
  • 网络cultural space and time
  1. 论中西建筑文化时空观的物化形态

    The Physical Forms of Spatial-Temporal Concepts in Chinese and Western Architectural Cultures

  2. 通过考古学来考察文明过程有四个角度:建立各地的考古学文化时空框架;

    There are four aspects from the angle of archaeology to observe the process .

  3. 文化时空论

    On the Time and Space of Culture

  4. 文学价值的文化时空结构

    Time and Space Structure of Literary Value

  5. 从某种意义上说,翻译的过程就是文本意义在新的文化时空中的重构过程。

    And in a sense , the translating process is essentially the reconstructing process of the textual meaning in a new space-time of culture .

  6. 蒙古族婚礼仪式是蒙古民族在漫长的文化时空中创造并积累的,具有本民族独特的形式和风格,是蒙古族的物质财富和精神财富的反映和表现。

    Mongolian wedding rituals are created and accumulated in history with the development of its national culture and represent the unique characteristics and styles of Mongolian nationality . Therefore , they are an embodiment of Mongolian material and spiritual wealth .

  7. 基于扩展CA的文化传播时空模拟研究

    The study on temporal and spatial simulation of culture diffusion based on extended CA

  8. 深圳市文化设施时空分布格局研究

    Study on the Spatio-temporal Distribution Patterns of Cultural Facilities in Shenzhen

  9. 北京新疆街食品文化的时空过程

    The Time space of Food Culture in Xin Jiang Street of Beijing

  10. 南京历史文化的时空解读

    On the Cultural Time and Space of Nanjing History

  11. 宗教文化是时空文化的连续体。

    Religious culture is a culture of continuous body of space and time .

  12. 青海古代文化遗址时空分布特征

    The characteristics of the Temporal and Spatial Distribution of the Ancient cultural Sites In Qinghai Province

  13. 文化的时空整合&陈正祥《中国文化地理》评述

    Conformity of Time and Space in Culture : Comments on Cultural Geography of China by CHEN Zheng-xiang

  14. 此三者并存于同一文化历史时空中,彼此错综冲突碰撞,始终处于对话状态。

    The three co-existed in the same cultural and historical era , entangling and clashing with one another in a dialogical way .

  15. 农耕文化的时空特征表现为地域多样性、民族多元性、历史延续性、乡土普世性;

    From the perspective of space , farming culture has the characteristics of regional diversity , ethical variety , historical continuity and rural universality .

  16. 从传统文化视角管窥时空呈圆

    An Inquiry into Time and Space Are Round in the View of Traditional Culture

  17. 这样的史观无视中国文化中关于时空、运动、社会和世界万物的根本的独特的概念;

    Such an approach displaced the fundamentals of Chinese thought about time , space , motion , society and the myriad world .

  18. 所以中产阶级应是社会历史发展中具有相应动态变化的概念,是一个文化和社会时空差异性的概念。

    Middle class should be the correspondingly developed concept in social historical development , is a concept of cultural and social space-time with discrepancy .

  19. 翻译的“再生性”使人类的文化遗产跨越时空得以延续,其意义有可能在新的时代得以重新建构。

    This " rebirth " of ancient texts enables cultural legacies of all civilizations to last over space and time , and their meanings probably to be reconstructed in new ages .

  20. 两者文化不同、时空不同、方式不同,但目的却有着惊人的相似,都是为了实现艺术与生活合二为一的人生自由理想境界。

    The two artists are in different culture , different time and they worked in different manners though their purposes were fabulously similar & for the ideal state of mind of the combination of art and life .

  21. 本文描述了在翻译过程中主体之间的内在关系是如何实现的,即,译者如何与原作者,译文读者实现跨文化、跨时空的交流。

    It intends to give an account of the inherent relations among the subjects in translation activities , that is , how the translator carries on cross-cultural , cross-spatiotemporal and asymmetrical communication with the original author and the target audience .

  22. 文化具有超时空的稳定性和很强的凝聚力,一个民族的文化模式一经形成,必然会持久地支配每个社会成员的思想和行为。

    The culture has the surpassing space and time the stability and the greatly strengthened cohesive force , a nationality 's cultural pattern once forms , can lastingly control each members of different social classes ' thought and the behavior inevitably .

  23. 全文分三章进行阐述:第一章首先阐述三峡的形成,了解古代三峡诗作中所呈现三峡的原始风貌,表明鬼斧神工的三峡为诗人们提供了一个文化创作的时空舞台。

    This paper is divided into three chapters to elaborate : The first chapter describes the formation of the Three Gorges , to know the original style , presented by the ancient Three Gorges poems . It suggests that the magic Three Gorges provided a spatio-temporal stage of cultural creation .

  24. 近现代西方文化中心分布的时空特征及门类层次析因

    Distribution of the Western Culture Center : Space-time Characteristics and Category Analysis

  25. 月亮意象的文化内涵&从时空合一思维的角度论述

    The Academic Meaning of the Image of the Moon & The combination of time and space

  26. 文体的产生和发展离不开它赖以产生的社会文化土壤,巴赫金时空型概念的提出成为认识人类自我意识和文化观的重要步骤。

    The development of style is dependent on the society and culture . The conception of time and space is very important .

  27. 女性是民俗的化身,民俗是女性的灵魂,两者在文化和文学的时空中有机交融。

    The females are the incarnation of folk and folk on the other hand is the soul of the females . They integrate in culture and literature .

  28. 中产阶级具有明显的文化背景和社会时空差异性特征,文化背景、时间、地点不同,中产阶级概念的内涵和外延自然会发生相应变化。其次,实证分析和理论探讨相结合的方法。

    The Middle class has a clear characteristic of culture background and time and space difference , the intention and extension maybe change with the changing of culture background , time and place . Second , using the method of combining concrete evidence analyzation with theory exploration .

  29. 不同民族的语言行为和语言习惯不仅反映了一个民族的思想观念,而且在很大程度上受到该文化思维模式、时空观念、价值、信仰以及态度体系的制约。

    Language behaviours and language habits of different cultures not only reflect , but are also influenced and controlled in the astonishing degree by the modes of thinking , concepts of time and space , and the systems of values , beliefs and attitudes of different countries .

  30. 本文从文化内涵和文化的时空格局等方面诠释了闽文化的多元性特征,并探讨分析了地理位置及地缘经济、生态、政治环境对其形成的影响。

    The paper analyses the pluralism feature from the culture connotation and space-time format , and studies the effects of the geographic location , geographic-economy , geographic-ecology and geographic-politics .