
fǎ lǜ hòu ɡuǒ
  • legal consequence
  1. 第三章:WTO和ECT的争端解决机制的管辖权的比较及管辖重叠的法律后果。

    Chapter Three : The comparison of the jurisdiction scope of dispute settlement mechanism between WTO and ECT and the legal consequence of the jurisdiction overlap of dispute settlement mechanism between WTO and ECT .

  2. 实施MBO必然会导致一定的法律后果:若收购不成功,公司管理层就有可能被公司解聘,且再次收购也会受到限制;

    Several legal consequence will be caused certainly by the implementation of MBO : If it does not succeed , the administration and supervision authorities of the company will be discharged probably and it 's limited to buy-out again ;

  3. 对于后者,则称为表见代理,表见代理即被视为有代理权之无权代理,将发生与有权代理一样的法律后果。对于后者指Fe,Ni和Co。

    For the latter , continental law system names it as agency by estoppels regarded as the agency of authorized agency . for the later represents Fe , Co and Ni .

  4. CC内容政策,可能会导致立即终止本协议,且您本身必须接受州政府和联邦政府的罚款及其他法律后果。

    CC Content Policy , may result in immediate termination of this Agreement , and may subject you to state and federal penalties and other legal consequences .

  5. 通过对GATT第二十四条的目的和法律后果与关税同盟经济理论进行了比较,发现了其政治目的超越了经济逻辑。

    On the purpose of the GATT XXIV and its legal consequences , it is clear that the political purpose is beyond the economic logics .

  6. 区分不同程序承担不同法律后果。

    Differentiates the different procedure to undertake the different legal consequence .

  7. 犯罪后的第三种法律后果:保护处分

    The third Legal Result of Crime and Delinquency : Protective Treatment

  8. 还讨论了由此可能产生的法律后果。

    The law consequences resulted from the decision were discussed too .

  9. 第四部分,诉讼之外的赔礼道歉可能产生的法律后果。

    The fourth part of apology may produce the legal consequences .

  10. 论不当得利在澳门法中的构成及其法律后果

    Constitution and Consequence of the Unjust Enrichment in Macau Civil Code

  11. 行政程序违法及其法律后果&一个比较的分析

    Illegal administrative procedure and its legal consequence & A comparative analysis

  12. 论违反海上保险合同中的保证的法律后果

    On the Legal Consequence of Breach of Warranty in Marine Insurance

  13. 第四部分:违反自动冻结的法律后果。

    Part IV , Consequences of violating the automatic stay .

  14. 违反行政程序表现形态及法律后果之比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Displaying Form and Legal Consequence of Violating Administrative Procedure

  15. 浅谈合同撤销权行使后的法律后果

    Brief Analysis on Law Consequences of Implementing Right of Contract-Withdrawal

  16. 论行政越权及其法律后果

    On Administrative Subject Overstepping the Authority and Its Legal Consequence

  17. 论保险合同的无效及其法律后果

    On the Nullification of Insurance Contract and Its Legal Consequence

  18. 信托财产的独立性可以产生直接和间接的法律后果;

    Independence of trust property can produce direct and indirect legal effect ;

  19. 无效施工合同与民事法律后果

    On the Invalid Construction Contract and the Consequence of the Civil Law

  20. 医生往往害怕承认过失的法律后果。

    Doctors often fear the legal consequences of admitting errors .

  21. 经理越权代表行为的法律后果与责任

    On the legal effect and liability of the ultra vires act of manager

  22. 论合同附随义务违反的归责原则与法律后果

    Study on doctrine of liability fixation and legal effects of violating incidental obligation

  23. 无产权证房屋买卖合同的法律后果

    The Legal Results of the Sale Contract of a House Without Property Certificate

  24. 行政程序违法的法律后果及其责任

    Legal Consequence of Violating Administrative Procedure and the Responsibility

  25. 在不同情况下,撤销的概念、构成要件和法律后果均不同。

    Under different condition the concept , composition and legal consequence are different .

  26. 根本违约的构成要件及法律后果

    On the Composing Elements and Legal Consequences of the Fundamental Breach of Contract

  27. 民事责任是违反民事义务应承担的法律后果。

    Civil liability for violation of civil obligations should bear the legal consequences .

  28. 告知义务及违反该义务的法律后果

    The Disclosure Duty and Legal Effects Due to a Breach of the Duty

  29. 有限责任公司股东瑕疵出资的若干民事法律后果分析

    A Study on Some Civil Legal Consequences Caused by Defective Contribution of Shareholders

  30. 第四,违反医疗合同附随义务的法律后果。

    The fourth ," legal responsibility of violates medical contract collateral obligation " .