
  1. 保险合同的当事人可以依据法律规定或者保险合同的约定单方解除合同,也可以协商解除合同。

    The party of insurance contract could rescind the contract unilaterally according to the law and the contract or negotiation with the other party .

  2. 当事人可以约定一方解除合同的条件。

    The parties may prescribe a condition under which one party is entitled to terminate the contract .

  3. 我国现行《合同法》规定了三种解除类型,即协议解除、约定解除法定解除,合同当事人应依照不同情形正确选择适用。

    The Law of Contract in effect in our country stipulates three types , that is dis-solution by agreement , dissolution by appointment and dissolution by statutory .

  4. 法律规定或者当事人约定解除权行使期限,期限届满当事人不行使的,该权利消灭。当事人可以约定一方解除合同的条件。

    Where the law or the parties prescribe a period for exercising termination right , failure by a party to exercise it at the end of the period shall extinguish such right . The parties may prescribe a condition under which one party is entitled to terminate the contract .