
  • 网络southern united states;the American South
  1. Dixie本身就是美国南部各州的别名。

    Dixie itself is a nickname for the American South .

  2. OctaviaSpencer因影片《帮助》获得最佳女配角提名,影片讲述了20世纪60年代期间,非裔美国人在美国南部为白人工作的故事。

    Octavia Spencer received a best supporting actress nomination for her work in " The Help . " The film tells the story of African-Americans who worked for whites in the American south during the nineteen sixties .

  3. 在上个经济萧条期,人们向美国南部阳光地带移民的速度加快了。

    During the last recession , migration to the sunbelt accelerated .

  4. 在美国南部,一片片的玉米面包像是象征着新年繁荣昌盛的黄金块。

    In the southern United States , pieces of corn bread represent blocks of gold for prosperity in the New Year .

  5. 美国南部路易斯安那大学(UniversityofLouisiana)的科学家彼得卡兹马尔兹克(PeterKatzmarzyk)说,坐在我们的生活中无处不在,这意味着坐是我们一直在做的事情。

    Peter Katzmarzyk , a scientist at the University of Louisiana in the southern United States , says that sitting is ubiquitous in our lives , meaning it is something we do all the time .

  6. 吉米五岁,和他的父母沃特森一家住在美国南部的史密斯维尔。

    Jimmy was five years old and lived with his parents , the Watsons , in Smithville , in the southern United States .

  7. 那么要学美国南部口音,我们就要从R的发音开始。

    So for a Southern American accent we 're going to start with the R sound .

  8. 科默·V·伍德沃德与美国南部史学

    C. V. Woodward and the study of the History of the South of the United States

  9. 美联社(AssociatedPress)的一项调查显示,在从美国南部边境偷运出的每一百美元中,官员们只能截获25美分。

    Out of every $ 100 that is smuggled across the southern US border , officials seize a mere 25 cents , according to an investigation by the Associated Press .

  10. 这个Tiwanaku帝国,曾经从现在北边Chile到南边的Peru(看一下美国南部的地图)。

    The empire of the Tiwanaku once ranged from what is now northern Chile to southern Peru . ( See a map of South America . ) Between roughly A.

  11. 在美国南部含有稻瘟病抗性基因Pi-ta的水稻品种被用于控制稻瘟病已经超过了20年。

    The rice blast resistance gene Pi-ta has been effectively deployed in the Southern US rice germplasm for over two decades .

  12. 就当你觉得Gaga不会再有什么惊人之举的时候,她准备在斯密斯主厨的帮助下做一顿地道的美国南部菜:油炸火鸡和华夫饼。

    And just when you thought Gaga couldn 't get any more outrageous , she 's going to make a down-home meal of deep-fried turkey and waffles – with the help of chef Art Smith .

  13. 克氏原螯虾(ProcambarusClarkii)俗称淡水小龙虾,原产美国南部路易斯安那州和墨西哥北部。

    The red swamp crayfish ( Procambarus clarkii ) is commonly known as freshwater crayfish , native to the southern United States Louisiana and northern Mexico .

  14. 直到二十世纪后期,Rosenwald基金在美国南部15个州捐建了超过5000栋教学建筑。

    By the late twenties , the Rosenwald Fund had donated to more than five thousand educational buildings in fifteen states across the South .

  15. 据消息人士透露,EADS将在美国南部阿拉巴马州的莫比尔市兴建一个新工厂。

    According to a person with knowledge of the matter , the European conglomerate is set to announce the construction of a new manufacturing facility for its Airbus aircraft in the heart of Dixie & mobile , Alabama .

  16. 正对着伊丽莎白二世女王就坐的是马克尔的母亲多里娅·拉格兰(DoriaRagland),她是美国南部诸州种植园奴隶的后裔。

    Seated directly opposite Queen Elizabeth II , was Ms. Markle 's mother , Doria Ragland , the descendant of slaves on plantations in the American Deep South .

  17. 百慕大三角(Bermuda)又称魔鬼三角海域(Devil'sTriangle),臭名昭著的它从大西洋延伸到美国南部海岸。自19世纪中期以来,就有很多船只和飞机在百慕大三角和大安地列斯群岛(GreaterAntilles)这两地离奇失踪。

    The Bermuda Triangle , also known as the Devil 's Triangle , is an infamous stretch of the Atlantic Ocean bordered by the southern coast of the U.S. , Bermuda , and the Greater Antilles that has been the location of strange disappearances of ships and aircraft since the mid-19th century .

  18. JaneCorbin是二十世纪90年代开始干水产业的,因为国家和联邦机构的鼓励,美国南部的其他烟农也尝试涉猎这个行业。

    The Corbins also raise cattle along with flowers , vegetables and other crops . Jane Corbin got into aquaculture in the late nineteen nineties . Other tobacco farmers in the American South gave it a try because state and federal agencies were encouraging a change .

  19. 新政与美国南部的社会变迁

    The New Deal and the Social Changes of the American South

  20. 美国南部的春天美得无与伦比。

    It 's hard to beat the American South in springtime .

  21. 86年来最致命风暴过后,美国南部开始清理工作

    The South cleans up after the deadliest storms in 86 years

  22. 产于美国南部的山雀,与黑冠雀形似但较小。

    Southern United States chickadee similar to the blackcap but smaller .

  23. 美国南部小型树种,深红色心材。

    Small tree of southern United States having dark red heartwood .

  24. 美国南部地区的边缘化及其崛起的启示

    Marginalization and Rise of the Southern Areas of the United States

  25. 常见于南美洲、中美洲以及美国南部。

    Common in South and Central America and southern United States .

  26. 锯棕榈是一个小棕榈树从美国南部。

    Saw palmetto is a small palm tree from the southern USA.

  27. 战士们在美国南部的军营里训练。

    The soldiers trained at camps in the southern United States .

  28. 当时他们被当作奴隶运送到美国南部各州。

    The blacks were brought to the southern states as slaves .

  29. 制度变迁与战后美国南部的崛起

    Institutional Changes & Rise of American South since WW ⅱ

  30. 美国南部半水栖毒蛇。

    Venomous semiaquatic snake of swamps in southern United States .