
xiāng jiā
  • addition;adding;add together;add up
相加[xiāng jiā]
  1. “+”号代表相加。

    The sign " + " stands for addition .

  2. 惟一的差别是,这里使用的是并置(concatenation),而不是相加(addition)。

    The only difference is that concatenation is used instead of addition .

  3. 多年的厌恶之情终于爆发,双方拳脚相加。

    Years of dislike boiled over and blows were exchanged .

  4. 我们绝对不可将选票相加来预测另一种制度下的选举结果。

    We should never aggregate votes to predict results under another system .

  5. 现在把你所得的分数相加。

    Now tot up the points you 've scored .

  6. 二者相加尤为致命。

    The two together are particularly deadly .

  7. 把它们相加再除以5就是平均数,明白吗?

    Add them together , divide by five , and you 've got the average . Okay ?

  8. 15和25相加等于40。

    Twenty-five added to fifteen is equal to forty .

  9. 将两数相加。

    Add the two figures together .

  10. 这样的话,现值将不再可相加。

    So present values would no longer add .

  11. 3和6相加等于9。

    Three plus six equals nine .

  12. 把每一组的频率逐组相加,找出包含中位数的那一组。

    Add the frequencies in each class to find the class that contains that centermost element .

  13. 持续性伤害的效果将会与队友相加。

    Predator : Intoxication-Damage over time effect will now stack with other allies . Predator : Intoxication ,

  14. 第二个calculate方法得到两个double型数值,把他们相加,并返回合并后的double型结果。

    The second method calculate takes two doubles , adds them , and returns the resultant double .

  15. 首先,本文提出了一种用一维线性DNA自组装的方法来实现两个非负二进制整数相加的算法。

    First , a DNA algorithm was presented which adds two nonnegative binary integers using 1-D linear self-assembly .

  16. 不管是哪种情况,都可以将CA的一行作为二进制数相加。

    In either case , you can code up a row of the CA as a binary number .

  17. ELISA相加试验结果与间接混合ELISA抑制试验结果一致。

    The result was consistent with that of the indirect sandwich ELISA and inhibition ELISA test .

  18. 等于q加,对所有过程相加。

    W And that has to equal q plus w , summed up for all the steps .

  19. 在此之后,通过把前两个值相加求出F(n)。

    After this , you can determine F ( n ) by calculating the previous two values and adding them together .

  20. 研究了原位合成的钯-三苯基膦配合物对于二乙酰一肟(DAM)均相加氢性能。

    Catalytic hydrogenation of diacetyl monoxime to tetramethylpyrazine , by the Pd PPh 3 complex generated in situ , was investigated .

  21. γ射线谱中符合相加修正系数的Monte-Carlo模拟

    Monte-Carlo Simulation of the Coincidence-summing Corrections for γ - ray Spectrometry

  22. 条形高Ni/γ-Al2O3在甲苯气相加氢中的催化性

    Catalytic properties of extruded High Ni content Ni / Al_2O_3 Catalyst for Vapor Phase Toluene Hydrogenation

  23. 本文在分帧叠接相加方法的基础上,提出了一种改进的基于PN码的分帧交替传输方式。

    An improved sub-frame alternation method based on PN code is proposed in this thesis .

  24. 该电路实现I-V转换和相加器功能仅用1级视频运放。

    The circuit realizes I V conversion and adder ′ s function with only a single stage of video frequency operational amplifier .

  25. 一如美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)所指出的,中国第三季度净资本流出只有区区110亿美元,远低于贸易顺差加上外商直接投资两者相加的1080亿美元。

    As Bank of America notes , net capital outflows in the third quarter were a paltry $ 11bn versus a trade surplus plus foreign direct investment of $ 108bn .

  26. 或者呢,我会有一个关于g的新猜想,就是X大于g,将二者相加,然后除以。

    Otherwise , I 'm going to get a new guess by taking g , x over g , adding them , 2 and dividing by two .

  27. 用~(152)Eu标准点源和标准体&源刻度γ谱仪效率中的符合相加修正

    The Coincidence Summing Corrections in Efficiency Calibration for a γ - Spectrometer with ~ ( 152 ) Eu Point Standard Source and Volume Standard Source

  28. 过偏晶合金的凝固组织由不规则的团块状富Cu相和分布于其间的富Pb相加细小的(Cu)枝晶混合相组成。

    The microstructure of hypermonotectic alloy consists of irregular , block-like Cu-rich phase and interdendritic mixture of Pb-rich phase and fine ( Cu ) dendrite .

  29. 填充每个单元格需要的时间是恒定的只需有限数量的相加和比较必须填充mn个单元格。

    Filling in each cell takes constant time just a bounded number of additions and comparisons and you must fill in mn cells .

  30. 首先介绍了构成MOSFETC网络的基本单元电路,MOSFETC积分器、放大器及相加器;

    First , the basic builing blocks of MOSFET C system such as MOSFET C integrators , amplifiers , and adders are in - troduced ;