
  • 网络a mission statement;Vision and mission statement
  1. 最后,使命陈述还是一个有效的宣传工具。

    Finally , the mission statement is an effective media .

  2. 而使命陈述回答了问题,什么是我们的业务?

    Whereas the mission statement answers the question , what is our business ?

  3. 本文根据弗雷德r戴维提出的九要素标准对国内46家企业的使命陈述进行了实证分析和评价。

    The author analyses and evaluates the mission statements of46 China enterprises with ninth element standard , which developed by Fred r.david .

  4. 国外使命陈述与企业绩效关系研究新进展

    New Progress in Relationship between Mission Statements and Firm Performance Study

  5. 如果该网站提供使命陈述,网站的内容应与陈述的相一致。

    If the site provides a mission statement , the content of the site matches statement .

  6. 所以,本文分析发现企业使命陈述对企业持续发展存在间接影响。

    So the results confirm the indirect effects of corporate mission statements on corporate sustainable development .

  7. 高科技企业的使命陈述比传统型企业的要好,在具体评价指标上,高科技企业也要好于传统型企业。

    According as ninth element standard , Mission Statements for high-tech enterprises are better than traditional enterprises .

  8. 会议中没有公司市场营销使命陈述,没有市场潮流调研,也没有时尚预测。

    There are no corporate marketing mission statements , trend-marketing surveys or fashion forecasts anywhere near it .

  9. 根据九要素评价标准,国内企业在使命陈述制定水平上尚须提高。

    According as ninth element standard , the level of mission statement for china enterprises is not so good .

  10. 如果你没有一个已,我强烈建议采取的时间来写个人的使命陈述。

    If you don 't have one already , I highly recommend taking the time to write a personal mission statement .

  11. 同时,使命陈述作为企业文化的象征,阐述了指引企业行动的价值观和行为标准。

    At the same time , mission statements symbolize the enterprise culture , elaborate motion values and the behavior standard of enterprises .

  12. 国内企业的使命陈述比较重视创新精神,还有部分企业的使命陈述表现出较强的民族情感。

    The unique facets of mission statements are that china enterprises are more concern innovation , and some mission statements manifest strong national sensibilities .

  13. 不同类型科研院所使命陈述具有自身的特点,这在一定程度上证明了科研院所使命存在的必要性。

    Different types of scientific research institutes have their own features and characteristics in their mission statements , which proves the necessity of existence of their missions to some degree .

  14. 为遵照《简报》使命陈述,经过同行审查的月刊保持开放式政策,以便该杂志及其档案的所有内容都可在线免费获取。

    In keeping with its mission statement , the peer-reviewed monthly maintains an open-access policy so that the full contents of the journal and its archives are available online free of charge .

  15. 研究的结论是:使命陈述对股东的关注与企业绩效是正相关的,企业履行对利益相关者的社会责任与企业绩效是负相关的。

    The research conclusion is : Mission statements paying attention to shareholders and the enterprise performance is positively related , Enterprise to perform the stakeholders of the social responsibility and performance is negatively related .

  16. 结果显示,民营企业的使命陈述中确实含有大量政治关联因素,并与企业的政治行为显著正相关;企业进行政治行为而积累的政治社会资本又显著地正面影响着企业的持续发展。

    And mission statements have many political connection factors , which are positive related to corporate political behavior significantly . Furthermore , corporate political social capital which is resulted from political behavior positive affects corporate sustainable development significantly .

  17. 有关使命的陈述无足轻重。

    Mission statements count for little .

  18. 它们使你沿着正确的方向前进,帮助你达到你在个人使命里陈述的目标。

    They move you in the right direction and help you achieve the purpose expressed in your mission statement .

  19. 麦当劳必须成为怎样的公司如他在公司使命中所陈述的现代、不断进步的汉堡公司,以及如何紧跟时尚,而非引领时尚,以确保企业在市场上的地位,对此他有着清晰的愿景。

    He had a clear vision of what McDonald 's had to become the modern , progressive burger company is his mission statement and how to ensure it stayed there , by being on trend rather than a trendsetter .

  20. 对现代大学使命的理解和陈述

    The Understanding and Narration of Contemporary University Mission

  21. 无须再说,他们对使命的理解和陈述值得我们的尊敬。

    Needless to say , these mission statements and commitments are all very noble .