
  • 网络Paradise
  1. 祖堂后面有个大草皮,是我们翻筋斗、丢飞盘以及玩各种户外游戏的天堂。

    There is a big lawn behind the ancestral room . It 's a paradise for somersaulting , throwing flying disk , and playing various outdoor games .

  2. 游戏介绍:天堂,是漂浮在我们上空的一座城市。

    The game introduce : It BE a city in our sky afloat " heaven " .

  3. 游戏介绍:格斗天堂的斗士,孤身一人英勇无比与各种先进武器搏斗!

    The game is introduced : The fighter grappling in the paradise , the only person fights with various advanced weapons bravely and incomparably !