
  1. 但当我到达普罗维登斯的登机柜台时,值守的女士说:“好吧,我真的很抱歉,我有个坏消息要告诉你,那就是现在没有从华盛顿出发的航班了。”

    But when I arrived at the check-in desk at Providence , the lady on the desk said : " Well , I 'm really sorry , I 've got some bad news for you-there are no flights from Washington . "

  2. 古时候的吐谷浑,就是现在的青海及四川的松潘一带。

    Tu Gu Hun in ancient times is now the Song Pan area of Qinghai and Sichuan Provinces .

  3. 对,这就是现在的职场,很多在北上广深创业公司打拼的年轻人,其实失败得血本无归。

    Yes , this is the current job market . Many young people who came to the first-tier cities ended up in devastating failures .

  4. 不过苹果的声明里有一个核心焦点,那就是现在库克正在准备对微软(Microsoft)和谷歌(Google)发动进攻。

    But the announcements had one core focus : cook is going on the offensive against Microsoft and Google .

  5. 发光二极管(LED),也就是现在为许多平板电视提供背光的同一种技术,明年的使用量有望翻番。

    Light-emitting diodes ( LED ) the same technology that now provides the backlight for many flat panel TVs will see its use double in the next year .

  6. 我喜爱姚而且知道姚迷不愿意听到这些,但是这就是现在的NBA!

    I love Yao and YOF 's will not want to hear this , but this is the reality of today 's NBA .

  7. 我们在Facebook页面上上传了新的视频,是关于一个新兵在军队一个月的生活,就是现在,四月份。

    We have a new video up on our Facebook page . It 's all about the month of the military child , which is right now ! April !

  8. 结果就是现在整个Perl社区实际上拥有了一个零成本、零配置的平台,可在上面针对任何版本的Windows进行轻量级的开发、重现问题、调试和实地测试。

    The result is now practically the entire Perl community has a zero-cost and zero-setup way to doing light development , problem replication , debugging , and ad-hoc testing on every version of Windows .

  9. 该组织继续管理USDA清单,也就是现在所说的NSF专有物质和非食品化合物白皮书。

    It continues to manage the USDA List , which is now known as the NSF White Book of Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Compounds .

  10. 这个言论有一个非常保守的估计就是现在的智能机市场已经被苹果、黑莓、HTC和三星所掌控。

    It has a very modest presence in the rapidly-growing smartphone industry which is dominated by Apple , Research In Motions Blackberry , HTC , and Samsung .

  11. 这就是现在美国西部正在发生的事情,那里的居民正在经历IPCC所称的“复合极端事件”。高温蒸发了农民和牧场主的水源,更不用说当地社区了。

    That 's what is happening right now in the Western U.S. , where residents are experiencing what the IPCC has called a " compound extreme event . " Heat has evaporated the water supply for farmers and ranchers - not to mention local communities .

  12. 但我现在可得离开了,就是现在。

    But personally , I 'm ieavng , and rght now .

  13. 就是现在,让它快点到吧。

    That 's it for now , keeping this one quick .

  14. 我说就是现在,趁还来得及。

    And I mean immediately , before it is too late .

  15. 快歌唱吧,现在,就是现在。

    Come on and sing it out , now , now .

  16. 我所想的就是现在去参观历史博物馆。

    What I want is to visit the History Museum now .

  17. 你唯一知道现实就是现在。

    And the only reality you know is in the moment .

  18. 从本质上说,就是现在投资,将来受益。

    Basically , spending money now to get s in the future .

  19. 不要认为义愤填膺就是现在最好的方法。

    Don 't think righteous indignation 's the way to go now .

  20. 这就是现在我在争取的。

    A situation that I 'm now trying to correct .

  21. 某一天就是现在;这个世界需要的某个人就是你自己。

    Someday is now ; the somebody the world needs is YOU .

  22. 就是现在,我也不能对你说假话啊!

    I ca n 't even lie to you now .

  23. 这就是现在康科迪亚的样子。

    This is what the Coast Concordia looks like now .

  24. 遍山的长寿花,就是现在的人参。

    The longevity flower , people say , is today 's ginseng .

  25. 这就是现在表上的时间。

    That 's the time now on the clock .

  26. 第三个阶段,就是现在的抗日战争阶段。

    The third stage is the present stage , the War of Resistance .

  27. 那个就是现在的货到底从哪来。

    The current source I really gotta get it .

  28. 这次爆炸的产物就是现在的蟹状星云。

    The remnants today are seen as Crab Nebula .

  29. 古代女子们使用的芳泽应该就是现在的护发素。

    The scented hair oil used by ancient women is like conditioner today .

  30. 妈妈:卷心菜?这就是现在学校教的东西吗?

    Mom : Cabbage ? Is that what they teach at school now ?