
  • 网络to be hedges;investment loss;Loss on Investment
  1. 海外投资损失准备金

    Overseas investment loss reserve

  2. 这包括净投资损失的$342百万美元,比一年以前的损失$732百万美元有所改善。

    That included a net investment loss of $ 342 million , an improvement from the $ 732 million loss a year ago .

  3. 在我国3G网络建设中若能考虑文中的观点,或许能够避免重大投资损失。

    Perhaps , the great loss of investment for the construction of 3G mobile network in our country could be avoided if the conclusion provided in the paper to be considered .

  4. 在一个极端,高盛(goldmansachs)表现卓越发布的收益数据节节攀升,抵押贷款空头头寸的巨额利润抵消了次级抵押贷款市场投资损失。

    At one end of the spectrum Goldman Sachs sails sublimely on , churning out ever-improving earnings figures while offsetting losses on its exposure to the subprime market with vast profits on short positions in mortgages .

  5. 纽约州帕克斯维尔的小约翰·J·卡萨伊(JohnJ.KassayJr.)说,他在中国清洁能源的投资损失了大约2万美元。他加入了内华达州那桩起诉任宝文及其公司的诉讼,为的是“让他们承担责任”。

    John J. Kassay Jr. of Parksville , N.Y. , said he lost about $ 20000 on his investment in Sino Clean and joined the lawsuit in Nevada against Mr. Ren and the company to " take them to task . "

  6. 这是否公正地描述出德国金融业目前的状况呢?或许。此前有新闻披露,德国各银行将出手拯救蒙受惨重投资损失的专业贷款机构&德国产业投资银行(IKB)。

    Is this a fair description of the current state of Teutonic finance , following the news that German banks are to rescue IKB , a specialised lender , from its disastrous investment losses ?

  7. 当期及累计未确认的投资损失金额。

    The current period and accumulative amounts of unrecognized investment losses ;

  8. 这带来了额外的投资损失,并进一步削弱了投资者信心。

    That is creating additional investment losses and denting confidence further .

  9. 一旦开发失败,不但会给企业造成巨大的投资损失,甚至可能导致企业濒临破产的边缘。

    Once it fails , it will cause great investment losses , even bankruptcy .

  10. 2008年、2010年的房地产宏观调控使得部分投资人蒙受了投资损失,投资人认识到风险控制的重要性。

    Some of investors suffered losses in real estate macroeconomic regulatory of 2008 and 2010 .

  11. 他们的投资损失是其中主要原因。

    Mainly it reflects their investment losses .

  12. 比如说,如果你年纪较大,你从重大投资损失中恢复过来的时间就较少

    For instance , if you are older you have less time to recover from any major losses

  13. 资本金减少,意味着股本回报率上升,但同时也减少了针对贷款违约和投资损失的缓冲。

    Lower capital means higher returnson equity but a smaller buffer against loan defaults and investment losses .

  14. 股市低迷造成的普遍性股票投资损失会降低社会互动的积极作用,而社会互动对低学历居民参与股市的正面影响更为明显。

    Social interaction exerts more significantly positive effect on the stock market participation for households with lower education .

  15. 在这种缺乏风险激励机制和投资损失风险赔偿约束机制下,基金管理人收益报酬和风险责任是不对称的,即报酬与风险不相关,这导致基金管理人自然缺乏盈利的动力。

    The lack of risk incentive and loss compensation mechanism makes the return and risk liability of fund managers asymmetric .

  16. 与这些高风险房产贷款相关的投资损失不仅影响了美国的银行,而且还影响到全球的银行。

    Losses on investments tied to these risky home loans have affected not only American banks but banks around the world .

  17. 巴克莱银行的五年期债券发行收益率为2.525%,不过这总比投资损失要好得多。

    Barclay 's five-year bonds were issued at a yield of2.525 % , but that 's a lot better than a loss .

  18. 今年前三个月,他在阿尔法银行的投资损失了差不多4000万欧元。

    The value of his stake in Alpha Bank plunged by nearly 40 million euros in the first three months of the year .

  19. 百万富翁们表示住房收入平均降低19%,同样的还有投资损失19%,房地产损失28%。

    The millionaires reported an average household income drop of19 % , along with investment losses of19 % and real-estate losses of28 % .

  20. 恐怕我有些坏消息要通知你由于今天的一个重大股票投资损失直接影响到了你们的证券账户

    I 'm afraid I 've got some bad news regarding a major stock loss today and its immediate effect on your portfolio .

  21. 在虚假陈述与投资损失之间因果关系的认定问题上,采用市场欺诈理论和推定信赖原则可以减轻原告的举证责任。

    The adoption of fraud-on-the-market-theory and the inferred reliance doctrine can decrease the burden of plaintiff on conformation of causation between misrepresentation and losses .

  22. 但仍存在一个严重问题:有多少家机构正蒙受惨重投资损失,数额究竟有多大?

    But the big question is still out there : how many institutions are sitting on nasty investment losses , and how big are they ?

  23. 高盛是在和利比亚主权财富基金协商如何弥补利比亚方面13亿美元投资损失时谈到的这笔费用的,但事实上高盛从未支付这笔费用。

    Goldman never actually paid the fee , which Goldman and the wealth fund discussed as they considered how the investment bank might make Libya whole for $ 1.3 billion in investment losses .

  24. 在这种情况下,我国可能会在相当长的一段时期内面临货币政策两难、国际金融市场动荡、出口减弱、海外投资损失增加的局面。

    In this case , our country may be in for a long period of time the monetary policy dilemma facing the international financial market turmoil , weakened exports , overseas investment increase in the loss .

  25. 关于第三人范围,笔者认为必须着眼于法律责任制度的总体框架来解决公平分配投资损失的问题。

    With respect to the scope of the third person , the author thinks we must focus on the overall framework of legal liability system to resolve the question of " equitable distribution of investment losses " .

  26. 剖析了当前导致投资损失浪费的因素,提出了深化设计改革、优化设计技术以及设计单位在提高化肥项目投资效益方面发挥主导作用的对策和措施。

    The factors resulting in investment lose are analyzed in this paper . Some measures and suggestions of deepening reform , optimizing designing technique as well as making the leading role of design institutes in raising investment benefit of fertilizer projects are put forward .

  27. 通过不确定性分析,可以使投资者较为全面地了解项目的风险,有效地控制对项目影响较大因素的变化,从而提高决策的科学性,减少投资损失。

    It is able to make investor acknowledge the risk of project in all-sided , and efficiently control the variety of factors which affect the project mostly by taking uncertainty analysis , and then to enhance scientific decision-making and to lessen the loss of investment .

  28. 估计经济前景不佳,国际扶轮已经减少700万美元的预算支出,然而投资损失,加上国际扶轮年会收入短少及保险费增加等因素,仍造成700万美元的亏损。

    Anticipating economic woes , RI had reduced its budgeted expenses by $ 7.0million ; still , the investment losses , plus a shortfall in RI Convention revenue and rising insurance premiums , among other factors , hurt the bottom line , resulting in a loss of $ 7.0 million .

  29. 2006年11月,以RipplewoodHoldings为首的股权投资者以24亿美元收购了该杂志,现在它们的全部6亿美元投资将损失殆尽。

    Equity investors led by Ripplewood Holdings , who announced the $ 2.4bn acquisition in November 2006 , will lose their entire $ 600m investment .

  30. 他在证券交易所有风险的投资中损失了所有的钱

    He lost all his money in risky investment on the stock exchange