
  • 网络Hierarchical clustering method;Hierachical Clustering Methods
  1. 本文证明建立在模糊等价关系上的聚类法就是一种经典系统聚类法;

    In this paper , the author at first proves that the clustering method based on Fuzzy equivalence relation is a kind of classical hierarchical clustering method ;

  2. 常用的系统聚类法聚类比较准确,但计算量很大。

    Hierarchical clustering method can cluster accurately , but it needs lots of calculation , especially when the number and the dimension of samples are numeres .

  3. 应用PFSFuzzy系统聚类法评价各国人口平均寿命

    Application of PFS Fuzzy Clustering Method in Evaluation of International Mean Life

  4. 然后,在参考大量国内外文献的基础上,研究了模糊C均值聚类算法、系统聚类法、减法聚类法等。

    Second , on the base of lots of domestic and abroad reference , we did research on fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm , systematic clustering , subtractive clustering and so on .

  5. 方法采用队列随访调查的方法收集居民疫水暴露的情况,并用系统聚类法中样品聚类(Q型)进行聚类分析。

    Methods The data of resident 's contacting infectious water were collected with cohort study , and were analyzed by sample cluster analysis ( Q type ) .

  6. 经典的聚类分析技术如系统聚类法和K-means等主要是处理间隔尺度的变量,而对于名义尺度变量则不适合。

    Traditional clustering techniques such as systemic clustering and K-means clustering adapt to interval scale variants , but not suit nominal scale variants .

  7. 文章提出了一种基于CIE-1976年LAB均匀颜色空间的色差计算公式,并使用系统聚类法对纺织用图形图像进行色彩压缩的算法。

    This paper provides a formula for chromatism calculation , which is based on CIE1976 ( Lab ) symmetrical color space , and draws up a color compressing algorithm to image used in textile with system clustering method .

  8. 同时辅以采用气象界划分法、模糊集合分析法、系统聚类法、分形方法和Fisher最优分割法等多种定量分析方法的综合对比来探索汛期的合理划分;

    Meanwhile , complemented by comprehensive comparison among many quantitative analytical methods , such as meteorological division method , fuzzy set analytical means , system assembling method , fractal method and Fisher optimal dissection method , etc.

  9. 利用最优分割法、Q型系统聚类法结合孢粉图式对孢粉带进行了划分,认为该区晚更新世以来的植物群落演替及气候变化经历了9个阶段。

    The sporo-pollen zones were divided by means of the optimization division , the Q-system cluster analysis and the sporo-pollen diagram , and we hold that the succession of the vegetational communities and the changes in climate have undergone nine stages in the area studied .

  10. 本文运用模糊聚类法及系统聚类法,对KES-F系列织物风格仪测试的织物风格指标值进行了分类。

    In this paper , the hand indices obtainzd by the KES-F hand meter are satisfactorily classified with both the Fuzzy Cluster Method and the Hierachical Cluster Method .

  11. 将层次分析法和系统聚类法相结合,构建了多准则群体决策模型,对生态工业园区(EIP)建设模式的决策进行了探讨。

    Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) and Systematic Clustering methods , a multi-criteria group decision ( MCGD ) model was built and applied in the general process of deciding the eco-industrial park ( EIP ) construction mode .

  12. 系统聚类法在水库汛期分期中的应用

    Application of system clustering method to dividing flood season of reservoir

  13. 运用系统聚类法对高校学生进行分类

    The Use of Hierarchical Clustering Method for Classification of College Students

  14. 用主成分和系统聚类法评价棉花品种资源

    Assessment of Cotton Variety resources by Principal Component Analysis and Cluster

  15. 基于近红外光谱和系统聚类法的蝗虫识别模型研究

    Locusts Detection Model Based on Near Infrared Spectra and Cluster Analysis

  16. 皖北小麦主栽品种遗传多样性的系统聚类法分析

    Genetic Diversity Detected by Cluster Analysis North of Anhui Major Wheat cultivars

  17. 基于系统聚类法的城市轨道交通建设能力排序

    Sequence of Urban Rail Transit Building Capacity on Hierarchical-cluster Analysis

  18. 利用系统聚类法进行杏矮化砧木预选的初步研究

    A preliminary study on pre-selecting dwarf rootstock of apricot by Hierachical Clustering Methods

  19. 灰色系统聚类法识别岩性在准噶尔盆地腹部的应用

    Lithofacies Identification Using the Grey Cluster Analysis in the Center of Junggar Basin

  20. 系统聚类法在红麻区试试验点设置上的应用

    The Application of Systematic Clustering in the Setting of Kenaf Regional Experimental Sites

  21. 其次,介绍了使用系统聚类法的进行聚类分析的具体过程。

    Then , it introduces the process of clustering analysis using the hierarchical clustering .

  22. 运用系统聚类法综合评价农村社区卫生服务中心功能

    Comprehensive evaluation of the function of rural community health service by systematic cluster analysis

  23. 系统聚类法在生态区域规划中的应用

    Application of Hierarchical Clustering Methods in Eco-region Division

  24. 核函数主成分法和系统聚类法在区域旅游竞争力评价中的应用

    Application of kernel principal component analysis and cluster analysis in quantitative assessing regional tourism competitiveness

  25. 再次,讨论了系统聚类法中的几种常用的典型的分析方法。

    And then , some typical analysis methods of hierarchical clustering that are commonly used are discussed .

  26. 首先,阐述了系统聚类法的概念以及基本思想。

    In the beginning , an elaboration of concepts and fundamental ideas of hierarchical clustering is made .

  27. WK-系统聚类法

    Wk - hierarchical clustering methods

  28. 交通调查中的系统聚类法

    Cluster Analysis in Traffic Investigations

  29. 主成分分析与系统聚类法在农业用地优先度评价中的应用

    Application of the Principal Component Analysis Method and the Hierarchical Cluster Analysis Method in the Agricultural Land Priority

  30. 另一种挖掘技术是基于数学统计的聚类分析,着重讲述系统聚类法。

    The other is cluster analysis that is on the basis of mathematical statistics and introduces system clustering especially .