
  1. 面对高额的利润,国内各家商业银行都在不遗余力的发展信用卡业务。

    In the face of such high profits , domestic commercial banks have made great efforts in the development of credit card business .

  2. 因此,光大银行要想快速发展信用卡业务,建立科学、合理的营销绩效评价体系就显得尤为迫切。

    Therefore , in order to develop credit card business rapidly , the establishment of scientific and rational marketing performance evaluation system is particularly urgent .

  3. 交通银行高新区支行位于甘肃省兰州市高新区,客户资源充足,市场前景广阔,正在积极发展信用卡业务。

    Bank of Communications High-tech Zone Branch is located in High-tech Zone , Lanzhou City , Gansu Province , abundant customer resources , market prospects , are actively developing the credit card business .

  4. 根据产业结构分析和企业地位、竞争力的分析,招商银行有必要将业务重点转向个人银行领域,并大力发展信用卡产品。

    Based on the market research and enterprise 's status study , conclusion can be drawn that China Merchants Bank should pay more attention to personal banking area , especially to credit card business .

  5. 最后本文将改进方法应用到了银行信用卡客户信息的关联挖掘中,从中获取到对银行发展信用卡业务有价值的信息。

    Finally , this paper applied the improved method to mining the associated rules from the credit card customer information , in order to obtain the valuable knowledge on the development of the credit card business .

  6. 虽然从未停止发展信用卡业务的脚步,但是由于缺乏产品创新,营销渠道不够广泛,并没有收到十分令人满意的效果。

    I Construction Bank , for example , has never stopped the pace of the development of the credit card business , but due to a lack of product innovation , marketing channel is not wide enough , and did not receive satisfactory results .

  7. 交通银行太平洋信用卡中心是交通银行和香港上海汇丰银行依据战略合作协议,在国内市场联手发展信用卡业务的合作机构。

    The Pacific Credit Card Center of Bank of communications , established according to the cooperation agreement between Bank of communications ltd. , and Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation ltd. , is a cooperative organization with the purpose of developing credit card business in china .

  8. 随着我国电子商务的迅猛发展,信用卡和POS自动售货系统已经在我国商业领域得到了广泛应用。

    With the rapid development of electronic commerce in China , Credit card and POS transaction system has gained its popularity in commercial fields .

  9. 随着国内市场经济的发展,信用卡已经是一种普遍现象。

    Along with the development of the domestic market economy , credit card has is a common phenomenon .

  10. 经过20多年的发展,信用卡作为一种有用的支付工具,以它的快捷、方便日益为市民所接受。

    After 20 years developed , credit cards do as a useful means of payment , were adopted by most citizens .

  11. 随着商业银行信用卡业务的快速发展和信用卡能够使用范围的不断扩大,越来越多的人都将信用卡作为随身携带的支付工具。

    With the commercial banks and credit card business credit card to use the rapid development of the wider range , more and more people will carry credit cards as payment .

  12. 与此同时,经过多年的发展,信用卡产品的差异逐渐缩小,尤其是在消费者的心目中,呈现高度同质化。

    At the same time , after years of development , credit card gradually narrows the differences . Especially in the minds of consumers , it shows a high degree of homogeneity .

  13. 伴随我国经济的不断发展,信用卡的使用得到了飞速发展,信用卡的透支功能在方便人们消费的同时,也给许多不法分子以可乘之机。

    Accompany with continuously development of our country economy , the usage of credit card is prevalent soon , the overdraft function of credit card promote people to consume , also give many criminals to get use of it .

  14. 随着市场经济的发展,信用卡作为一种个人金融工具,正以其方便、快捷、安全、通用的优势逐步走入寻常百姓家的日常生活。

    With the development of the market economy , the credit card as a personal financial tool , with its convenient , fast , safe , generic advantage at home step by step into the daily lives of common people .

  15. 第二章对中国建设银行鞍山市分行业务发展现状及信用卡业务发展情况作了总体介绍。

    Second chapter has made the overall introduction to the China Construction bank Anshan Branch service development present situation and the credit card service development situation .

  16. 但是信用卡消费在我国尚处于起步阶段,诸多因素阻碍着信用卡发展,其中信用卡相关法律的滞后是一个重要因素。

    However , credit card business is just launching in China and its development is obstructed by many factors among which lack of appropriate laws and regulations is a prominent one .

  17. 经过几年的发展,国内信用卡市场已经成为中国个人金融领域成长最快的市场,信用卡产品也迅速成为银行业一个主流的金融产品。

    With many years development , domestic credit card market has become the fast growing market in personal financial field of China . Meanwhile , credit card product has rapidly become the mainstream financial product in banking .

  18. 随着我国信用卡业务快速发展,新型的信用卡业务模式涌现。

    With the increasing development of credit card industry in our country , credit card with new function is rushing out .

  19. 随着经济的发展,我国信用卡市场逐步壮大并日益繁荣。

    With the development of finance economy , the domestic credit card market has gradually grown up and been more and more prosperous .

  20. 主要介绍了信用卡发展不同阶段;信用卡风险控制现状以及存在的主要问题。

    Major credit cards , introduced at different stages of development ; credit risk control as well as the status of the main problems .

  21. 随着经济的迅速发展,我国信用卡用户的数量迅速增加,信用卡市场的规模不断扩大。

    With the rapid development of our economy , the numbers of credit card users are augmenting promptly and so are the credit card markets .

  22. 面临激烈竞争,要想使信用卡业务得以持续、健康发展,必须认清信用卡业务本质,科学管理信用卡风险。

    Facing the incisive competition , we could make the credit card industry continuous and healthy development on the condition that we had understood the essence of it and manage the risk scientifically .

  23. 经过了几十年的发展,我国信用卡业务在技术应用和法律保障上均有较大提高,但与发达国家相比,仍有较大提升空间。

    With the development of decades , technology and legal protections of credit card business are greatly improved in China , but compared with the developed countries , there is still something to be improved .

  24. 近几年来我国信用卡业务发展十分迅猛,信用卡等银行业务的实施及发展给国内商业银行带来利益的同时,也带来了新的信息安全问题。

    Recently , credit card business has a very rapid development in China . The credit card and other innovation business in banking benefit to domestic commercial banks , but it also brings new information security problems .

  25. 信用卡的市场规模和业务范围发展迅猛,时至今日信用卡已经成为居民日常生活中的最主要的非现金支付工具,而我国也发展成为全球最具发展潜力的信用卡市场。

    The scale and scope of credit card market is developing rapidly today , so it has become the main non-cash payment tool in the residents ' daily life , and our country has become the most potential market of the credit card in the world .

  26. 然后通过对于高潜力员工发展计划实施效果的分析,进而总结出该信用卡中心在对高潜力员工发展方面值得信用卡行业内学习借鉴的内容。

    Then by analyzing the effectiveness of its developing plan , we summarized the areas which we should learn from Y bank credit card center , as our reference to develop high potential employees .

  27. 信用卡市场经历了从无到有,并一路发展壮大。尤其是在我国,近几年信用卡市场蓬勃发展,信用卡发售量猛增。

    The credit card market has experienced the growth from nothing , especially in China , the credit card market boomed in recent years and credit card increased sharply .