
  • 网络definition
  1. 然后重点介绍了网络智暴法的定义、实体三要素和实施程序以及TRIZ理论在网络群体创新过程中的应用;

    Then , this paper focuses on the definition , three substantiality factors , and implementation flow of Net Brainstorm and application of TRIZ theory in the process of NGI .

  2. 试论国际贸易法的定义、范围和渊源

    On the Definition , Scope and Sources of International Trade Law

  3. 板形计法的定义及实验应用

    Definition and Verification of Shape Meter Method

  4. 这一部分从旅游以及旅游法的定义出发,分析了旅游法的性质、旅游法律关系。

    And this part also analyzes the quality of Tourism Law , the relation of Tourism Law .

  5. 第三章和第四章分析斯宾诺莎的自然法的定义和自然权利的实现问题。

    Chapter 3 and chapter 4 are about to analyze the definition and the realization of natural right .

  6. 依超限归纳法的定义

    Definition by transfinite inductio

  7. 一个好的使用方式应当是按照类别分类法的定义来保存类别代码的描述信息。

    A good practice is to store the description of the code set as defined by the categorization taxonomy .

  8. 国际法学界对国际人道法的定义存在着不同的理解,但其法律概念和特征都应当是一致的。

    There exist different understandings about the concept of International Humanitarian Law , in the field of international law society .

  9. 第二部分主要论述了海洋工程污染防治法的定义,及海洋工程污染防治法的地位。

    The second part focuses on the definition of ocean engineering and position of the law for pollution and control .

  10. 第一节主要介绍了模糊综合评价方法和层次分析法的定义和特点以及运用方法。

    The first section introduces the definition , characteristics and the use of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and the analytic hierarchy process .

  11. 对任务驱动教学法的定义和特点做了介绍,举例说明其在数学教学论教学中的应用。

    The definition and characteristic of task-driven teaching method are introduced , and applications of task-driven teaching method in Theory of Mathematics Teaching are illustrated .

  12. 本部分主要对榜样示范法的定义、内涵、特点、运作过程和功能几方面的内容进行了重新的梳理和阐释,从而为后文榜样示范法的发展研究作好理论铺垫。

    This part expounds the meaning , the features , the operation sequence and the functions of the Model Education Method to pave for the deepening study .

  13. 阐述了混烧锅炉全烧高炉煤气操作法的定义、内容和具体做法,取得了显著的经济效益,说明了该操作法对煤粉、煤气混烧锅炉具有推广价值。

    The definition , content and way of the operation method for a boiler to change combining using pulverized coal with gas to fully using blast furnace gas were presented .

  14. 本文第一部分提出了海上侵权行为法的定义并从调整对象和调整方式角度界定了我国海上侵权行为法体系,分析了海上侵权行为法体系的独立性。

    The first part of this thesis expounds the definition of maritime tort law and defines the maritime tort law system from the angle of the object and mode of its regulating .

  15. 采用基于网格法的定义域离散化方法,将连续对象转化为离散对象,并在状态转移规则,局部搜索,信息素更新规则方面进行改进,并验证算法的收敛性、可行性和有效性。

    It proposes a domain discrimination method by domain grid method . So the continuous object trans discrete objects . It also improves the state transition rules , local search rules , pheromone update rule .

  16. 论文阐述了任务型教学法的定义、特征、种类、成分、任务设计原则以及其理论基础,并对英语写作应用的教学方法进行归纳总结。

    It elaborates on the definition , features , types , components , theoretical basis of tasks and principles in task design followed by the teaching approaches that have been studied and applied to English writing class .

  17. 本文阐述了企业竞争情报战争游戏法的定义、由来、目标、适用范围、实施的主要步骤以及战争游戏法的等级、主要成果等,并且对战争游戏法进行了案例分析。

    The concept , the origin and the aim of wargaming as well as the scope , the main process , the rank , the main production and the case study of wargaming are studied in this paper .

  18. 论文借鉴中西方理论和实证研究的成果,按照时间三分法的定义提出时间配置三个阶段,构建已婚女性时间配置影响因素的扩展型理论分析框架并提出相关假设。

    Based on the theoretical and practical research in China and abroad , this paper suggests three phases of time allocation according to the definition of time trichotomy . Then it constructs an expanded theory-analysis framework and the related hypothesis .

  19. 随着世界范围内国家管理的衰落与公共治理的兴起,传统法的定义特别是国家法的定义难以覆盖法的外延,更难以包涵法的内在精神与要素。

    With the coming down of administration of country and the rise of public governance in the worldwide , the definition of traditional law , especially the national law , is difficult to cover the extension of legal norm and to include the inherent elements and the spirit .

  20. 通过对折中教学法的定义及其理论基础的分析,阐述折中教学法的主要特点和基本原则,进而指出大学英语教学就其教学大纲、教材、教法诸方面皆是折中主义外语教学的体现。

    Through the analysis of the definition and theoretical foundation of eclectic approach , this paper elaborates its special features and fundamental principle , and then points out that current college English teaching is of eclectic nature , which is embodied in its syllabus , materials and teaching methods .

  21. 对法的价值定义的一点思考

    On the Concept of the Value of Law

  22. 并且它认为这是显示大乘佛教的内涵关键所在。「法」的定义在各种经律论中,各有各的定义。

    And it thinks this is intension key point which shows Mahayana Buddhism , from law theory in various kinds of , everybody has his own and define in definition of'Law ' .

  23. 本论文的主要内容为:1.综述了vanderpol-Duffing系统的研究现状以及研究目的意义,并且阐述了稳定性、分岔、Hopf分岔理论、分岔控制方法、多尺度方法、Lyapunov系数法的概念与定义。

    Summarized the research status and research purposes of Van der Pol-Duffing system , and expounds the concept and definition of stability , bifurcation , Hopf bifurcation theory , bifurcation control method , multi-scale method and Lyapunov coefficient method .

  24. 其论调认为归纳法是理性的定义。

    The claim is that induction is rational by definition .

  25. 使用演绎法的文章以定义开篇,后面选用其他说明文模式;

    The deductive essay begins with a definition which is followed by other expository patterns ;

  26. 目前学术界对非政府组织的研究在概念界定方面,集中在包括剩余法在内的几种定义上;

    Recent studies on NGO in domestic academic circles list as follow : in respect to definition , studies focus on several conclusions including the method of residues ;

  27. 建立了结构形状优化的数学模型,根据无网格法的离散策略定义了节点位移的设计速度域;

    The mathematics model of shape optimization was presented firstly , and the design velocity field of nodes was built on the basis of the discrete strategy of meshless method .

  28. 法条竞合的定义、特征、种类以及法条竞合的适用原则等问题,目前在我国刑法理论界尚无统一定论。

    At present , there is no unified final conclusion about the definition , characteristic and category of coincidence of law articles as well as its application principle in the circle of criminal theory in our country .

  29. 从古典经济学对企业的研究到西方经济学对企业的研究,从改革初期对企业的研究到公司法对企业的定义,在此基础上可以认识企业的经济特征、法律特征和社会特征。

    From classical economics to west economics , from reform early days to company law , although review enterprise academics , in the base , can know economical character and law character and society character of enterprise .

  30. 由于舌体与脸部等背景区域颜色较为接近,提出一种基于改进模糊算子和形态学的舌体分割方法,该方法根据由大津法确定的阈值定义隶属函数,取得了令人满意的分割效果。

    Because of similar color between tongue body and background , a tongue segmentation method based on improved fuzzy operator and morphology is presented . This method defines membership function according to the threshold determined by Otsu , and is effective in segmenting tongue body .