
  • 网络revenue for non-profit organization
  1. 深化海事系统内事业单位收入分配制度改革探析

    Discussion on deepening the reform of income distribution system of maritime public institution

  2. 同时,推进事业单位收入分配制度改革。

    In addition , we will promote reform of the income distribution system in public service institutions .

  3. 绩效工资是事业单位收入分配中活的部分,主要体现事业单位工作人员的工作业绩和贡献。

    Pay for performance is of the income distribution in the living part , reflects the institution staff job performance and contribution .

  4. 实施绩效工资是贯彻落实义务教育法,深化事业单位收入分配制度改革的具体措施,对于吸引和鼓励各类优秀人才长期从教、终身从教,促进教育事业发展,具有重要意义。

    2009.Implementation of pay for performance system is to implement the compulsory education law , deepening of income distribution system reform of the specific measure , for all kinds of talents to attract and encourage long-term the education , lives to promote the educational development of great significance .

  5. 广播电视事业单位广告收入和有线收视费收入有关企业所得税有规定。

    Regulations on business income tax in the advertising and the cable TV income of the radio and television institution .

  6. (三)工会所属的企业、事业单位上缴的收入;

    Income handed over by enterprises and public institutions subordinate to the trade union ;

  7. 事业单位工作人员收入分配制度改革初探从事银行、保险业取得的收入,按照百分之三的税率征收工商统一税。

    Consolidated industrial and commercial tax shall be levied at a tax rate of 3 % on the earnings of enterprises engaged in the banking and insurance businesses .

  8. 就统计调查的涵盖范围而言,除农业、林业及渔业的业务事业单位外,收入及工时按年统计调查涵盖所有业务事业单位,不论其行业及就业人数规模。

    Regarding the survey coverage , AEHS covers all business undertakings irrespective of their employment sizes and industries , except those engaged in agriculture , forestry and fishing activities .

  9. 建立卫生事业单位新的收入分配制度,不仅是实现人事管理科学化的必然要求,而且对建立有效的激励机制,调动各类人员的积极性,推动卫生人才资源开发等具有重要意义。

    Establishing and innovation sanitation institution of distribution system is not only necessity demand of realizing personnel management science , but also has important meaning for removing enthusiasm of various people , pushing sanitary people development and ability of resource construction .