
  1. 事实证明,这种被我们称之为“魅力”的、难以言说的东西由两个主要元素组成&强势与同情心。

    It turns out that the ineffable thing we call charisma has two primary elements , strength and warmth .

  2. 对我来说,能够迅速地说出我想要表达的话而无须翻译,这的确是一种难以言说的恩赐。

    It is an unspeakable boon to me to be able to speak in winged words that need no interpretation .

  3. 人的一生中总有一些难以言说的秘密,无法逆转的悔恨,无可企及的梦想以及难以忘怀的爱恋。

    In life we all have an unspeakable secret , an irreversible regret , an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love .

  4. 图片下面的句子写着:“刚起跑就跌倒!早泄,男人难以言说的痛!。”

    A sentence under the picture says : " Falling immediately after start ! Premature ejaculation is men 's unspeakable agony . "

  5. 王瑶的清醒和抱负,追求和怅惘,矛盾和挣扎,带给我们深深的遗憾和难以言说的反思;

    Wang Yao 's soberness and ambitions , pursuits and despondency , contradictions and struggle plunged us into deep regret and reflections .

  6. 音乐更适于表达人类复杂、难以言说的感情,更具有艺术感染力。

    Music is more suitable to express the complex of human feelings that are difficult to say , also more artistic appeal .

  7. 由于种族歧视产生的生存的压力使华裔蒙受着难以言说的种族忧郁,并无意识地传承给他们的后代。

    Life pressure arising from racism makes them suffer from unspeakable racial melancholy , which is passed on from generation to generation .

  8. 随着学习的深入,我变得越来越有兴趣,语言之美实在难以言说。

    But as I got deeper into the subject , I became more interested , and the beauty of the language delighted me .

  9. 它往往不以语法为据,而追求更高的社会规范,表达难以言说之义。

    It often not take grammar as according to , but pursues the higher social norm , the expression word says righteousness with difficulty .

  10. 跟我去上普拉提课又不会要你命,不过你确实有种难以言说的吸引力。

    It wouldn 't kill you to take a Pilates class with me now and then , but you have a certain wiry appeal .

  11. 从雁荡山到中雁荡山,它们呈南北走势,联袂构成了一条国内少有的旅游画廊,处处风流,妙处难以言说。

    From Yandangshan to medium Yandangshan , they are north-south trend , moving in unison constitute a rare tour of domestic galleries , everywhere Merry , unspeakable beauty .

  12. 在庄子那里,“得意忘言”中的“意”,既可以指对象难以言说的精微意义,也可以指向形而上的“道”。

    The word significance in " obtaining the significance and forgetting the words " refers to both the subtle meaning of something and " Daoism " in metaphysics .

  13. 对智慧的内涵实质的探讨是在努力尝试摆脱它的尽人皆可论却又难以言说的境地。

    The discussion about the connotation and essence of wisdom is the attempt to get rid of its situation in which everyone can say something but cannot speak clear .

  14. 苏格拉底以他的死为他自己营造了一个理想的终极关怀,也为以后的哲学与宗教埋下了一粒更为迷人的、难以言说的乌托邦梦想的种子。

    Socrates created on ideal ultimate solicitude for himself by his death , and also embeded a more enchanting , unspeakable Utopian dream seed for later philosophy and religion .

  15. 信仰是一个非常复杂的文化价值系统,信仰有神性的部分,也有泛神性难以言说的超验的成分。

    The belief is an extremely complex cultural value system , the belief has the divine nature part , also has exudes ingredient which divine nature ultra examines speaking with difficulty .

  16. 人类迈进二十一世纪之后,面对理性和秩序难以言说的现实,西方知识分子开始向原始思维复归。

    Man walk into twenty century , the reality is difficult to put into word with reason and order , facing to it , the intellects of the west start to come back to primeval thought .

  17. 通过谛听密音达成三摩地,瑜伽行者心里的喜乐逐渐增加,难以言说,如人饮水,冷暖自知。

    The happiness which increases in the hearts of Yogiswaras , who have gained success in Samadhi by means of attention to the nada , is beyond description , and is known to Sri Guru Natha alone .