
  • 网络random network;GERT
  1. 随机网络不仅可以解决桥梁施工计划的工期优化问题,而且在合理工期和限定资源条件下,可进行施工成本优化。

    The GERT network can solve not only the project time optimization problem in making bridge construction plan , but also the cost optimization in the limit of proper project time and resource .

  2. 利用随机网络模型和CT数字图像预测近饱和土壤水分特征曲线

    Prediction of Near Saturated Soil Water Retention Curve Using CT Images and Random Network Model

  3. 基于随机网络拓扑的P2P流媒体内容分发模型,是目前比较流行的内容分发模式。

    The P2P streaming media content delivery model based on random network topology is very popular nowadays .

  4. 通过仿真实验生成随机网络并验证了该算法在QoS路由中的可行性和有效性。

    Generate random network through simulation and testify the feasibility and effectiveness of this algorithm in the QoS routing .

  5. 求解Logit随机网络配流问题的改进Dial算法

    Improved Dial 's Algorithm for Logit-based Stochastic Traffic Network Assignment Problem

  6. 将随机网络和BP神经网络应用于民用飞机维修性的评估与验证中,较好地验证了飞机照明系统和起落架系统的维修时间。

    Apply random net and neural net to evaluation and validation of civil aircraft maintainability , validate maintenance time of aircraft lighting system and landing gear system .

  7. 经过重连操作得到的随机网络具有短的平均路径长度,具有大小介于完全随机网络和经典SW小世界网络的平均聚类系数,是一类特殊的小世界网络。

    This special network model has short average path length but small average cluster coefficient .

  8. 在随机网络上的仿真结果表明,KDDMC算法的多播树网络费用优于SPH算法。

    The algorithm is found to produce multicast trees with low cost by extensive simulation .

  9. 直到最近几年,由于计算机数据处理和计算能力的飞速发展,科学家们发现大量的真实网络并不是随机网络,而是具有与前者不同统计特征的无尺度(scale-free)网络。

    However , scientists recently find that a lot of real networks are not random network but scale-free network .

  10. 人工实验的结果表明,在同等的经济环境下,具有小世界网络特征的企业发展模型表现出比基于传统的规则网络和随机网络模型得到的GDP有较为明显的进步。

    The result of the artificial experiment shows that in the same conditions , the firm structure with the small world topology has an obvious improvement in GDP than the traditional regular and random network .

  11. GERT随机网络的优化研究

    Optimization Study on the GERT Network

  12. ER随机网络和BA网络对网络科学的发展起着十分重要的作用,在网络研究中ER网络与其等价模型可以替代使用。

    ER random graph and BA networks play an important role in the networks science . When people investigate ( networks ,) ER random graph and its equivalent model are often used alternately .

  13. 本文运用随机网络理论构建了企业可持续技术创新过程的GERT网络模型,并举例求出了其解析解。

    GERT network model of the process is constructed , and the analytic solutions are made in the example .

  14. 在应用方面,研究了随机网络编码在无线Mesh网络中进行文件共享时对文件下载成功率或下载时间的影响,以及如何利用网络编码技术在传感器网络实现连续实时的数据采集等问题。

    In application aspect , we study the effection of random linear network coding on file download success rate or download time in wireless Mesh network , and the problem of continuous real-time data collection based on network coding in sensor network .

  15. 通过用随机网络的办法进行了仿真比较,结果表明,在2s的恢复时间的限制下,新的自愈算法在恢复速度和恢复率方面都优于经典算法。

    The simulation results in the random networks show that under the 2 's restoration time constraint , both the restoration speed and ratio are better than those of classic algorithms .

  16. 随机网络解析算法软件GERTE系统的研制开发

    The development of the software gerte & the analytical algorithm of Stochastic Networks

  17. 介绍了如何使用C++语言形成包含QoS路由信息的随机网络拓扑图,并通过在网络拓扑图上寻找最短路径来模拟在现实网络中满足一定条件的最优路径选择算法。

    This paper has introduced how to form the topological diagram of random network with C + + language , including QoS route information , and simulating the best route finding which satisfies certain condition in realistic network by finding the shortest path in topological diagram of random network .

  18. 本文就多个城市间建立交通运输线的课题应用随机网络技术(VERT-3)构建了一个较大的仿真模型。

    According to the problem of laying transportation lines between several cities , a large simulation model has been constructed with the stochastic network technique ( VERT-3 ) .

  19. 本文进一步研究了最大度限制K不同取值下,LBA网络的平均路径、聚类系数和度分布情况,并和近邻网络、随机网络和BA网络的统计特性进行了比较。

    We further study the average path length , clustering coefficient and degree distributions of LBA network under the different values of the restriction of maximum degree K , and compared them with the statistical properties of the neighbor network , the random network and the BA network .

  20. GERT随机网络直接参考施工网络图绘制,使投资分解、风险因素辨识、量化等更具直观性,使分析过程更接近于实际。

    GERT random network is worked out by directly referring to relevant construction network charts , so as to bring the investment resolution , risk factor identification , and risk quantification to be more visualized , as well as the analysing process more approaching the actual one .

  21. 为了判断TC-PINs是否成功,如下验证步骤被采用:首先,一个聚类算法被分别用于从三种网络(时间过程蛋白质相互作用网络、静态蛋白质网络和伪随机网络)中识别功能模块。

    To decide if the dynamic networks work properly , the following steps are carried out . First , a clustering algorithm is used to create functional modules from three kinds of networks respectively : the TC-PINs , a static PPI network and a pseudorandom network .

  22. 随机网络瓶颈容量扩张相关机会规划模型

    Dependent - Chance Programming Model for Stochastic Network Bottleneck Capacity Expansion

  23. 随机网络仿真模型及其关键技术的研究

    Study on Model for Stochastic Network Simulation and Its Key Techniques

  24. 公路施工组织随机网络方法研究

    A study on the random network method of highway construction structure

  25. 用简单立方体随机网络模型模拟多孔介质的进-退汞过程

    Simulation of mercury injection-withdrawal process in porous material using a network model

  26. 随机网络模拟研究微观剩余油分布

    Study of microcosmic distribution of residual oil with stochastic simulation in networks

  27. 复杂动态随机网络最短路径问题研究

    The Shortest Path Problems on Complex Dynamic and Stochastic Networks

  28. 在所谓的随机网络中,各种观念也是这么传播开来的。

    Ideas can also spread that way , along so-called random networks .

  29. R&D项目周期和费用的随机网络模拟

    Stochastic Network Simulation for Duration and Cost of R & D Projects

  30. 随机网络路由仿真平台的创建及应用

    Design and application of routing simulation platform of stochastic network