
dòng tan
  • move;stir
动弹 [dòng tan]
  • (1) [move]∶运动

  • 碰碰车动弹起来怪好玩的

  • (2) [stir]∶活动

  • 绑得太紧,简直无法动弹

动弹[dòng tan]
  1. 他突然惊慌得动弹不得。

    Panic took hold of him and he couldn 't move .

  2. 他躺在那里动弹不得。

    He lay there , unable to move .

  3. 好一会儿她四肢都动弹不得。

    For a while , she lost the use of her limbs .

  4. 船深陷在淤泥里动弹不得。

    The boat was stuck fast in the mud .

  5. 这次的新伤将使他几周无法动弹。

    This new injury will put him out of action for several weeks .

  6. 狗不肯动弹。

    The dog refused to budge .

  7. 我忍受着剧痛,一条腿无法动弹。

    I was in excruciating pain and one leg wouldn 't move

  8. 然后他反扭住那名男子的手臂让他动弹不得,直到警察赶到。

    He then held the man in an armlock until police arrived

  9. 我太虚弱了,无法动弹,无法思考,也无法说话。

    I was too weak to move or think or speak

  10. 鱼和海藻浮起来,在汹涌的水流中动弹不得。

    Fish and seaweed rose , caught motionless in the surging water .

  11. 年青的足球队员完成激烈的阻截后瘫倒在地动弹不得。

    The young footballer collapsed in a heap after a heavy tackle .

  12. 她等他起床,但他没动弹。

    She waited for him to get up , but he didn 't move

  13. 他双眼凝视着她,令她全身瘫软,不能动弹。

    His eyes bored into her , paralysing her , robbing her of movement

  14. 阿姆斯特朗在离目的地还有300米的地方被堵住不能动弹。

    Armstrong was boxed in with 300 metres to go

  15. 油轮紧卡在礁石中间动弹不得。

    The tanker is stuck fast on the rocks .

  16. 我有一个椎间盘错位了,疼得我动弹不得。

    I had slipped a disc and was frozen in a spasm of pain .

  17. 我到家时累得无法动弹。

    By the time I get home , I 'm too tired to do anything active

  18. 他知道他应该扣动扳机,但突然间害怕得动弹不得。

    He knew he should pull the trigger , but he was suddenly paralysed by fear

  19. 他突然被吓得动弹不得。

    He was suddenly paralysed by fear

  20. 我吓得动弹不得。

    I was too scared to move

  21. 车里太挤,动弹不得。

    The bus was so crowded that nobody could move .

  22. 机器不动弹了。

    The machine has stopped .

  23. 他们抓住了我,我一点儿也动弹不了。

    They held me so that I could not move .

  24. 可她却仍然不动弹,犹如一只蜷缩的,被人遗忘的动物。

    Still she was motionless , like a curled up , oblivious creature .

  25. 我自从扭伤了足踝,就走不了很远,真不知道它什么时候便会动弹不得。

    Ever since I sprained my ankle I have been unable to walk very far , as I never know when it will give out .

  26. 迪克吓得动弹不得,后悔莫及。

    Dick was too scared to move and regretted deeply .

  27. 他害怕得动弹不得。

    He couldn 't move for fear .

  28. 周围的人群挤压着他们,使他们动弹不得

    Pinioned by the press of men around them , they were unable to move .

  29. 鸟听见老鹰的叫声,吓得全都不敢动弹。

    On hearing the sound of an eagle , and the birds were so scared that they did not dare to move .

  30. 这个表达就是描述那些因为股市不确定性而没有能力或者不愿意采取行动的股市投资者的状态,他们就像是突然被车灯打到身上而被吓得不能动弹的鹿。

    The term is used to illustrate - like deer who freeze when " caught in the headlights " of a vehicle .