
dào pái suǒ yǐn
  • invert index;reverse index
  1. 基于倒排索引的关系数据库全文检索查询效率研究

    A Research of FTS Query Efficiency Based on Invert Index in RDBMS

  2. 系统的开发主要是以倒排索引和遍历文件方法为主,通过系统实现对相应的关键词进行检索,进而得到目的文档。

    The reverse index and traversal files is the main approach to develop the system .

  3. 基于XML的倒排索引算法的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Inversed File Retrieval Algorithm Based on XML

  4. 基于XML的搜索引擎倒排索引研究

    Inverted Index Research of Search Engine Based on XML

  5. 使用RDBMS的XML文档的扩展倒排索引技术

    Extended Inverted Index Technique for XML Documents Using RDBMS

  6. 因此,Hadoop平台下对倒排索引技术的研究具有深远的意义。

    Therefore , study on Hadoop-based inverted index has a far-reaching significance .

  7. 倒排索引压缩及在RDBMS全文检索中的实现

    Compression of inverted and implementation in full-text information retrieval system RDBMS

  8. 研究了关系数据库中XML文档的关键字检索技术,提出了两种新的倒排索引技术:扩展的基于包含关系的倒排索引和基于模式的倒排索引。

    This paper studies the keyword search for XML in relational databases , presents two inverted list indexes : extended inverted index based on containment relationship and inverted index based on schema .

  9. 由于XML的诸多优点,本文用XML来存储兴趣信息,并利用倒排索引结构来提高检索速度。

    Thirdly using the VSM describes the user interests . ( 4 ) Because of the advantage of XML , the paper uses the XML to save user interests . The inverse index improves the speed of retrieval .

  10. 并讨论如何使用B+-Tree这一DBMS中常用的数据结构来实现基于多倒排索引段的全文索引。

    And how to implement the multi-segments index by B + - Tree , a widely used data structure in DBMS , is also discussed .

  11. 前人的研究关注得更多的是倒排索引的压缩率,而往往忽略了动态性。地方科技动态土壤层和植被层在COZ日动态上呈现较好的反向变化关系。

    Previous studys almost focused on the compression ratio , and usually ignore the dynamic efficiency of inverted file .

  12. 搜索引擎作为传统IR技术在Web上的扩展,涉及至数据收集、中文分词技术、倒排索引、隐含数据获取、分布式结构、海量数据存储、用户行为分析等关键技术。

    Search engine is the extendability of traditional IR techniques , concerning the key techniques : data collection , Chinese word segmentation , inverted index , retriving hidden data , distributed architectures , huge data store , analysis of human behavior , etc.

  13. 针对这一不足,提出在DBMS中使用基于多倒排索引段的全文索引,来提高建立索引和查询索引的性能。

    Full-text index implemented by multi-segments index ( one or more inverted indexes ) is proposed by this article to improve the performance of building , updating and querying .

  14. 基于Native-XML数据库倒排索引算法研究

    Research on the Inversed File Retrieval Algorithm Based on Native-XML Database

  15. 本文基于Lucene开发了专利全文检索系统,采用倒排索引结构对专利全文进行索引,加快了检索速度。

    Full-text patent search engine was developed based on Lucene . Patent full texts were indexed by inverted index structure to speed up the retrieval time .

  16. STC算法在时间成本上具有优秀性能,重复序列的倒排索引方法在空间复杂度方面更胜一筹。

    Since STC has favorable performance in considering time cost and the inverted index method is superior in terms of spatial complexity , STC was used to improve RS algorithm .

  17. 本文中为了测试通用搜索能力的实时索引性能,对基于Lucene和MySQL的倒排索引实现进行了性能比较测试。

    To evaluate the performance of real-time index system , this paper fulfills a performance test on inverted index module , and makes the compare between the performance of the implementation of Lucene and the implementation based on MySQL .

  18. HIT-DML还使用了一种新的特征匹配算法以及n-gram倒排索引结构,能够基于内容检索音乐信息,并且可以针对不同乐器进行查询。

    In addition , a new music feature-matching algorithm and an n-gram inverted index structure are carried out . HIT-DML can retrieve music information based on content , especially against different kinds of musical instruments .

  19. 高性能网页索引器JUIndexer用倒排索引表存储网页索引数据,以多线程并行的方式对网页建立索引数据,采用经过优化的检索算法实现用户的查询。

    JU_Indexer , a web page indexer with high performance , uses the inverted index table to store ( index ) data for web pages , creates index data by multiple threads concurrently , utilizes the optimized search ( algorithms ) to implement the queries posed by users .

  20. 维吾尔文搜索引擎的倒排索引设计与实现

    Designing and Realizing of the Inverted Index of Uigur Search Engine

  21. 最后,给出了倒排索引的分级索引方案。

    Finally , give out the multi-level reversal index strategy .

  22. 通常的拷贝检测算法都需要借助倒排索引。

    Near duplicate detection algorithms use inverted index to improve their efficiency .

  23. 一种基于压缩的全文本数据库倒排索引方法

    An approach for compression-based inverted index in full-text database

  24. 基于倒排索引的全文检索技术研究

    A Research of Full-Text Retrieval Based on Inverted Index

  25. 基于倒排索引的文本相似搜索

    A Similarity Search Algorithm for Text Based on Inverted-index

  26. 接着,邮件索引采用传统的倒排索引文档。

    Secondly , the traditional inverted index document is used store the indices .

  27. 倒排索引结构以其快的查询速度、高的查询效率得到青睐。

    Inverted index structure is popular for its fast speed and high efficiency .

  28. 具体地说,互补的两种特征被集合到了一个多维的倒排索引中。

    Specifically , two complementary features are coupled into a multi-dimensional inverted index .

  29. 使用倒排索引表和集合运算实现高效的最小求交算法。

    This model includes an algorithm based on inverted index table and set operations .

  30. 然后,讨论了怎样根据倒排索引实施布尔查询。

    Then , discuss how to realize Boolean query based on reversal index file .