
jiè bèi
  • alert;be on the alert;guard;watch for;watch out for;keep a sharp lookout;take precautions
戒备 [jiè bèi]
  • [guard;be on the slert;take precautions] 警惕防备以应不测

  • 敌人戒备森严

戒备[jiè bèi]
  1. 警方已经对他进行了详细的盘问,因此他会保持戒备心理。

    The police have questioned him thoroughly , and he 'll be on his guard

  2. 我要花上好长时间才能放下戒备心,与人接近。

    It takes me a long time to drop my guard and get close to people .

  3. 5000多名士兵已处于戒备状态。

    More than 5 000 troops have been placed on alert .

  4. 他从背后悄悄逼近了那毫无戒备的受害者。

    He had crept up on his unsuspecting victim from behind .

  5. 敌军显示出进攻的迹象,部队不得不进入戒备状态。

    Warnings of an enemy attack forced the troops onto the defensive .

  6. 炸弹爆炸之后,当地医院一直处于戒备状态。

    Following the bomb blast , local hospitals have been put on red alert .

  7. 他们心怀戒备地相互看着对方。

    They looked at each other with distrust .

  8. 她整个人保持着戒备状态。

    Her whole bearing was alert .

  9. 武装部队保持高度戒备,以防发生任何报复行动。

    The armed forces were on high alert to guard against any retaliation .

  10. 叛乱者挖地道逃离了戒备最为森严的监狱。

    The rebels tunnelled out of a maximum security jail

  11. 由于安全戒备的原因,该次列车在“牛津街口广场”站将不停留。

    Due to a security alert , this train will not be stopping at Oxford Circus .

  12. 因料到在有组织的大罢工期间可能会出现骚乱,菲律宾的军队已进入全面戒备状态。

    Troops in the Philippines have been put on full alert in anticipation of trouble during a planned general strike .

  13. 全国警察实行戒备。

    A national police alert was in effect .

  14. 他脸部带有戒备的神情。

    He wears the guard on his expression .

  15. 当和平谈判开始失败时,军队处于高度戒备状态。

    The army was put on full alert as the peace talks began to fail .

  16. 使部队处于戒备状态。

    Place the troops on alert .

  17. 好的,我已经提高了cleveland各办公处的戒备。

    Okay , I 've just alerted the Cleveland field office .

  18. 但琼斯在最近接受《财富》杂志(Fortune)访问时说,他不断见到许多大公司的CEO仍然乐而忘忧,对社交媒体及其力量毫无戒备。

    But in a recent a sit-down with fortune , Jones said he continually meets CEOs of major corporations who remain blissfully unaware of social media and its power .

  19. Brasília(巴西的首都)和投入健康在戒备。

    Bras í lia ( Capital of Brazil ) and put the health in alert .

  20. 有研究机构发现上半年大部分web2.0网络钓鱼是利用社交网络引擎中用户松懈的戒备心理进行的。

    BitDefender Labs found that most web2.0 phishing attempts in the first half of2009 relied on social engineering schemes and speculated user naivety .

  21. 首尔方面还紧急调遣F-16战机,并将军事戒备等级提升至战争之下的最高等级。

    Seoul also scrambled F-16 fighter jets and lifted the state of military readiness to its highest level short of war .

  22. 该组织说,各个国家一定不要掉以轻心,而是要继续保持戒备,监督目前被称为猪流感的甲型H1N1流感病毒的变异发展。

    It says countries must not let down their guard , but must remain vigilant in monitoring the evolution of the Influenza A , H1N1 virus , which is being called Swine Flu .

  23. 2007年12月15日,新泽西州的两名犯人JoseEspinosa和OtisBlunt成功逃出了高度戒备的联邦法庭监狱。

    On December 15 , 2007 inmates Jose Espinosa and Otis Blunt escaped from the high-security level of the Union County jail in Elizabeth , New Jersey .

  24. 纳武单抗和默克(Merck)的Keytruda等类似药物,通过阻止免疫细胞接收到“解除戒备”的命令来发挥作用。

    The Merck drug Keytruda , Opdivo and other similar treatments work by keeping this " stand down " order from being received by the immune cells .

  25. 本周日是911十周年,在纽约的袭击事发地将举行一场纪念仪式,届时巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)也将出席。此前的几周里,美国机场及其他边境口岸均已高度戒备。

    US airports and other border crossing points have all been on high alert in the weeks ahead of the Sunday anniversary , to be marked with a ceremony at the site of the attack in New York with Barack Obama .

  26. 昨日,弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)下令俄罗斯武装力量进入戒备状态,希望通过展示实力来影响乌克兰的政治方向。此举给金融市场带来恐慌,并招致美国的严厉谴责。

    Vladimir Putin placed Russian armed forces on alert yesterday in a show of strength over the political direction of Ukraine that rattled financial markets and brought a stern rebuke from the US .

  27. 我批准梦工厂拍摄的第一部影片是《末日戒备》(ThePeacemaker),导演是咪咪·莱德(MimiLeder)。

    The first movie I ever greenlit for DreamWorks was a film called " The Peacemaker , " and Mimi Leder directed it .

  28. 在爱德华·J·斯诺登(EdwardJ.Snowden)披露后,随着网络入侵事件频发、对政府监控的戒备意识空前强烈,以及数据在网络间的高速传输,加密已经成为隐私权争论的一个焦点话题。

    After Edward J. Snowden 's revelations - with security breaches and awareness of nation-state surveillance at a record high and data moving online at breakneck speeds - encryption has emerged as a major issue in the debate over privacy rights .

  29. 现在正在研发的主要检测针对的是PD-L1,一种由癌细胞产生的蛋白质,它能使免疫系统解除戒备、不攻击癌细胞。

    The main test being explored is for PD-L1 , a protein produced by cancer cells that , in effect , orders the immune system to stand down and not attack .

  30. 在我们做出有关决定的同时,请记住以下事实:我们联邦一级的超级戒备监狱(Supermax)关押着数百名已被判刑的恐怖主义分子,从未有任何人越狱逃脱。

    As we make these decisions , bear in mind the following fact : nobody has ever escaped from one of our federal " supermax " prisons , which hold hundreds of convicted terrorists .