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xiānɡ rén
  • villager, village people;fellow villagers, people from the same village
  • villager;fellow villager
乡人 [xiāng rén]
  • (1) [villager]∶乡下的老百姓

  • 乡人起得很早

  • (2) [fellow villager]∶同村同乡的人

  • 在这里他的乡人很多

  1. 故乡下雨的时候也可以说是乡人特别的日子。

    Home when the rains can also be said countryman special day .

  2. 龙井县桃源乡人肝片吸虫病的流行病学调查

    An Epidemiological Survey on Human Fascioliasis in a Village

  3. 乡人怒,加以叱骂。

    The villager got angry and began to use strong words at him .

  4. 在这繁华的大都市,能碰上乡人真不容易。

    It is very difficult to encounter a fellow villager in this big city .

  5. 其乡人曰:肉食者谋之,又何间焉?

    His neighbours said , this is the business of meat-eating officials , why meddle with it ?

  6. 也论族群认同的现代含义&瓦乡人的民族识别与族群认同的变迁兼与罗树杰同志商榷

    Modern Significance of Ethnic Identity

  7. 王安忆的乡村书写始终关注乡人的生存状态和人性,籍此传达她对传统文化与现代生活的忧虑和思考。

    By doing so , she expresses her worries and consideration about traditional culture and modern life .

  8. 周代,并有“国傩”、“乡人傩”之分。

    In the Zhou dynasty , in particular , this type of dance was differentiated as " guonuo " and " xiangrennuo " .

  9. 改革开放、尤其是近20年来,随着与北方蒙古族的交流日益加深,兴蒙乡人的蒙古族民族意识也日益强化。

    With the reform of opening outside and deepening exchange with the north Mongolian in the last 20 years , the national consciousness of local people are also increasingly strengthened .

  10. 他尽情地讴歌乡人,礼赞乡土,渴望还乡,构筑他理想的文学世界,体现他永久的人文情怀。

    The writers eulogizing of his country fellows , respectful praise of the land , and aspiration for home returning constitute his ideal literary world , thus embodying his perpetual humanity feelings .

  11. 一女子逃荒到湖州地界,见桑盛蚕好,便连夜急行赶回,唤乡人飞舟买叶救蚕。

    Huzhou , a woman flee from famine to the boundary , see the mulberry silkworm Sheng good , then overnight emergency trip back , call local people to buy leaf Feizhou save silkworm .

  12. 若在故乡,每当新秋的早晨,门前经过许多的乡人:男的紫赤的臂膊和小腿肌肉突起,躯干高大且挺直,使人起康健的感觉;

    At home , on any early autumn morning , many countryfolk would pass my door : the men with bronzed arms and protruding calf muscles , their bodies tall and upright , evoking a sense of well-being ;

  13. 因此当他们经商致富后,首先把挣来的钱用于孝敬父母,体贴家人;其次是帮助朋友、乡人或他人;第三是投资于社会公益。

    Therefore after they become rich , first is uses for to be filial piety the parents , sympathizes the family member ; Next is help the friends , the countryman or the other people ; the third is to invest to the social public welfare .

  14. 不错,纵使这位音乐诗人用形象来说明他的制作,例如,他把某一交响曲命名为“田园交响曲”,或者把其中一乐章称为“溪边景色”,另一乐章称为“乡人欢聚”。

    Even in cases where the composer himself has employed pictorial tags in talking about his work -- calling one symphony " Pastoral , " one movement " Brook Scene " and another " Jolly Concourse of Peasants " -- these tropes are properly reducible to purely musical elements rather than standing for actual objects expressed through music .