以来首次有机会进行面对面交谈。美国素有当选总统和夫人在选举日后拜访白宫的传统。

    It is traditional for the incoming president and first lady to visit the White House after Election Day .

  21. 自10月21号发布以来,已经25万人点赞,被分享超过77000次。

    Posted on October 21 , it has got almost 250000 likes and has been shared over 77000 times .

  22. 有关一部分这些问题的新政府法案将自10月31号起被国会议员讨论,这为改革提供了一个契机。

    For some , the government 's new criminal-justice bill , to be debated by MPs from October31st , offers a chance for reform .

  23. 米申科又说,自6月1号起已提交申请的460人当中,有390人因没有提供必要信息,已直接被拒绝了。

    Of the 460 people who have applied since June 1 , Mr. Mishchenko said , 390 have been rejected outright because they failed to provide the necessary information .

  24. 专责小组自公布了第一号报告以来,集中准备第二号报告,就是有关政制发展的原则问题。

    Since the publication of the first report , the task force has focused on preparing the second report , which concerns the issues of principle relating to constitutional development .

  25. 自8月5号警方突袭了他的公寓后,他很快就离开了泰国,他借律师之口说他只是想要一个大家庭并且自己也有能力支撑这个家庭。

    He quickly left Thailand after the Aug. 5 raid onthe condominium and has said through a lawyer that he simply wanted a largefamily and has the means to support it .

  26. 自“哥伦比亚”号发射以来,已经完美执行了130多起航天飞机发射任务,与此同时,这一项目也激励了无数梦想着太空探险的孩子学习科学的热情。

    Since Columbia 's launch , there 've been more than 130 Space Shuttle missions , and the program has inspired hundreds of children to study science and dream of space exploration .

  27. 自国发[2009]41号文件公布后,旅游业对地方经济发展的重要影响,己受到各级政府,及学术界和业界的普遍重视。

    Since the announcement of State Council No. 41 Document in 2009 , all levels of government and academic circles pay great attention to the important effect of tourism on local economy .

  28. 所有父母都支持这位父亲的做法,认为他做了正确的事情,是个好父亲。自10月21号发布以来,已经25万人点赞,被分享超过77000次。

    Parents from all over got behind Mr Jones , saying he did the right thing and was a good father . Posted on October 21 , it has got almost 250,000 likes and has been shared over 77,000 times .