
  • 网络RIGHTS;Rights Principle
  1. 英国普通法程序先于权利原则的思考

    Some Thoughts on Doctrine of " Remedies Proceed Rights " in English Common Law

  2. 兄弟会也已公开承诺将融入世俗(而非宗教)国家,遵守与宗教无关的平等权利原则。

    It has also committed publicly to participating in a civil not a religious state and to the principles of equal rights irrespective of religion .

  3. 保护在先权利原则。

    Principle of protect formerly .

  4. 令状对诉讼形式的规定使普通法形成了程序先于权利原则,并使英国法在司法审判中通过判例得以积累。

    The writ system stipulated the form of action , which formed the principle of procedures preceding right in the common law .

  5. 因此,可以从这两种作用中引出自愿原则、公平原则、不伤害原则、权利原则和平等原则。

    So the base principles of justice include voluntary principle , fairness principle , harm principle , right principle and equal principle .

  6. 决策阶段为了贯彻无损权利原则,人和事都应独立于行政处罚机构和谈判阶段。

    In order to implement principle of without prejudice , decision-making should make sure staff and institutions wholly separate of administrative penalties and negotiation .

  7. 保护在先权利原则今天已被各国普遍奉为解决知识产权权利冲突的最基本的原则,我国也不例外。

    Protecting prior rights principle has been universally regarded as the most basic principles in settlement of intellectual property rights ' conflict , our country is no exception .

  8. 党政领导干部问责制问责程序必须坚持问责公开原则、问责方中立原则、保障被责方正当权利原则。

    The system must insist on the open principle , the principle of the accountability side being neutral and the principle of ensuring the proper rights of the responsibility side .

  9. 主要包括全面调查原则、分案处理原则、保障未成年犯罪嫌疑人、被告人诉讼权利原则、迅速简化原则。笔者对每一原则的概念、内容、理论依据以及表现形式都进行了深入研究。

    These principles include those of comprehensive investigation , separation from adult cases , protection of the legal rights of juvenile suspects and defendants , and rapidness and simplicity of procedure .

  10. 诚实信用原则、效益原则、尊重和保护著作权人基本权利原则是我们解决冲突应当遵循的三项基本原则。

    Principle of good faith , benefit principle , respect for and protection of fundamental rights of the copyright owner is the principle of conflict resolution should follow three basic principles .

  11. 本文对欧洲联盟法的一般法律原则中的基本权利原则、比例原则、平等原则、确定性原则以及国家责任原则进行了研究。

    The article analyses the principle of basic rights and obligations , the principle of equality , the principal of definiteness and the principle of state responsibility , all of which belong to the general legal principles .

  12. 名人代言广告不同于普通代言广告,本章第一部分从诚实信用原则、侵权基本原理、信赖利益保护原则以及保护消费者权利原则四个方面阐述了要求名人来承担虚假代言责任的理论基础。

    In the first part of this chapter , I stated he theoretic foundation of the responsibilities for celebrity endorsement on deceptive advertisement from the following four aspects , the theory of honesty and credibility , reliance interest , consumerism and tort .

  13. 笔者对利益平衡原则、利益衡量原则、相对保护在先权利原则及我国法制实践中对这些原则的贯彻和适用现状、存在弊端、他国经验、相关建议作了较为详尽的论述。

    The author illustrates thoroughly the benefit balance principle , the benefit measuring principle , protecting the earlier right comparatively principle and the present situation of conflicting and applying these principles , the existing problems , other countries experience and related advice .

  14. 如在美国,最初法院拘泥于法律权利原则,除非法律主体能够证明其受法律保障的权利已经或正在遭受损害,否则便欠缺原告资格。

    For instance , in American , the initial court stands on the principle of ' the law right ', only when the subject can prove his right has been damaged or suffering from , otherwise , the subject lacks the qualification of complaint .

  15. 除法治国家的一般要求外,制定和实施电子政务法还应遵循保护公民基本权利原则、信息公开化原则、行政信息共享原则、政府中立原则和弹性化原则。

    Besides sharing the general request of law nations , when establishing and practicing such law , we should still follow some principles like protecting the basic rights of citizens , opening the information , public sharing the administrative information , and government keeping neutral and with flexibility .

  16. 整体性原则和权利至上原则是德沃金法律原则理论的核心所在。德沃金在论述权利问题时,提出了个人道德独立权利以及平等关怀和尊重的权利j。

    While advocating individual rights , Dworkin presents conceptions of the independent right of morality and the right of treatment and respect as an equal .

  17. 权利穷竭原则,是知识产权法上的一个重要原则。

    Exhaustion doctrine is a fundamental rule in intellectual property law .

  18. 权利穷竭原则探究&兼论平行进口问题

    Research on the Exhaustion Doctrine ── Comment on the parallel imports

  19. 权利穷竭原则是支持平行进口的理论基础。

    Exhaustion of rights is the support rationale of parallel import .

  20. 论权利本位原则在公司理财中的运用

    On the use of right standard principle in corporate financing

  21. 权利与原则:撩开说话的法律面纱

    Right and Principle : Discourse the Law Veil of Speech

  22. 欧盟法中的商标权权利穷竭原则

    The Principle of Exhaustion of Trademark 's Rights in the EU Law

  23. 简论诉讼权利平等原则

    A Simple Discussion on the Principle of the Equal Right of Action

  24. 数据库在商业利用中的权利归属原则

    Principle to Determine the Right on Database in Commercial Use

  25. 遵循法治行政原则、权利保障原则。

    Keep to rule of law administrative principle , the obliges guarantees principle .

  26. 权利失效原则的适用范围与法律效力

    On the Principle of the Invalidation of the Right

  27. 知识产权法中的权利穷竭原则

    On the Exhaustion Doctrine on Intellectual Property Law

  28. 版权的权利穷竭原则研究

    Study on the Right Exhaustion Doctrine of Copyright

  29. 父母和孩子不可剥夺的权利的原则。

    The principle of a parent 's inalienable right to his or her children .

  30. 过期权利丧失原则。

    Principle of outdated be losed .