
  • 网络public relations;media pr;media relations
  1. 我这个新任媒体公关代表有什么可以为你效劳的?

    Is there anything your new media relations rep can do to help ?

  2. 国内大中型体育赛事媒体公关体系主要包括两个组成部分,一是媒体管理,二是媒体服务。

    Domestic large and medium-sized sports media relations system mainly includes two components , one media management , and the other is media services .

  3. 百度国际媒体公关总监郭怡广(KaiserKuo)介绍说,该公司的计划是把小型巴士投入公交车路线。

    Its approach is to put smallish buses on public transport routes , said Kaiser Kuo , director of international communications for Baidu .

  4. 百度国际媒体公关总监郭怡广(KaiserKuo)表示,与携程达成的协议,将让去哪儿有更多机会在移动搜索和基于地图的产品上开展合作。

    Kaiser Kuo , the international communications director for Baidu , said the agreement with Ctrip would give Qunar more opportunities to cooperate on mobile search and map-based products .

  5. 警察形象危机与媒体公关对策

    Crisis of Police Image and Public Relations Measures with Media

  6. 关于构建国内大中型体育赛事媒体公关体系的初步探讨

    On the Construction of the domestic large and medium-sized Sports Events media PR system preliminary study

  7. 运用品牌沟通策略的方式不外乎广告宣传、新闻媒体公关、政府宣传、促销、渠道建设、产品宣传等方式。

    The mode of implementing Brand Communication Strategy including advertising 、 sales promotion 、 government propagandize 、 media propagandize 、 channel construction etc.

  8. 华为英国媒体公关部经理保罗·哈里森称,这一决定对英国和华为来说是“双赢”。

    Paul Harrison , head of Huawei UK 's international media department , described the decision as a win-win deal for Britain and Huawei .

  9. 尽管如此,百度国际媒体公关总监郭怡广表示,“我们在这个领域势头不错。”

    In spite of this , Kaiser Kuo , the international communications director for Baidu , said , " We 've got momentum in this space . "

  10. 再例如,一些外企在进入中国之初,也会把媒体公关方面的事务外包,从而避免出现公关危机。

    Another example , at the beginning of entering China , some foreign enterprise can outsource media of public relations to avoid the crisis of public relations .

  11. 娜佳沃尔:我叫娜佳沃尔。我为塞尔先生作媒体公关工作。犯错最少的将军乃最佳将军。&汉密尔顿

    Nadia Vole : I 'm Nadia Vole . I work for Mr. Sayle . Press and public-relations . He is the best general who makes the fewest mistakes . & Ian Hamilton

  12. 中国电视媒体的公关活动管理

    On the management of the public relations campaign of TV media in China

  13. 曾在服务性行业,媒体,公关或五星级酒店工作。

    Working experience at service industry , media , PR or 5-star deluxe hotel etc.

  14. 贵公司正在进行的二氧化碳排放量的监测提出了与媒体和公关机会,贵公司在我们实现自己的减排指标。

    Ongoing monitoring of your companies carbon emissions presents your company with media and PR opportunities as we achieve your reductions targets .

  15. 推广的方法可以是做付费广告,也可以是做免费的媒体宣传和公关。

    Promotion is carried on by advertising which is paid promotion , or by publicity and public relations , which are unpaid promotion .

  16. 医院新闻宣传,指的是医院通过新闻媒体使本组织公关信息实现新闻发布并获得良好效应的活动及过程。

    Hospital news propaganda is a process , that the non-medium of hospital releases its news and obtains the better effect by news media .

  17. 本论文的研究目的在于调查研究马拉维新闻从业人员对马拉维国内公共关系(尤其是媒体关系)和公关人员行为的评价。

    This study attempted to investigate journalists ' assessment of Public Relations practice ( specifically Media Relations ) and practitioners ' performance in Malawi .

  18. 而有人在某社区论坛上发帖称,获救学生们并没有对自己的行为而感到愧疚,反而在讨论如何应付媒体,如何度过公关危机。

    In a post on an online community the rescued students discussed how to handle the media and PR crisis rather than feeling guilty about their behavior .

  19. 通过对以上分析研究的总结,提出了在突发公共卫生事件的各个阶段,基层政府新闻媒体管理和信息发布等媒体公关工作的若干策略建议。

    Summarized the analysis and research above , this thesis proposes several strategy suggestions to the local government which can be used in the media relationship management and information dissemination in the public health emergency .

  20. 并且针对21世纪媒体的新特点讨论了媒体公关在网络时代、移动通信、诉讼游说、绿色营销和商品召回等新领域的应用以及媒体公关伦理。

    Aiming at the new characteristics of the media in the 21 ~ ( st ) century , it discusses Media PR 's applications and ethics in the new areas such as Internet and mobile communication industry , litigation , green-marketing and product recall .

  21. 奥运会的影响力决定了其将成为众多媒体关注的焦点,一旦爆发突发事件,媒体的跟踪报道将有意无意放大突发事件的负面效应,因此媒体关系将是公关管理中非常重要的一个环节。

    Once some emergent affairs burst out , reports of media will enlarge negative effect brought by emergent affairs , so media relations management should be the very important link in Pr management .