
  • 网络house deposit;housing saving
  1. 对住房储蓄银行高级管理人员的备案范围,比照股份制商业银行办理。

    Scope of filing for senior managers of housing saving banks shall be handled in accordance with that of joint-stock commercial banks .

  2. 世界各国的住房金融制度主要有三种:以德国为代表的住房储蓄制度,以新加坡为代表的住房公积金制度和以英美为代表的住房抵押贷款制度。

    There are three predominate housing financial systems in the world . They are housing saving system represented by Germany , housing accumulation fund system represented by Singapore , and mortgage loan system represented by American and Great Britain .

  3. 第四部分是中国引入住房储蓄制度的适用性分析。

    The fourth part is the research of CSH suitability to China .

  4. 住房储蓄制度及其在中国的应用分析

    Contract Savings for Housing Systems and the Implementation in China

  5. 建立中国住房储蓄银行的构想

    A Conception of Establishing Chinas Housing Savings Banks

  6. 第三部分是住房储蓄制度的评价。

    The third part is about the estimation of Contract Saving for Housing System .

  7. 远期,将住房储蓄演变为商业性储蓄,以住房抵押贷款证券化为主要的筹资模式。

    In the long-term , housing savings will become the commercial savings , the housing loan security will be the main financial model .

  8. 说明住房储蓄制度吸引中国金融改革者关注的主要原因并引出本文的研究目的和意义。

    The author briefly explained the reasons why Contract Savings for Housing attracts Chinese financial reformers and then drew out the purpose and significance of this thesis .

  9. 本文在考察和借鉴德国住房储蓄银行成功经验的基础上,对建立中国住房储蓄银行的有关问题进行了探讨。

    This article , on the basis of investigations and references to Germany 's successful experiences in this respect , explores questions about establishing China 's own housing savings banks .

  10. 在此环境下,住房储蓄制度这种旨在帮助中低收入群体获得住房融资的住房金融制度引起了中国改革者的关注。

    Under these circumstances , Contract savings for housing ( CSH ), a kind of housing finance system , which is aimed at help the low to middle income groups obtaining long-term housing finance , has been becoming a cause for concern .

  11. 国家住房和储蓄银行

    National Housing and Savings Bank

  12. 今天,美国各地的家庭在失去工作、住房、储蓄和梦想。

    Across the United States today , families are losing jobs , homes , savings , and dreams .

  13. 中国人已经在为昂贵的教育和难以负担的住房而尽力储蓄。

    Chinese are already saving a lot for expensive higher education and barely affordable housing .

  14. 住房融资过程涉及住房储蓄、住房投资和住房融资机制三个基本方面。

    The house financing process concerns three basic aspects & housing savings , housing investment and house financing mechanism .

  15. 作为住房金融体系重要组成部分的住房储蓄银行,对于解决居民住房问题发挥了十分重要的作用。

    The housing savings banks , as an important part of the housing banking systems , have played significant roles in solving the residents'housing problems .

  16. 中期,淡化住房公积金制度的作用,重点发展住房储蓄,开发住房储蓄抵押贷款证券化;

    In the mid-term , weaken the role of the housing accumulation fund , focus on the housing savings , and develop the loan security .

  17. 结合我国的住房抵押贷款和我国政策性住房金融的现状,文章得出,住房抵押贷款证券化和住房储蓄银行应成为我国住房金融今后发展的主要运作模式。

    By analyzing the status quo of housing mortgage and policy housing finance , this paper bring forward that housing mortgage and housing deposit bank should be the two dominant function model in our country .

  18. 根据我国住房金融发展现状的需要,对我国住房金融筹资模式的构建提出三步设想:短期来看,重点推广住房公积金制度,发展住房储蓄,开展住房抵押贷款证券化的试点;

    The author suggest adopting 3 steps which based on the need of the current situation : In the short-term , focus on the housing accumulation fund , develop the housing savings , and attempt to carry out the loan security .