
zhōng jiē
  • terminating
终接[zhōng jiē]
  1. 文中着重讨论有源高阶滤波器的实现问题。结合实践指出双口终接电阻负载LC梯型滤波器有源模拟的前景。

    It is suggested that , with the merits of low sensitivity , the active simulation of double resistive load LC ladder filters might be a favorable scheme for high order filter realization .

  2. 具有终接在机壳上的外部导体的同轴电缆。车削电动机机壳两端孔口的液性夹具设计

    Coaxial with outside conductor terminated on chassis . The Design of Liquid-fixture to Turning Both Ends of The Motor Case Orifice