
  • 网络Social psychologist
  1. 布莱恩·诺塞克是社会心理学家、开放科学中心执行董事,他指出通过使用这种标记,《心理科学》期刊的平均数据共享率从2013年至2015年间增长38%,翻了十倍。

    According to social psychologist Brian Nosek , executive director of the Center for Open Science , the average data-sharing rate for the journal Psychological Science , which uses the badges , increased tenfold to 38 % from 2013 to 2015 .

  2. 美国社会心理学家米尔格伦提出的六度关系理论是SNS网站得以发展的理论基础。

    SNS site is based on the " six degrees of relationship " theory which proposed by American social psychologist who named Milgram .

  3. 社会心理学家将这种友情观称为交换取向(exchangeorientation)。他们认为,这更适合商业伙伴或其他不太亲近的关系,并不适于与亲友的关系。

    Social psychologists call this view of relationships ' exchange orientation ' and say it is more suited to business associates or other non-intimate relationships than to loved ones .

  4. 十年前,密歇根大学社会心理学家理查德尼斯贝(RichardNisbett)向《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)抱怨称,这项实验名声太大,成了被美化的奇闻轶事。

    Richard Nisbett , a social psychologist at the University of Michigan , complained to The New York Times a decade ago about the study 's fame , calling it a glorified anecdote .

  5. 今天我将采访社会心理学家、哥伦比亚大学教授瓦莱丽-珀迪-格林纳威(ValeriePurdie-Greenaway)。

    Now I will be speaking with Valerie Purdie-Greenaway , social psychologist and Columbia University professor .

  6. 在《连线》(Wired)杂志的一篇文章中,社会心理学家瑞克•拜仁(RickBaaren)和马泰斯•万•莱文(MatthijsvanLeeuwen)就很好地诠释了拟人化这一概念。

    An article on Wired explains this concept as described by a pair of social psychologists named Rick Baaren and Matthijs van Leeuwen .

  7. 毫不奇怪,吉诺维斯案引起了社会心理学家的关注,他们提出了“旁观者效应”(bystandereffect)理论,以说明大众的冷漠如何阻止了对遇害人的救助。

    Not surprisingly , the Genovese case earned the interest of social psychologists , who developed the theory of the " bystander effect " . This claimed to show how the apathy of the masses can prevent the salvation of a victim .

  8. 自我效能(self-efficacy)理论是美国著名社会心理学家班杜拉(Bandura·A)率先提出来的,它是班杜拉社会学习理论体系的一个重要组成部分。

    The self-efficacy theory is the American famous society psychologist Bandura · A takes the lead to propose , it is an important constituent of Bandura society studies theory system .

  9. 这个理论由社会心理学家Leon,Festinger提出的,被称为“认知失调理论”

    The idea was developed by the social psychologist Leon Festinger and it 's called " Cognitive Dissonance Theory . "

  10. 密西根的Hope大学的一位社会心理学家DavidMyers说,心灵精神能提供社会支持,一种使命感、及关注自我以外事物的一个理由,所有这一切都能让人们在各种社区中找到根源。

    David Myers , a social psychologist at Michigan 's Hope College , says that faith provides social support , a sense of purpose and a reason to focus beyond the self , all of which help root people in their communities .

  11. 很多年前,社会心理学家达里尔·J·贝姆(DarylJ.Bem)把我们通过感官获取的认知描述成“零级信念”。它们被如此强烈地视为理所当然,以至于根本没有被我们留意到,这其实是一种信念。

    Many years ago the social psychologist Daryl J. Bem described the knowledge we gain from our senses as " zero-order beliefs , " so taken for granted that we do not even notice them as beliefs .

  12. 天性使然,我们大部分人是认知的吝啬鬼,这一术语由社会心理学家SusanFiske和ShelleyTaylor创造,来描述人们如何倾向于保存认知资源并仅仅分配于高优先级的事情。

    Most of us are , by nature , cognitive misers , a term coined by social psychologists Susan Fiske and Shelley Taylor to describe how people have a tendency to preserve cognitive resources and allocate them only to high-priority matters .

