
  • 网络Theocracy;theocratic politics;Theo-political
  1. 商周时期是神权政治形成与发展的重要阶段。

    Shangzhou was an important period for the formation and development of theocracy .

  2. 在西欧中世纪的神权政治框架内,三种文化基质所内涵的平等观念是其政治文化中民权意识的前提和基础。

    In the frame of the medieval theocracy , the ideology of equality inherent in the three basic cultural elements forms the base and precondition , in which the sense of the popular sovereignty in the medieval political culture exists .

  3. 他满怀同情地审视了哲学家米歇尔•福柯(MichelFoucault)对伊朗伊斯兰革命的论断——福柯因为认为一种全新的政治与宗教的融合正在德黑兰街头兴起,被当时一些法国同胞谴责为神权政治的辩护者。

    And he examines sympathetically the account of the Iranian revolution offered by the philosopher Michel Foucault , who was denounced by some compatriots as an apologist for theocracy for suggesting that an entirely novel fusion of politics and religion was fomenting on the streets of Tehran .

  4. 这是继神权政治象形文字之后的封建制度象形文字。

    They are the hieroglyphics of feudalism , succeeding those of theocracy .

  5. 太平天国政体与神权政治

    Regime of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and Theocracy

  6. 希伯来法是以一神教神权政治为社会基础的古犹太人的法律。

    Hebrew Law is a law of ancient Jews on the social basis of Judaism .

  7. 宗教是一种普遍的文化现象,但神权政治则不具备世界性意义。

    Religious is a kind of common cultural phenomenon , whereas religious authority politics has no universal meanings .

  8. 当弥赛亚最后真的到来,祂要把罗马人赶出去,重新建立犹太人的神权政治。

    When the Messiah finally arrived , he would drive out the Romans and reinstitute the Jewish theocracy .

  9. 英国王权在日耳曼蛮族王权的基础上发展起来,经过基督教神权政治的帮助,王权权威逐步建立。

    The kingship of England develops on the basis of Germanic " barbarian " kingship under the help of Christianity theocracy , and authority of the kings is build up .

  10. 几乎就像神权政治卷土重来一样出人意料的,是来自坟墓的金融治理的召唤那是上世纪90年代结束时被抛弃在历史垃圾堆中的古怪的旧事物。

    Almost as unanticipated as theocracy on the march has been the summons , from the tomb , of financial governance that quaint old thing abandoned in the junkyard of the outmoded as the 1990s expired .

  11. 在这个政体中,王权的合法性决定了其具有政治统治权威。基督教君权神授的神权政治思想为封建王权的合法性提供了理论基础,由教会举行的加冕礼使王权的合法性具体化。

    In this constitution , the validity of the kingship gave the political authority of its rule , and the theocratic thought of the Christian theory provided theoretical base for feudal kingship , which embodied in the coronation held by the church .

  12. 春秋时期是社会政治结构发生大变革、各种矛盾冲突不断产生的时代,是殷周以来天命神权政治向伦理政治逐渐过渡和转向的时代。

    The Spring and Autumn period is not only an era in which the great changes in social political structure take place , and kinds of conflicts constantly emerge , but also the one in which the transition from theocracy since the Yin-Zhou dynasties to the ethical politics gradually occurs .

  13. 伊朗实行的是政教合一、神权高于一切的政治体制。

    Iran implement theocratic political system and theocracy above all else .

  14. 中国上古社会政治文化经由夏商周三代以神权与王权合一为特征的神权政治到周秦时期以仁政礼制、王霸杂陈为治国圭臬的伦理政治,呈现出由多元走向一元的总体趋势。

    The social and political turning in ancient China from religious politics in the dynasties of Xia , Shang , and Zhou , to ethnic politics in Zhou and Qin dynasties shows the turning trend from poly-politics to mono-politics .