
shū xìn
  • letter;epistle;communication;written message
书信 [shū xìn]
  • [letter] 信

  • 常有书信往来

书信[shū xìn]
  1. 我俩长期的恋爱过程基本上靠的是书信。

    Our long courtship had been conducted mostly by letter .

  2. 孩子们可能觉得在书信中比在正式的作文中更容易表达自己的观点。

    Children may find it easier to express themselves in a letter than in a formal essay .

  3. P.G.沃德豪斯的书信选集卖了1,232英镑。

    A selection of correspondence from P G Wodehouse realised £ 1,232 .

  4. 人们必须以书信方式重新登记机动车辆。

    People had to renew their motor vehicle registrations through the mail

  5. 她在书信和笔记中几乎从不提及他。

    She virtually never mentions him in her correspondence or notebooks .

  6. 包裹内不得夹带书信。

    The package carries no written message .

  7. 她的书信描绘了她在缅甸生活的一幅绝妙图画。

    Her letters paint a wonderful picture of her life in burma .

  8. 书籍一包,随带书信一封。

    Accompanying the parcel of books is a letter .

  9. 一封表达贴切的书信对读者产生的印象远比一封词法别扭、废话连篇的书信产生的印象积极得多。

    A well-expressed letter makes a far more positive impression on the reader than does an awkwardly phrased , jargon-filled letter .

  10. 这个压扁的符号让誊写者用单笔划结束书信。

    The compressed symbol allowed the transcriber to complete the letter in a single stroke .

  11. 他的研究、照片和书信是他留给世界的遗产,它们都将被交给国家保存。

    His research , photographs and letters are his legacy to the world – and they are to be saved for the nation .

  12. 该书涵盖20多年的书信、散文、反思和访谈,以独特视角展现了作者对写作的极大热情。

    Consisting of over 20 years of letters , essays , reflections and interviews , it is a unique depiction passion for writing .

  13. 随着Internet的快速扩张,电子邮件作为Internet提供的一项基本服务,逐渐取代传统的书信交流而成为一种新的交流工具。

    With the rapid expansion of Internet , e-mail as the Internet provides a basic service , gradually replace the traditional exchange of letters as a new communication tool .

  14. 方法:随机对我院1992年10月~2002年10月7856例LC中的4104例患者进行了书信或电话随访,并对随访结果进行回顾性分析。

    Methods : follow-up 4 104 cases after LC at random from October 1992 to October 2002 by telephone or letter .

  15. 我要以正式书信还是私人方式回信?

    Should I use a form letter or a personalized reply ?

  16. 随后他们同意通过书信交往。

    They agreed later to communicate with each other by letter .

  17. 发一份书信电报我要付多少钱?

    How much shall I pay you for a letter telegram ?

  18. 的真实性,这是不是所谓的书信中的问题。

    The genuineness of this epistle is not called in question .

  19. 书信是同住在外地的朋友的一种联系。

    Letters are a link with friends who live far away .

  20. 大多学者认为这些书信是伪典。

    Most of us scholars believe that these letters are pseudonymous .

  21. 如何联系?有没有书信和照片?

    How did you contact him ? do you have photos ?

  22. 公众书信反映教育政策问题的话语特征

    Discourse Features of Public Letters on the Issues Concerning Educational Policies

  23. 实际上,商业书信有其特殊的写作原则。

    In fact , the business correspondence has whose peculiar writing principle .

  24. 电话,书信,电脑,和留言机。

    Telephones , letters , computers , and answering machine .

  25. 日记与书信:叙事的文体特征。

    Thirdly : diary and letter : the literary style of narration .

  26. 柳宗元书信的写作艺术

    Research on the Writing Style of Liu Zongyuan 's Epistle

  27. 马克思的书信,从一个侧面真实记载和反映了他的思想历程。

    Marx 's correspondences recorded and reflected his course of thought truly .

  28. 哥林多后书是保罗其中一封最个人化的书信。

    Here is one of Paul 's most personal letters .

  29. 他说,没有它的第二次书信。

    He says nothing of it in the Second Epistle .

  30. 跟文件打交道的工作;如表格、书信、报告等。

    Work that involves handling papers : forms or letters or reports etc.