
kǎo fēn
  • Score;examination grade
考分 [kǎo fēn]
  • [mark] 考试的分数

  1. 老师评考分时肯定会考虑你最近生病的情况的。

    Your teacher will take your recent illness into consideration when judging your examination results .

  2. 研究显示,考分和自杀风险之间有明显联系。

    Research has shown that there is a clear correlation2 between grades and suicide risk .

  3. SAT考分被大学用来对申请人进行筛选,将学生的得分拉开会对这些学校有所帮助。

    Colleges use the SAT to sort applicants , and a wide distribution of scores helps them do that .

  4. 她写道,“merit”这个词已经成了“学习成绩优秀”的意思,“被狭隘地定义为”评级和考分。

    The word " merit , " she writes , has come to mean " academic excellence , narrowly defined " as grades and test scores .

  5. 就以柯盖德大学(ColgateUniversity)和格林内尔学院(GrinnellCollege)为例,这两所都是位于乡间的文理学院,校舍美丽,所接收的学生SAT考分和成绩接近。

    Take Colgate University and Grinnell College , two rural liberal arts colleges on pretty campuses that accept students with similar SAT scores and grades .

  6. 美国产品考分的VP,也是Yahoo!位于印度邦加罗1500人的研发中心的首席产品官。

    Tenure , he served as Vice President of Product Development for Yahoo ! in the US , as well as Chief Product Officer of Yahoo ! 's1500-person Research and Development center in Bangalore , India .

  7. 你很快就将面对几个艰难抉择:是用周末提高数学能力来让GMAT考分增加3%,还是去参观你第四志愿的商学院?

    You will soon be faced with some tough choices : do you spend the weekend polishing up your maths skills to eke out another 3 per cent on the GMAT , or do you visit your fourth-choice school .

  8. 也许最重要的是,在社区或学校的讨论中,把侧重点放在缩小不同族裔的考分差异上,哈佛大学经济学家小罗兰·弗赖尔(RolandFryerJr.)和芝加哥大学经济学家史蒂芬·莱维特(StevenLevitt)说。

    Perhaps most importantly , in the debate over neighborhoods or schools , would be a concentrated focus on reducing racial and ethnic discrepancies in test scores , according to the economists Roland Fryer Jr. of Harvard and Steven Levitt of the University of Chicago .

  9. 国考分为笔试和面试两部分。

    The civil service exam consists of writing tests and interviews .

  10. 你得去考分波恩学校。

    You 'll have to go to kauferbauern school .

  11. 尽管他的考分很低,他还是想方设法进了大学。

    He managed to get into college in spite of his bad grades .

  12. 考分很低使海纶闷闷不乐。

    Low grades are get ting Helen down .

  13. A级学生的考分.

    You want student A exams .

  14. 同样的考卷放在下一年就不一定得到同样的考分了,有可能被推高,而实际上没有可能下降。

    Every year some are pushed up but virtually none down , resulting in a subtle year-on-year shift .

  15. 考试不利于学生发展能力,考试会产生临时抱佛脚,考取考分的状况。

    They do not motivate students to build their competence but induce cramming just for higher test scores .

  16. 一班50名学生在不测的情况下应试,考分真实可信。

    A class of 50 students have participated the examination , and the results are believed to be true and convinced .

  17. 特里:但愿如此,我们俩明年会读大学。不过,我有点担心我的考分。

    Terry : I hope I 'll be at university . actually , I 'm a little worried about my grades .

  18. 他想去的几乎每一所学校都拒绝了他,就连小学也是如此,因为他的数学考分不高。

    He was rejected at virtually every school he applied to , even grade schools , because he didn 't test well in math .

  19. 以河北科技师范学院为调查对象,探讨了“教考分合”考试模式结构。

    Taking Hebei Normal University as the investigation object , the article discussed the mode structure of " integration and division of teaching and testing " .

  20. 原告们指出,一些中国学生尽管比那些被录取者的成绩和考分要高,但却被加州的一些公立大学拒之门外。

    The plaintiffs pointed out that a certain number of Chinese students had been rejected by California 's public universities despiteshavingsbetter marks and test scores than some successful applicants .

  21. 针对这种传统的课堂学习评价问题,受教育评价和学校、教师、家庭、孩子都离不开考分的影响,剖析了它的历史、现实原因。

    The resource of the issues are influenced by the examination marks from the school , teacher , family and child . It has analyzed its historical and realistic reason .

  22. 研究还发现,考分低则焦虑水平较高;(2)学习焦虑、学习态度、投入动机与考试成绩之间有显著相关,其中学习焦虑与成绩呈负相关,学习态度、投入动机与成绩呈正相关;

    There existed the significant relationship between learning anxiety , learning attitude and motivation with the test performance . There existed the negative correlation between learning anxiety and the test performance ;

  23. 两人认为,在初中结束前消除考分差距,可能会是减少种族工资不平等过程的一个重要组成部分。

    Fryer and Levitt argue that the elimination of the test score gap that arises by the end of junior high school may be a critical component of reducing racial wage inequality .

  24. 结果显示,试卷题型全面,试题难度适中,成绩分布较为合理,学生的考分能真实反映学生的学业水平。

    The results showed that the test papers were reliable because of comprehensive test items , moderate difficulty and reasonable score distribution , and the score could image the level of students in truth .

  25. 采用数理统计和卡特尔16种个性因素测试等方法,对3组不同高考成绩的学生进行研究,结果表明不同考分学生组在身体素质和心理素质方面存在差异。

    Study based on mathematical statistics and " Cartel Individuality Test " and so on , its results indicate that there are differences in body quality and mind quality among the students with different college-entrance scores .

  26. 也有一些方法可以改进录取程序,包括面试申请人以了解其实际英语能力和考分之外的更多学业背景。

    There are ways to improve the admissions process as well , including interviewing applicants in person to get a sense of their actual English abilities and to discover more about their academic backgrounds beyond test scores .

  27. 两位作者写道,“和早期的研究形成鲜明对比的是,我们的研究证明,当我们对少数协变量进行了控制后,黑人和白人进入幼儿园前的考分差距就消失了,”他们还表示,

    The two authors write , " we demonstrate that in stark contrast to earlier studies , the black-white test score gap among incoming kindergartners disappears when we control for a small number of covariates . " They add ,

  28. 第五,高校应建立基于个人价值和社会价值的多元评价方法,摒除以考分决定一切的考核方法,结合企业共建多元化的考核体系。

    Fifthly , colleges and universities should establish multiple evaluation methods based on personal values and social values , exclude the " test scores to determine all assessment " methods , build a wide range of evaluation system combined with enterprises .