
ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ fánɡ wū
  • public housing;public building
  1. 西九龙填海区内的其他发展工程已在进行中,其中包括私人屋苑、公共房屋及商业楼宇。

    Other private and public housing and commercial developments are in progress .

  2. 马坑公共房屋计划专责小组〔香港房屋委员会〕

    Task Force on the Ma Hang Public Housing Development [ Hong Kong Housing Authority ]

  3. 霍华德学校公共房屋收到了礼物,今天该学校宣布,由已故香港房地产开发商THChan创建的基金会向该学校捐赠3.5亿美元,THChan于1986年去世,这是该学校历史上收到的第一百笔单项捐款。

    A major gift for a Howard school public house , the university 's announcing today , a feline trumpy foundation established by TH Chan , a Hong Kong real estate developer , who died in 1986 , donating 350 million dollars to this school , so hundredth single donation in the history of the university .

  4. 这些土地已具备基础设施,以配合私人和公共房屋及相关社区设施的需要。

    Engineering infrastructure has been provided to cater for private and public housing and associated community facilities .

  5. 乡村式公共房屋计划

    Rural Public Housing Scheme

  6. 租住公共房屋申请书年(住宅房地)加租管制法

    Application for lease [ public housing ] Rent Increases ( Domestic Premises ) Control Act , 1971 1971

  7. 大厅、储藏室、牲口圈、水井以及其他公共房屋都位于院子中。

    Halls , storage houses , domestic animal houses , wells and other public houses are in the yard .

  8. 元朗发展计划将会向南伸延,发展约12公顷土地,主要用作兴建公共房屋。

    Yuen Long development will be extended southward covering an area of about 12 hectares of land mainly for public housing development .

  9. 时至今日,本港已有周全的公共房屋计划,提供各类设备齐全的租住公屋及居者有其屋单位。

    It has developed into a comprehensive programme which encompasses a wide range of rental and home ownership scheme flats with self-contained facilities .

  10. 保障性住房,又称为社会住宅、公共房屋,可见这是一个与社会、公共问题联系十分紧密的一个物品。

    Affordable housing , also known as " social housing "," public housing ", is an object of avery close contact with the social and public issues .

  11. 为配合上述发展研究,我们会检讨公共房屋项目的发展密度,并按照核准的地积比率,改善生活环境和提高成本效益。

    To tie in with the above development study , we will review the development intensity in public housing projects to enhance the living environment and cost-effectiveness within permitted plot ratio .

  12. 在香港,公共房屋的平均租金为1320港元(约合1082元人民币),是市场价格的三分之一。29%的香港居民住在由政府提供的71万套公租房中。

    In Hong Kong the average public housing rent is 1,320 HK dollars ( 1,082 yuan ), one third of the market price ; 29 percent of its residents live in 710,000 public homes .

  13. 许多北京居民仍然不得不使用往往是污秽不堪的公共厕所,房屋的建筑标准通常也不高。

    Many residents still have to use often-squalid public toilets and building standards are often poor .

  14. 平均寿命变长对从移民政策、公共交通到房屋等方方面面都产生巨大影响。我们要去哪里找到那么多的家庭保健护理员?

    Longer life will have a huge effect on everything from immigration policy to public transit to housing .

  15. 为公共利益进行的房屋拆迁中被拆迁人利益的保护&兼论国家征收行为的物权法规制被拆迁人私有财产法律保护研究

    The protection of the interests of the person whose building is removed for the purpose of promoting the public interests Study on Protecting the Private Property of House 's Owners during House Removal