
  • 网络get open;Break loose
  1. 要有人摆脱防守才行,伙计们。

    Somebody 's gotta get open , guys .

  2. 偶尔他也能摆脱防守,但是传球则不对路子。

    On the few occasions he did escape his marker , his passing was wayward .

  3. 只要合理的运用防守的假动作就能摆脱防守的被动局面,提高防守的主动性。

    Using them properly , we can shake off the passive guard phase and improve its initiative .

  4. 萨巴莱塔像胶水一样粘住荷兰边锋不放,不过在关键的第90分钟时,罗本灵活地摆脱了防守队员。

    Zabaleta stuck like glue to the Dutch wingers , except in the crucial 90th minute when Robben danced free .

  5. 哈登可以很好的掌控自己的速度,所以他总能够轻易地摆脱对手的防守。

    Harden operates at varying speeds , a trait that consistently throws off defenders .