
  • 网络weight distribution
  1. 对于权重分布相对均匀的ZHU模型和WANG模型来说,随机免疫方式却优于基于节点权重的目标免疫。

    Weight distribution is the relatively homogeneous in ZHU model and WANG model , random immunization strategy is better than the target immunization one in these networks .

  2. 基于误差权重分布(EWD)的方法,分析了各种角度的高阶旋转扩展矩阵的分集度。

    And , the diversity of the higher order rotation spreading matrix with different angles are analyzed by the method of error weight distribution .

  3. 考虑到由大气湍流造成的光学波前畸变中各泽尼克(Zernike)基元模式的统计权重分布,以及变形镜的实际装夹定位方式,对双压电变形反射镜的优化设计进行了分析。

    Considering the statistical weight factors of different Zernike model aberrations caused by atmospheric turbulence , and the different arrangements of mirror positioning , the optimization of the bimorph deformable mirror is analyzed .

  4. 结果表明,经权重分布集成预报以后预测水平有明显提高,而且效果相对稳定。

    The results show that the forecasts are stable and improved remarkably .

  5. 分组调度算法在不同权重分布下的时延性能

    Delay Performance of Packet Scheduling Algorithms Versus Weight Distribution

  6. 论加权因子的权重分布对转轮水力开发的导向作用

    Guiding Effects of the Weighted Efficiency Factors Distribution on the Hydraulic Turbine Model Runner Development

  7. 权重分布法集成预报试验

    Ensemble forecast experiments using weighting distribution method

  8. 超大聚合物分子被压缩后使归一化权重分布函数主峰向分子尺寸更大方向移动。

    The compression makes the peak of f ( R_ ( h )) move to the direction of bigger molecular size .

  9. 根据权重分布,设置评价指标标准分数表,分为5个级别。

    According to the weight distribution , the standard score table of evaluation indexes was established and divided into five ranks .

  10. 研究了具有非均匀权重分布样本的系统熵的计算方法。

    We investigate the event weighting method in the measurement of the entropy on the data sample with nonuniform weight distributions .

  11. 解析结果表明该网络的强度分布、权重分布具有幂律尾部。

    Analytical results indicate that the strength and weight distributions have scale-free properties . ( 3 ) A bipartite model with doctor-drug is constructed .

  12. 按类抛物线型给出权重分布,对开发出综合性能优良的转轮作出了正确的导向。

    Basing on the type of parabola similarity , the derived weighted factors distribution will correctly guide to develop a excellent model runner with fine general performance .

  13. 由于竞争层神经元的权重分布不同,则权重分布图也不同,可根据不同的权重分布图来确认和诊断汽轮机轴承座松动故障的不同程度。

    Because the scale distributions of neurons of the competitive level are different , the degree of loosing can be ascertained and diagnosed by the distribution figure of scale .

  14. 而混沌数据对应的加权网络模型中,它的节点的权重分布近似于幂律分布。其次,在前面模拟实验的基础上,我们探讨了复杂网络拓扑结构与时间序列动力特征间的对应关系。

    For the chaotic time series , it has a Power-Law distribution . Second , we research the relationship between the topology of complex network and dynamics of time series .

  15. 着重分析了三类常用权函数的参数&权重分布曲线,设计出合理确定矩形节点影响域尺寸的算法流程,为权函数的选取提供指导和依据。

    Emphatically , parameter-weight distribution curve of three commonly-used weight functions are analyzed . Algorithm of reasonable determining rectangular nodal supports is designed , which instructs the choice of weight function .

  16. 基于目标尺度方向估计,调整算法核窗口尺寸及核权重分布,以克服跟踪中背景干扰。

    Based on the estimations of target scale and direction , kernel window size and weight distribution of the algorithm are adjusted , in order to overcome the background distraction in tracking .

  17. 模糊综合评价法根据专家对指标体系的评分情况,确定隶属度、专家评价等级矩阵,构建模糊综合评价模型,以确定医院医疗服务品牌评价指标体系的权重分布。

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method . Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation model was constructed according experts ' score to identify the weight distribution of the evaluation indicator system of hospital medical services brand . 4 .

  18. 并在此基础上,详细分析了构件的国有企业经营绩效评价指标体系中的指标及计算方法权重分布,评价标准和评价计分方法。

    On this basis , we give a detailed analysis of the indicators and methods of computation in the build state-owned enterprise performance evaluation index system , weight distribution , evaluation criteria and evaluation method of calculation .

  19. 以单隐层结构为典型,定义了隐层神经元输出为网络输出量的(正、负)内部分量,隐层权重分布为网络求解问题的内部判决模式;

    Taking an MLP with single hidden layer , for example , we define the outputs of hidden units as positive or negative internal components and the distributions of connection weights of hidden layer in a trained network as the internal decision patterns for the given problems .

  20. 首先通过权分布的调节,分析权重分布对网络同步能力的影响,得出权重的分布越均匀网络同步能力也越强的结论,即权重的同质分布比异质分布更能提高网络的同步能力。

    We analyze how the weights ' distribute influence the network synchronous ability , and get a conclusion which weights distribute more even network synchronous ability more strong , namely the weights distribute with quality to distribute and can even improve the synchronous ability of network than the differences .

  21. 这一结论同样适用于篇幅较短、特征项权重值分布不均衡的文本分类处理。

    This conclusion is also applicable to the classification of text which have less feature items and uneven distribution of weight .

  22. 插入式电磁流量传感器是以电磁感应为基础和以测量流场分布为前提的流量传感器,权重函数分布、电磁场分布和流场分布对其测量结果的影响是至关重要的。

    Insertion electromagnetic flow sen-sor is based on the electromagnetic induction and the fluid velocity distribution of measuring the flow field . And the distribution of weighting function and electro-magnetism field and flow field play a key role in affecting its measurement result .

  23. 最后分析了两项气象(影响)用电量与气温的第一对典型变量权重系数的分布特征。

    Finally it is analysed that the distibution properties of weighted coefficients of first pair of canonical variables between Y and T .

  24. 我们还可以得到:背景序列的发射概率,Motif的位置权重矩阵,初始分布,状态转移矩阵,状态空间。

    We also can know : the emit probability of the background model , the position weight matrix of the motif , motif density , initial distribution , state space , state transition matrix .

  25. 因而必须从流场分布、权重函数和电磁场分布三个方面来研究插入式电磁流量传感器。

    Thus , the research of insertion electromagnetic flow sensor must be carried out in the three perspectives which are the flow field , the electromagnetic field and the weight function .

  26. 社会子系统中的教育指数的权重值位于指标层权重分布的中游水平,表明教育已然成为促进该区域经济发展的重要影响因子。

    Social subsystem of education index weight values in the index layer of the middle reaches , and that education has become an important factor of economic development .

  27. 体积权重与个数权重晶粒体积分布特征的相互关系

    Relation between the Volume - weighted and Number - weighted Grain Volume Distribution Function

  28. 该方法用一组具有特定权重的规则识别垃圾邮件,规则权重分布用改进遗传算法训练得到。

    A set of weighted rules is used to filter spam with the weights selected using an improved genetic algorithm .

  29. 笔者先根据专家打分的方式确定指标权重,再根据统计数据,运用信息熵权法计算指标数据的权重分布,最后再将二者结合计算城市低碳发展水平评价指标的组合权重。

    I first determine the manner of the expert scoring index weight , weight distribution , the use of information entropy weight method to calculate the index data based on statistical data .