
  • 网络first sale
  1. 根据首次销售条款(FirstSaleDoctrine),Netflix可以依其所愿,租赁任何DVD。

    With DVDs , Netflix can rent whatever it wants thanks to the first sale doctrine .

  2. Rosenblatt表示,美国正在进行的辩论主要集中在首次销售条款。

    Mr. Rosenblatt says the debate in the United States centers on what is known as the law of first sale .

  3. Chromebook在一年多前首次销售时就成绩平平。

    Chromebooks , which first began selling a little over a year ago , have hardly been a success .

  4. 经过几十年的发展之后,一系列面向大众市场的VR头盔将在圣诞节前夕首次销售,价格从不到100美元到近1000美元不等。

    After decades in development , the run-up to Christmas will see a handful of VR headsets go on sale to the general public for the first time , ranging in price from under $ 100 to almost $ 1000 .

  5. 在日本价格有可能会定位在300美元,而这是该公司发售价格最高的掌上产品,即使是PSP首次销售也只达到249美元。

    Pricing for the DS in Japan is said at the equivalent of $ 300 which makes it the most expensive handheld the company has ever released , even the PSP Go was priced at $ 249 when first launched .

  6. 首次销售原则:贵司如何受益?

    First sale principle : how can it benefit your group ?

  7. 论网络环境中的首次销售原则

    On " Principles Of First Sale " In Internet Environments

  8. 原则就叫做首次销售原则。

    This law is referred to as'first sale .

  9. 传统的首次销售原则是著作权法中一项限制著作权人专有权利的重要的原则。

    Traditional First Sale Doctrine is an important doctrine of Copyright Law which restrains the exclusive right of copyright owners .

  10. 一家商店正在首次销售中国顶级白酒品牌之一的贵州茅台酒。

    One shop is selling Kweichow Moutai , one of China 's top liquor brands , for the first time .

  11. 1976年撰写版权法案时,数字媒体大流行的时代还没有到来,而首次销售原则也不适用于电子产品。

    The Copyright Act was written before digital media became popular , and the first-sale doctrine does not apply to electronic wares .

  12. 德国首次销售收益率为负值的5年期债券,让投资者花钱购买向全球最大经济体之一放贷的特权。

    Germany has sold five-year debt at a negative yield for the first time , as investors paid for the privilege of lending to one of the biggest economies .

  13. 但是,这种平行进口的合法进入取决于在国外的首次销售得到了美国的独占权利人(独占被许可人)的授权。

    The lawful entry of such parallel imports , however , depends upon a first sale abroad that is authorized by the holder of exclusive rights in the United States .

  14. 按照这种理论,只要商品的首次销售得到了知识产权人的许可,则以后的任何转售均不再构成侵犯其知识产权。

    According to this view , as long as the first sale of the products has been licensed by the right holder , any trans-sale of these products thereafter will not commit any infringement to the intellectual property .

  15. 为此,作者基于工作中的感悟,对电子图书数字首次销售原则的构建和适用提出自己的想法,以期我国的电子图书市场能够得到进一步的发展与繁荣。

    Therefore , based on firsthand working experiences , the author raises her own thoughts on the construction and applicability of First Sale Doctrine for E-books , hoping that the e-book market of China will develop and prosper further .

  16. 第四章,针对美国数字首次销售原则的争议点,基于现有的技术措施和数字交易市场的发展需求,考证构建数字首次销售原则的可行性和必要性。

    In the fifth chapter , aiming at controversial focuses of American First Sale Doctrine of Digital Works , this dissertation tests the feasibility and necessity of constructing Digital First Sale Doctrine with reference of present technical measures and development requirement of digital market .

  17. 今年的3月19日,联邦最高法院做出判决,宣布美国版权法不限制国外购进的产品在美国再次出售,扩大了“首次销售原则”的适用范围(“首次销售原则”

    On March 19th the Supreme Court ruled that American copyright law does not restrict goods produced abroad from being resold in America . The ruling , widens the reach of the " first sale doctrine , " which gives copyright-holders control of their goods until their first sale ;

  18. 第四季度销量排第六的是新贵智能手机生产商小米(Xiaomi),市场份额为6%,较大约三年前该公司首次开始销售手机时有大幅上升。

    Lagging just outside of the top five in the quarter is upstart smartphone maker , Xiaomi , with 6 % of the market , a significant jump from about three years ago when the company first began offering phones .

  19. 这就是1909年首次生产销售用胶木的实际情况。

    That was how the first Bakelite was made for sale in1909 .

  20. 该公司的“食品棒”首次上市销售才两个月,就因为有顾客抱怨食用后导致了强烈呕吐,不得不下架。今年10月,出于同样的原因,该公司撤下了其粉末饮品。

    Two months after they first went on sale , Soylent halted sales of its food bars after some customers said they had caused episodes of violent vomiting , and in October removed its powder drink from sale for the same reason .

  21. 当2009年苹果首次在中国销售iPhone时,拥有一部iPhone是中国年轻的中产阶级消费者有地位的象征。

    When Apple first launched an iPhone in 2009 , the smartphone was a status symbol for young Chinese middle class consumers .

  22. 但微软(Microsoft)上周四就给他们泼了这么一盆冷水:这家软件集团宣布,上市24年来首次出现全年销售收入下滑。

    But Microsoft gave them one on Thursday when the software group announced the first fall in full-year sales in its 24 years as a public company .

  23. 英国石油(BP)首次以石油销售收入为抵押,筹集50亿美元新贷款,以在墨西哥湾漏油事件之后增强其流动性。

    BP has raised $ 5bn in new loans by pledging revenues from oil sales for the first time in a bid to bolster its liquidity in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico spill .

  24. 该公司最近与增长迅速的中国汽车制造商奇瑞汽车(cheryautomobile)签订了一项合资协议,内容包括首次在华销售阿尔法罗密欧(alfaromeo)品牌的轿车。

    The group has recently signed a joint-venture agreement with Chery Automobile , the fast-growing Chinese carmaker , which will include the first sales of the alfa-romeo brand in China .

  25. 咨询公司Ovum发布的一份新报告显示,来自流媒体服务的下载和新收入,将会让全球音乐市场的数字收入在2015年首次超过实体销售。

    Downloads and new income from streaming services will lift global digital revenues from music above revenue from physical sales for the first time in 2015 , according to a new report from Ovum , the consultancy .

  26. 不要让客户的首次异议,就使销售过程中断。

    Don 't allow the first objection to bring the sales process to a halt .

  27. 今年早些时候,特斯拉首次开始在中国销售汽车。这家公司表示,中国未来几年内可能会成为它最大的市场之一。

    Tesla also first began to sell cars in China earlier this year , a market the company said could be one of its largest within a few years .

  28. 国家食品药品监督管理局规定的生物制品;首次在中国境内销售的药品;国务院规定的其他药品。

    The biological products as prescribed by the State Food and drug administration ; the drugs sold within China for the first time ; other drugs as prescribed by the state council .