
  • 网络producer service
  1. 北京都市区生产者服务业的空间结构&兼与西方主流观点的比较

    Spatial structure of producer services in Beijing metropolitan area

  2. 而在服务业中,生产者服务业所占的比重越来越大,其发展已经受到广泛关注。

    And in the service sector , the proportion of producer services is growing .

  3. 生产者服务业FDI追逐制造业FDI吗?

    Does FDI in Producer Services Pursue Manufacturing FDI ?

  4. 这充分说明了生产者服务业和制造业之间紧密的联系。

    This fully explains producer services is closely link with manufacturing .

  5. 现代制造业与生产者服务业互动发展研究

    Investigation of the Interacting Development of Modern Manufacturing and Producer Service Industries

  6. 中国生产者服务业的增长、结构变化及其影响基于投入产出法的分析

    China 's Producer Services : Growth , Structural Changes , and Effects

  7. 我国生产者服务业起步较晚。

    Producer service industry in China started relatively late .

  8. 生产者服务业空间结构及集聚模式变化研究

    Research on Spatial Structure and the Change of Agglomeration Pattern in Producer Service Industry

  9. 现代生产者服务业的发展不能脱离现有的制造业发展的基础。

    Development of modern producer services can 't be separated from the existing basis of manufacturing .

  10. 生产者服务业发展对服务业整体效率影响的实证分析

    Impact of the Development of Producer Services Industry on the General Efficiency of Producer Services Industry

  11. 目前,生产者服务业正日益成为最活跃的经济领域之一。

    Nowadays , producer services are increasingly becoming one of the most active areas of the economy .

  12. 在发达国家,生产者服务业占整个服务业的比重在70%以上。

    In the developed countries , ratios of producer services to entire service industry are above 70 % .

  13. 生产性服务业又称生产者服务业,它是指生产过程中的中间投入服务,即用于商品和服务的进一步生产的目的,而非用于最终消费的服务。

    Producer services , means the services provided for the manufacturing process , while not for final consumers .

  14. 生产者服务业产业集聚与产业升级的有效途径&基于政府规制视角的理论阐述

    Producer Service Industry Clusters and the Efficient Approach to Industry Structure Upgrading : a Theoretical Argument from Governmental Perspective

  15. 第三章实证比较分析了山东省与其他发达省份生产者服务业与制造业的互动发展关系。

    The third chapter compares and analyses empirically the development of the interactive relationship between the producer services and manufacturing .

  16. 贸易中生产者服务业与制造业的融合与冲突&基于一个国际分工的视角

    Amalgamations and Conflicts between Producer Services and Manufacturing Sectors in Trade & Based on the Angle of International Industry Division

  17. 大量研究表明,生产者服务业在推动国民经济增长、调整产业结构以及促进劳动力就业等方面正发挥着重要作用。

    Numerous studies show that producer services is playing an important role in promoting economic growth , industrial restructuring and employment .

  18. 摘要苏州地区制造业与生产者服务业之间的关系涉及许多因素,这些因素之间的关系错综复杂,它们共同构成一个动态系统。

    The relationship between manufacturing industry and producer service industry in Suzhou involves many complex factors which compose a dynamic system .

  19. 现代制造业所内含的技术、知识和人力资本,来源于现代生产者服务业对其的中间投入。

    Such elements vital to modern manufacturing as technology , knowledge and human capital come from the intermediate inputs of producer service .

  20. 随着生产者服务业在全世界范围的快速发展,生产者服务业的集聚现象受到了越来越多的关注。

    With its rapid development in the whole world , the industrial agglomeration of producer services has drawn more and more attention .

  21. 这是因为,脱胎于制造业母体的现代生产者服务业的发展,在降低服务业投入成本和提高投入品质的同时,也有利于制造业的专业化和精细化;

    Emerging from manufacturing , producer service helps reduce the input cost of service industry so to improve the quality of inputs .

  22. 作为经济发展的新生力量,发展生产者服务业比发展其他行业更能快速带动经济发展。

    As a new force for economic development , the producer services is more easily to drive the economic than other industries .

  23. 论文结论是,相对集中的纵向市场结构是适宜生产者服务业发展的市场机制。

    The conclusion of the paper : the vertical market structure comparatively centralized is suitable for the market mechanism of the producer service .

  24. 第五章主要分析宁、沪、杭三角区内各个城市的生产者服务业发展现状。

    Chapter five is mainly to describe the current situation of the development of every cities ' producer services in Ning-Hu-Hang Delta Area .

  25. 生产者服务业和制造业的关系密切,两者呈现出相互依赖、相互促进、共同发展的互动态势。

    Producer services and manufacturing sectors are closely related , both showing the interactive trend of interdependence , mutual promotion and common development .

  26. 伴随着服务业的国际化进程,服务业特别是生产者服务业成为对外直接投资的主要行业。

    The Service Industries , especially Producer Services have become the major sectors of FDI ( Foreign Direct Investment ) in its internationalization .

  27. 工业化和专业分工程度的加深,江苏经济开放程度的提高,为生产者服务业提供了广阔的发展空间和市场。

    Further industrialization and specialization , further opening of Jiangsu economy have provided both great developmental potential and a large market for the producer-serving industry .

  28. 综合考虑经济发展阶段、产业结构状况等因素,中国加快服务业发展应该从生产者服务业方面进行突破。

    Allowed for the economic development stage , industrial structure and so on , producer services should be the orientation for the development of service industry .

  29. 中国城市的生产者服务业发展水平低,在经济全球化背景下,大力发展生产者服务业迫在眉睫。

    Producer services of Chinese cities develop in low level . Under the background of economic globalization , developing the producer services energetically is extremely urgent .

  30. 介绍了选题背景、生产者服务业的基本概念、研究思路及全文框架。

    It introduces the background of the choosing topic , the basic concept of producer services , research ideas and the full text of the framework .