
  • 网络custodian;Trustee;Keeper
  1. ubp表示,它认识到“投资管理、履约经纪商和保管人职能没有分离”是一个风险。

    Ubp said it identified the " non-segregation of investment management , executing broker and custodian functions " as a risk .

  2. 在很多方面,我是一个篮球的保管人。

    In a lot of respects , I 'm a basketball custodian .

  3. 6.custodiann.管理人,保管人,监督人,守卫博物馆的看管人

    the custodian of a museum

  4. 向国外保管人收受利息收入给予宽限期间

    Grace period for the receipt of interest income from overseas custodians

  5. 在什么时候保管人拒绝同意的做法是适当的?

    When is it appropriate for custodians to deny their consent ?

  6. 我得到我银行里财产保管人的一封信。

    I received a letter from my trustee at the bank .

  7. 第三百六十九条保管人应当妥善保管保管物。

    The depository shall keep the deposit with due care .

  8. 兹指定联合国秘书长为本公约保管人。

    The Secretary-General of the United Nations is hereby designated as the depositary for this Convention .

  9. 第三百六十六条寄存人应当按照约定向保管人支付保管费。

    The depositor shall pay the safekeeping fee to the depository in accordance with the contract .

  10. 银行作为保管人的职能还没有说清楚,这些说法只对了一半。

    These are partial truths that shed little light on the functional role of banks as depositories .

  11. 买方应为代表我方名义的单独所有或共同所有的保管人。

    The Buyer shall be custodian of the sole ownership or co-ownership thus arising on our behalf .

  12. 在急救人员中,医生和护士,卡车司机和杂货店工人,保管人和科学家,

    Among first responders , doctors and nurses , truckers and grocery workers , custodians and scientists ,

  13. 作为释放控制器,则是由配置控制器发布源代码的保管人。

    As a release controller , you are the custodian of the source code released by configuration controller .

  14. 第三百七十八条保管人保管货币的,可以返还相同种类、数量的货币。

    Where the depository keeps money deposit , it may return money of the same type and quantity .

  15. 买有养老基金及其他基金的人也担心他们最终会被保管人收取更高的保险费。

    Eg. pension funds and others fear they will be charged a higher premium by custodians as a result .

  16. 声明及其确认书应以书面形式作出且正式向保管人通知;

    Declarations and confirmations of declarations are to be in writing and to be formally notified to the depositary .

  17. 照顾者,看管人被雇来照料或看管货物、财产或人的人;保管人。

    One that is employed to look after or take charge of goods , property , or a person ; a custodian .

  18. 第一,将传统商事信托应用到共同基金运作时,新增的资产保管人这一层受托关系将会带来巨大的代理成本。

    On the first hand , the depositary will bring huge costs when the commercial trust is used to operate mutual fund .

  19. 经不少于四分之一缔约国要求,保管人即应召开修订会议。

    A revision conference is to be convened by the depositary when not less than one-fourth of the Contracting States so request .

  20. 不到一年功夫,主教便成了一切慈善捐的保管人和苦难的援助者。

    In less than a year the Bishop had become the treasurer of all benevolence and the cashier of all those in distress .

  21. 档案保管人,负责规划以及检查展览安排,是一份比其他工作更悠闲,轻松的工作。

    Archivists , who plan and oversee the arrangement of exhibitions , have a more leisurely pace of work than many other professions .

  22. 此种声明应通知保管人,并且明确地说明适用本公约的领土单位。

    These declarations are to be notified to the depositary and are to state expressly the territorial units to which the Convention extends .

  23. 在此,我想感谢班克罗夫特家族,并向他们保证,我们的公司和我的家族将成为同样坚定的保管人。

    I want to offer the Bancrofts my thanks , and an assurance that our company and my family will be equally strong custodians .

  24. 修订案由保管人送交所有缔约国以便接受,并通报所有该公约的签字国。

    The amendment is communicated by the depositary to all the Contracting States for acceptance and to all the States signatories of the Convention for information .

  25. 根据本公约规定做出声明的任何国家可以随时用书面正式通知保管人撤回该项声明。

    Any State which makes a declaration under this Convention may withdraw it at any time by a formal notification in writing addressed to the depositary .

  26. 考虑到班克罗夫特家族作为道琼斯保管人悠久而卓越的历史,我们理解,这个决定对于有些家族成员有多么困难。

    Given the Bancrofts ' long and distinguished history as custodians of Dow Jones , we appreciate how difficult this decision was for some family members .

  27. 退约通知到达保管人二年后的第一个月的第一天开始生效。

    The denunciation takes effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of one year after the notification is received by the depositary .

  28. 第三,按所有权绝对性和排他性的要求,保管人有返还保管物于合法权利人之义务。

    Thirdly , according to the nature of absoluteness and exclusiveness , the custodian is obliged to return the property in his custody to the legal owner .

  29. 它能被保护投入免于赌金保管人决定,主要定义问题,你必须知道谁你正因为解决它。

    It can be resolved by securing input from stakeholders , mainly to define the problem , you have to know who you are solving it for .

  30. 分析我国现行相关立法机制,它设立的遗产保管人制度和遗嘱执行人制度既有其积极的意义,又有其消极的一面。

    In accordance with the existing concerned legislative system in China , the legacy custodian system and the legacy executor system have both positive and negative significance .