
  1. 晚安晚安晚安,Sammy

    Good night . Good night . Good night , Sammy .

  2. 大家心照不宣那么晚安晚安希拉

    As long as we 're clear.Good night , then.Good night , Sheila .

  3. 晚安晚安宝贝

    Good night . ' Night , baby .

  4. 谢谢你的提示晚安晚安好耶

    Thanks for the tip . Good night . Good night . My , oh , my .

  5. 晚安晚安暂时把她的尸体放进后备箱了

    You good over there ? Night . Goodnight . I put her body in the trunk for now .

  6. 别这么说艾琳我明天就回来记住要打扮好来接我晚安晚安

    Don 't say that , Aline . I 'll see you tomorrow.Keep yourself ready for me.Goodnight . Goodnight .

  7. 好的非常感谢你一直呆到现在没事晚安晚安

    Thank you very much for staying . You 're welcome , no problem . Good night . Good night .

  8. 晚安奶奶晚安好好睡

    Good night , Mommo . Good night . Sleep tight .

  9. 那就┅晚安了晚安

    Night . Okay . I. .. Good night . Night .

  10. 晚安,晚安,夜夜复夜夜。

    Oh goodnight , goodnight , my night after night .

  11. -好吧晚安-晚安

    Okay . Well , good night . Good night .

  12. 晚安格蕾塔晚安格蕾塔

    Good night , Gretta . Good night , Gretta .

  13. 晚安-晚安查理

    Good night . - Night , Charlie .

  14. 我明天打电话给你好吗晚安斯特凡晚安

    I 'm gonna call you tomorrow , ok ? Good night , Stefan.Good night .

  15. 伙计要上楼吗过一会儿晚安妈妈晚安泰勒

    Hey , man . You headin ' up ? In a minute.Night , mom.Night , Tyler .

  16. 她无忧无虑地带上自己的小桶和铲子到处跑,用土覆盖球茎,一边还喊着“晚安,晚安”或是“睡个好觉”。

    She wandered around so happily carefree with her little bucket and spade , covering the bulbs with earth and calling out " Night nigh " or " Sleep tight ", her little voice chattering constantly on .

  17. 不是好吧那就晚安了晚安查理早安早奶奶早上喜欢睡懒觉她还好吗?我是说她需要什么东西吗?不要她坚强如钢铁穿裙子的丘吉尔

    rning . Good morning . Gran wants to sleep in this morning . Is she okay ? I mean , does she need anything ? No need . She 's tough as old boots , that one . Churchill in a dress .

  18. 晚安爸爸,晚安妈妈。

    LIONEL : Goodnight Mom , goodnight Dad .

  19. 晚安…再晚安…又晚安

    Nighty-night ... after night , after night .

  20. 晚安乔治公公-晚安查理

    Good night , Grandpa George . Night , Charlie .

  21. 晚安,雷米,晚安,弗兰克

    Good night , Remy . Good night , Frank .

  22. 好.晚安,麦斯-晚安

    Okay . Well , good night , Miles . - Good night .

  23. 晚安,纽约;晚安,美国;晚安,我亲爱的祖国。

    Good evening , NYC ; good evening , USA ; good evening , my deer homeland .