  13. 社会心理学家TinekeWillemsen说,辅导帮助女性积累科学职业经验,并且帮助科学最大限度地借助女性的力量。

    Mentoring helps women build careers in science , and helps science get the best out of women , says social psychologist Tineke Willemsen .

  14. 美国职场霸凌学会(WorkplaceBullyingInstitute)会长、社会心理学家加里•奈美(GaryNamie)说,网络霸凌的攻击性常常是面对面交流达不到的:“科技使人们更容易远距离地表现出仇恨和残忍。”

    Gary Namie , a social psychologist and director of the Workplace Bullying Institute in the US , says cyberbullies are often aggressive in a way they never would be face to face : " Technology makes it so much easier to be hateful and cruel from a distance . "

  15. 群际行为研究一直是社会心理学家的兴趣所在。

    Social psychologists always are interested in inter-group behavior researches .

  16. 他主持了社会心理学家的研讨会。

    He has presided over a seminar for social psychologists .

  17. 社会心理学家发现第二个共同吸引因素:相似。

    Social psychologists have found a second key predictor of mutual attraction : similarity .

  18. 阿诺德格伦(arnoldgehlen)是现代德国著名生物学家、社会心理学家和哲学人类学家。

    Arnold Gehlen is a famous biologist , social psychologist and philosophy anthropologist in modern germany .

  19. 其中以美国社会心理学家对恐怖主义方面的研究尤为集中和突出。

    Researches on terrorism have flourished , especially in the field of social psychology in America .

  20. 社会心理学家认为,孩子们在成年之初会经历一些心理变化。

    According to social psychologists , when children become young adults , they undergo some psychological changes .

  21. 美国普渡大学社会心理学家、该研究带头人埃里克·韦塞尔曼说:被孤立是很痛苦的。

    Ostracism is painful , said chief researcher Eric Wesselmann , a social psychologist at Purdue University .

  22. 成人依恋作为人际关系中一个重要的话题,备受社会心理学家和发展心理学家的关注。

    Adult attachment as a hot point of relationship is being closely watched by social psychologists and development psychologists .

  23. 近年来,社会心理学家从社会认知的视角对权力心理进行了很多具有启发性的研究。

    Recently , many intriguing studies of power from the perspective of social cognition have been proposed by social psychologist .

  24. 二十世纪三十年代美国社会心理学家莫雷诺创立了分析人际关系资料的社会计量学方法。

    In the thirties , American Social Psychologist , Moreno , established a social metrological method to analyze relational material .

  25. 根据像罗伯特·恰尔蒂尼这样的社会心理学家的说法,我们对稀罕货的本能占有欲直接反映了人类的进化史。

    According to social psychologists like Robert Cialdini , our instinctive interest in acquiring things that are rare reflects our evolutionary history .

  26. 根据社会心理学家保罗·埃克曼交叉文化的研究,面部表情能清晰地反应你的情感表达。

    According to cross-cultural studies by social psychologist Paul Ekman , the facial expressions are able to read your emotional expressions clearly .

  27. 社会心理学家强调与群体相关的现象,例如身份和社会动机,学习中的互动环境和大的社会环境。

    Social psychologists emphasize group-related phenomena , such as identity and social motivation , and the interactional and large social contexts of learning .

  28. 这位来自伦敦大学的社会心理学家指出,大部分约会指南和自助手册中提出的建议,都是没有科学依据的废话。

    The social psychologist from University College London , dismissed most of the advice given in dating guides and self-help books as unscientific bunkum .

  29. 一组社会心理学家询问参与者的身高和体重,和她们看到这些数据时的感受如何。

    A team of social psychologists asked the participants their height and weight and how they felt when they saw it on the scale .

  30. 经过近十载的调查研究,美国社会心理学家康斯坦丁•塞迪基德斯发现,乡愁是人性的一部分。

    After a decade of surveys and research , Constantine Sedikides , a US social psychologist , found thatnostalgia is what makes us human .