
  • 网络Foreign trade dependence;Ratio of Dependence on Foreign Trade;degree of dependence on foreign trade;FTD
  1. 外贸依存度作为衡量一国经济对外依赖程度的主要指标之一逐步引起了人们的关注。

    As one of the important indexes , the ratio of dependence on foreign trade weighing the changes of the foreign trade is attracting the researchers .

  2. 外贸依存度的提高说明我国参与国际分工程度的提高。

    The increase of the Ratio of Dependence on Foreign Trade shows that the extent of our country to participate in the improvement of the international division of labor .

  3. 随着中国加入WTO以及融入经济全球化进程的加快,我国的外贸依存度正处于一个迅速上升的时期。

    Along with the WTO entry of China and the speeding up of the globalization , the dependence degree of our country 's foreign trade is being in a rapid climbing period .

  4. 文章通过对新疆1990-2005年GDP与外贸依存度的相关数据作一实证分析,揭示了其内在联系。

    This paper reveals the inherent links between the GDP of Xinjiang and the Dependence Ratio of Trade by making a positive analysis about the relevant data of 1990-2005 .

  5. 实行改革开放政策,特别是加入WTO以来,我国进一步融入了世界经济之中,外贸依存度不断提高,呈现了开放格局下的经济快速增长趋势。

    Since implementing reform and opening up policy , especially accession into WTO , China has further integrated into the world economy profoundly , the dependence on foreign trade has improved continuously , and our economic has taken on the rapid growth trend in the pattern of opening up .

  6. 出口导向战略的实施和与之配套的优惠政策的过度推行导致中国目前的外贸依存度太高,进出口总额占GDP的比率从2002年的42.7%上升到2006年的近70%。

    The heavy dependence upon foreign trade in China is due to the excessive implementation of the strategy of export-oriented and its accompanying policies . The proportion of the total amount of export vs. import in GDP grows from 42.7 percent in 2002 to nearly 70 percent in 2006 .

  7. 结果表明,台湾经济开放度各项指标与经济增长均存在正向的协整关系;台湾GDP增长是其外资依存度和实际关税率提高的原因,而外贸依存度的提高促进了台湾GDP的增长;

    The result indicates that there are positive co-integration relationships between the indices of Taiwan 's economic openness and economic growth , economic growth is the cause of increasing of foreign capital dependence and actual tariff rate , and the increasing of foreign trade dependence promotes Taiwan 's GDP growth .

  8. 中国外贸依存度研究

    A Research on China 's Degree of Dependence on Foreign Trade

  9. 解读我国的对外贸易依存度我国外贸依存度问题新探

    New Analysis of Degree of Dependence upon Foreign Trade in China

  10. 中国外贸依存度已达到了70%。

    70 % of Chinese GDP depending on foreign trade .

  11. 外贸依存度的影响因素分析及计算修正

    An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Foreign Trade Dependence and its Modification

  12. 高外贸依存度对宏观经济稳定性的影响

    The Influence of High Foreign Trade Dependency to Macroeconomic Stability

  13. 降低外贸依存度,必须扩大内常。

    To decrease the foreign trade dependence means to expand domestic demand .

  14. 高外贸依存度下的出口退税政策

    Export tax rebate policy with the high foreign trade dependence

  15. 中国外贸依存度的实证分析(1985年-2004年)

    An Empirical Analysis of China Trade Interdependence ( 1985-2004 );

  16. 我国的外贸依存度较高,外部经济环境的变化会影响我国的经济发展。

    The changes of external economic environment-foreign trade-will influence China 's economic development .

  17. 基于实证分析的我国外贸依存度经济安全警示意义研究

    China foreign trade relying economy safety caution significance research basing on demonstration analysis

  18. 对中国外贸依存度的分析与思考

    Thinking on Dependence of China 's International Trade

  19. 理性认识我国外贸依存度走高

    Rationally Understanding our High Dependence upon Foreign Trade

  20. 对我国外贸依存度的再认识

    Re-understanding of China 's Dependence on Foreign Trade

  21. 外贸依存度与贸易安全问题分析

    The Analysis of Trade Independence and Economic Security

  22. 如今,中国的外贸依存度达到70%。

    Nowadays , 70 per cent of the Chinese economy is dependent on foreign countries .

  23. 外贸依存度、相互依存度、经济开放度的比较分析

    Comparable Analysis on the Trade Dependence Rate , Economy Interdependence Rate and Economy Opening Degree

  24. 从外贸依存度看我国的对外贸易结构问题

    Viewing Problems with China 's Foreign Trade Structure from the Angle of Foreign Trade Index

  25. 外贸依存度反映的是一国经济对他国经济或对世界经济相互依赖的程度。

    Foreign trade dependent level reflects economic interdependence with the economy of other countries and the world .

  26. 我国外贸依存度与外贸商品结构的关系研究

    The Research about Relation between Our Country Foreign Trade Degree of Dependency and Foreign Trade Goods Structure

  27. 但目前云南的外贸依存度不高,出口商品结构层次偏低。

    But Yunnan has less dependence on foreign trade and low & level composition of export commodities .

  28. 2004年中国名义外贸依存度上升至70%。

    In 2004 , the nominal degree of dependence upon foreign trade of China reached 70 % .

  29. 论外贸依存度&兼论计算外贸依存度的新公式

    On the Dependence Ratio of Trade & and On the New Formula of Dependence Ratio of Trade

  30. 近年来,一再被抬高的外贸依存度,势必有一定程度的降低。

    There must be a decrease in the steady increase of degree of dependence on foreign trade .