- 网络Social psychologist

According to social psychologist Brian Nosek , executive director of the Center for Open Science , the average data-sharing rate for the journal Psychological Science , which uses the badges , increased tenfold to 38 % from 2013 to 2015 .
SNS site is based on the " six degrees of relationship " theory which proposed by American social psychologist who named Milgram .
Social psychologists call this view of relationships ' exchange orientation ' and say it is more suited to business associates or other non-intimate relationships than to loved ones .
Richard Nisbett , a social psychologist at the University of Michigan , complained to The New York Times a decade ago about the study 's fame , calling it a glorified anecdote .
Now I will be speaking with Valerie Purdie-Greenaway , social psychologist and Columbia University professor .
An article on Wired explains this concept as described by a pair of social psychologists named Rick Baaren and Matthijs van Leeuwen .
Not surprisingly , the Genovese case earned the interest of social psychologists , who developed the theory of the " bystander effect " . This claimed to show how the apathy of the masses can prevent the salvation of a victim .
The self-efficacy theory is the American famous society psychologist Bandura · A takes the lead to propose , it is an important constituent of Bandura society studies theory system .
The idea was developed by the social psychologist Leon Festinger and it 's called " Cognitive Dissonance Theory . "
David Myers , a social psychologist at Michigan 's Hope College , says that faith provides social support , a sense of purpose and a reason to focus beyond the self , all of which help root people in their communities .
Many years ago the social psychologist Daryl J. Bem described the knowledge we gain from our senses as " zero-order beliefs , " so taken for granted that we do not even notice them as beliefs .
Most of us are , by nature , cognitive misers , a term coined by social psychologists Susan Fiske and Shelley Taylor to describe how people have a tendency to preserve cognitive resources and allocate them only to high-priority matters .
Mentoring helps women build careers in science , and helps science get the best out of women , says social psychologist Tineke Willemsen .
Gary Namie , a social psychologist and director of the Workplace Bullying Institute in the US , says cyberbullies are often aggressive in a way they never would be face to face : " Technology makes it so much easier to be hateful and cruel from a distance . "
Social psychologists always are interested in inter-group behavior researches .
He has presided over a seminar for social psychologists .
Social psychologists have found a second key predictor of mutual attraction : similarity .
Arnold Gehlen is a famous biologist , social psychologist and philosophy anthropologist in modern germany .
Researches on terrorism have flourished , especially in the field of social psychology in America .
According to social psychologists , when children become young adults , they undergo some psychological changes .
Ostracism is painful , said chief researcher Eric Wesselmann , a social psychologist at Purdue University .
Adult attachment as a hot point of relationship is being closely watched by social psychologists and development psychologists .
Recently , many intriguing studies of power from the perspective of social cognition have been proposed by social psychologist .
In the thirties , American Social Psychologist , Moreno , established a social metrological method to analyze relational material .
According to social psychologists like Robert Cialdini , our instinctive interest in acquiring things that are rare reflects our evolutionary history .
According to cross-cultural studies by social psychologist Paul Ekman , the facial expressions are able to read your emotional expressions clearly .
Social psychologists emphasize group-related phenomena , such as identity and social motivation , and the interactional and large social contexts of learning .
The social psychologist from University College London , dismissed most of the advice given in dating guides and self-help books as unscientific bunkum .
A team of social psychologists asked the participants their height and weight and how they felt when they saw it on the scale .
After a decade of surveys and research , Constantine Sedikides , a US social psychologist , found thatnostalgia is what makes us human .